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Everything posted by Tannert

  1. Tannert

    Sitka 90% pants 36(XL) $115

    I will take them. Can you shoot me a text 480-358-5193
  2. Tannert

    2006 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O.

    Could you shoot me a text? It would not let me PM for some reason. 480-358-5193
  3. lol forgot to put my phone number 480-358-5193. Ill do $135.00
  4. Would you take $120.00? Ill take it if so. Shoot me a text.
  5. Tannert

    Outdoorsman Optic pack

    I will take it. Please text me. 480-358-5193
  6. Tannert

    Sitka Camo

    Hey Guys, I am looking to buy any used sitka in Optifade Open Country. I am a size XL in tops and 34 in pants. Please shoot me a text if you have anything for sale. Thanks so much! 480-358-5193 -Tanner
  7. I know a lot of guys here talk about working in their shops so I thought I would toss this up for you guys before Craigslist. Ingersoll Rand 2340L5-V 231 5HP 60 Gallon Vertical Air Compressor & Dryer D25IN-SR Here is a link with the description of the air compressor. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Ingersoll-Rand-Type-30-Reciprocating-60-Gal-5-HP-Electric-230-Volt-Single-Phase-Air-Compressor-2340L5-V/202885716 Here is a link to the Dryer. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/13690194751844862356?sclient=psy-ab&espv=2&biw=1600&bih=770&site=webhp&q=ingersoll+rand+D25IN-SR&oq=ingersoll+rand+D25IN-SR&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&dpr=1&ion=1&tch=1&ech=1&psi=Sz72WNDeEOXQ0gKdwqbQDA.1492533419556.3&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjtt_iOuK7TAhVBllQKHQNxDngQrhIISQ Open to Trades. Can help with delivery. Located off Cactus and Tatum. About a $2400.00 unit new after tax. First $1200.00 takes it. Shoot me a call or text 480-358-5193 Tanner
  8. Price Drop.......$1100.00 Takes it.
  9. I am open to offers on it. You can shoot me a text or give me a call.
  10. I don't see why not. What are you thinking?
  11. Sorry clintb. Just learned how to quote.
  12. The unit ran a single CNC Mill that was doing second opp parts off of a lathe 3 days out of the week. I would consider it lightly used. Actual compressor shipped in 2014 and was installed in October of 2014. Dryer is a 2013 but installed in October of 2014.
  13. Tannert

    Custom Glock

  14. Tannert

    Custom Glock

    Hey Guys, I posted this Glock for sale about 2-3 months ago. Since then it went back to the Glock store performance center to get spiffed up as it was Jamming. Well they also put a brand new barrel in it and changed some internals. Before it went to the GSPC the gun had 40-60 rounds through it. Now it has two mags through it from when they sent me videos of them shooting them gun at the glock custom store. The gun was built by the well known Patrick Smith (Head gunsmith for the Glock store performance center) The Glock is a Gen 3 40 cal. with a C-more STS-2 red dot on it. The entire slide has been professionally milled. Gun is totally done up as you can see. I was originally asking $1400.00 Now the first $1000.00 takes it. I am making a big purchase Saturday and would like to make myself feel a little better about it by getting rid of things I dont use. only trades I would consider are a Nightforce (plus I would add cash) or a Swaro spotter (plus I would add cash). Shoot me a text if interested 480-358-5193
  15. Tannert

    Custom Glock

    SPF..............Thanks for positivity PRDATR.
  16. Tannert

    Custom Glock

    PRDATR, a member from CWT bought the gun from my original post. I told him I had never shot the gun and if there was anything wrong with it that I would take it back no questions asked. The gun was jamming the first round every time. I told him I would send the gun in and pay to have it fixed and if he wanted it after that I would knock $100.00 off for his time. The gun is now fixed and he said he has since found out they have another kid on the way and the wife will not let it slide. I was also offered many trades the first time time I posted the gun. I am just not looking for any other guns at this time.
  17. Tannert

    Silver Pigeon Beretta 20 ga / Ruger Red Label 28 ga

    A Winchester 101 12g. Factory ported. plus $500.00
  18. Tannert

    Silver Pigeon Beretta 20 ga / Ruger Red Label 28 ga

    Would you be interested in a trade plus cash for the Beretta Silver Pigeon
  19. Tannert

    WTB cheap spare rim/tire for rhino

    Please shoot me a text. 480-358-5193. I have rhino tires I need to get rid of.
  20. Tannert

    Mathews Wake 80# 29" RH

    No Problem!
  21. Tannert

    Mathews Wake 80# 29" RH

    Delete that link. You're giving out the link to edit you CL Post. https://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/spo/6054444600.html That is the correct link. Good luck on the sale. Sweet setup.
  22. Shoot me a text 480-358-5193. Tanner
  23. Where abouts are you located? I have a vortex spotter I would trade.
  24. Interested in trades plus cash? Text me if so 480-358-5193. Tanner