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About mrodri30

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  1. mrodri30


    heck yea TOdd! Congrats man! That's a bull of a lifetime!
  2. mrodri30

    Wifeys AZ Rim Country Archery Bull (Pics)

    so cool, congrats!
  3. Hi Guys, I need some major help here. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I was hunting the last 4 days and was on turks every morning. I would find them in the morning, set up a decoy and start calling. I never found where they were roosted but knew the canyons they would be at. They would respond to my pot calls but never came in close enough. The only call I know how to do is the common circular motion turkey call on the pot call. I would call for about 20min then move on when I heard the call in the distance moving away from me. I hunted the afternoon without luck and even posted up by a water hole that had tracks on it but came up short as well. Any advice would help, I have no clue how to hun these birds and just go off youtube lol. Any time they hit water or is it random? Am I not sitting long enough? Should I get a male decoy with the fan instead of just using a small jake decoy? When I hear them should I set and try and call them in or should I try and find them? Thanks guys!
  4. mrodri30

    turkey downI

    congrats man!
  5. mrodri30

    Crawfish Advice

    Awesome thanks for the advice guys!! Look forward to have myself a crawdad boil later in the year!
  6. mrodri30

    Crawfish Advice

    Hi Guys, Later in the year I am planning on putting down some traps to try and catch some crawdads for the first time and Im looking for your best tips and practices: Best bait? Best time of the year? Best time to drop trap in water? How to keep alive for a day or two while waiting to catch more? AND anything else you think would be helpful for a first timer like me.
  7. mrodri30

    Pops javelina

  8. mrodri30

    Tagged out!! X2!

    Both boars, they are a nice size for sure.
  9. mrodri30

    2019 SnowPig

    nice work man, that's a lot of snow.
  10. mrodri30

    Tagged out!! X2!

    @Mr September In about 3 hours we must of seen at least 10 different pigs, conditions were bright and sunny but still cold. We didn't get out till 9:30am because that's when the sun was expected to come out and we figured they would most likely be huddled up until then. There was a bit of snow on the ground but nothing too crazy. A lot of green everywhere.
  11. mrodri30

    Tagged out!! X2!

    Perfect way to kick off the new year! Got to our hunting spot by 9am, had two down by 11am and made it back home on time to catch some college football! This was my first Javelina kill, I've hunted them for 3 years now and was finally able to close the deal.
  12. mrodri30

    Muzzy Bull
