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About JakeUSMC

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/06/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Phoenix, Arizona
  • Interests
    Nature and what it provides.

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  1. JakeUSMC

    2024 Archery Bull Success

    Nice bull.
  2. JakeUSMC


    I know this is old but, Mogollan Rim Taxidermy is the best in the state IMO. I have had mounts (elk &deer) other places, and no one compares to Clay.
  3. JakeUSMC

    Unit 22

    Saw a lot of does. One buck, took a shot and missed right under him. Didn’t see anything after that.
  4. JakeUSMC

    Unit 22

    I realize this is a super old thread but wth. I am a Disabled Marine Corps Vet with a unit 22 Coues tag. Looking for assistance if there is any available. I have great glass and an ATV. I can't decide which side of the 87 to hunt. The east side around Mt. Ord looks great with all the burn regrowth but I know it is going to be a zoo. I was thinking about the wilderness area that can be accessed from the Barnhardt (sp?) trail but when I went there to scout the parking lot was full. Thanks!
  5. Hey man. Sorry most people on this forum and others I have seen you post on are complete d bags. It's because they have no info to give because they suck at hunting so don't worry about it.
  6. JakeUSMC

    2021 Rut Activity

    From what I gather, the screaming has begun. Looking forward to an awesome rut!
  7. JakeUSMC

    Camp Navajo

    Yeah the bears don't concern me. I grew up in Wisconsin; bears everywhere. My main question is if I can hunt the restricted area.
  8. JakeUSMC

    Navajo Army Depot for Elk, Question?

    You can hunt the restricted area with that criteria?
  9. JakeUSMC

    Camp Navajo

    I contacted the Campsite and they said they let the hunters camp on a first come first serve basis. I am tent camping so they warned me about bears. Has anyone had this hunt and not stayed on the base? I do not think I will have access to the restricted area because I am not retired military, active, or reservist. I am a disabled vet and federal employee with an active security clearance though. I am going to ask when I take the in person safety course tomorrow in Phoenix. If I am unable to hunt the restricted area, I will gladly accept any advice. From looking at the tag allocation it appears I will have around 30 other hunters to compete with, both archery and rifle.
  10. JakeUSMC

    Yuma Mule deer hunting (desert deer)

    I know its been 8 years, but I wanted to bring this thread back to life. I have been back and forth to Yuma since 2013 for work and I want to get serious about hunting the area for mule deer. I have been successful up north in the pines, but the hunting pressure has been getting insane. All the road hunters and recreation are driving me nuts. If anyone wants to team up I am in Yuma every week for a couple days and I have nothing but free time outside of work. I hunted north of Dateland before and saw 1 nice buck on the last day of the hunt back in 2014.
  11. JakeUSMC

    Camp Navajo

    Can Veterans hunt Camp Navajo if they are not retired? I am a Veteran with a VA rating and I am a current DOD Federal Civilian. Do I qualify?
  12. JakeUSMC

    5b Turkey

    Thanks for the advice !
  13. JakeUSMC

    5b Turkey

    Last year we had to donate my wife’s 5b turkey Tag because of work obligations. She was fortunate enough to draw the same tag this year and because of all this covid stuff she is able to go ! This will be our first turkey hunt and we have no idea what we are doing. I have a box call and an ol betsy call. Any tips ? Thanks !
  14. JakeUSMC

    5B Turkey

    Only heard one gobble all weekend. Plenty of elk and deer. Saw 1 antelope alone in the woods....thought that was odd. He was a dandy too!
  15. JakeUSMC

    Wife's first turkey

    Awesome !!!! Nice bird !