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hey I love hunting....went out this week and pulled a dead deer out of tank so as to not rot and ruin the tank....hope the guy that had his camera on the tank just below this water source is greatful..if I didn't like other hunters I would have left it there.....glassed up two 340 plus bulls and a few deer....and yep if you cant beat them join them I put up 2 cameras...which is all i own on some tanks....but as I was telling my wife who went with me that the elk and deer will not be hitting the tanks with all the water around...we watch 8 bulls water below the same tank that had 4 cameras on it...not one pic of those bulls will make be on the cameras....but three week til elk season so eventually those puddles will dry up and the bulls will hit the tanks....but the deer would much prefer to drink out of puddles so next week I will be focusing on glassing and stalking vice tank sitting....good luck to the "HUNTERS" this weekend....
i did bring the issue up at the meeting....some states did make rules to limits cameras....I will again support making them illegal when the issues comes back around....need to keep hunting fair chase....
people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts
davehc130 replied to davehc130's topic in The Campfire
WTF..you are threatening to KILL me? IS that what you are saying? Why would I not make it back? SO I bring up a valid issue and you want me dead....thats how you demonstrate how to be a sportsman.... -
people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts
davehc130 replied to davehc130's topic in The Campfire
well since many of your called me a liar I have edited the post...so here is where you can buy actual GPS locations for $19.95.....since it seems many of you think I am just stirring the pot....I recommend you go buy all his packages to learn the spots to stay away from and put more money in his pocket until the point comes where your honey hole is over run....cheers....Opening day for deer....good luck to you all... http://www.desertbull.com -
people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts
davehc130 replied to davehc130's topic in The Campfire
so this is what I got out of this post.....most of the posters don't care...many think I am a whiner and one that actually made a physical treat to kill me...so where I thought I would bring up the down fall of hunting through social media, many on this website simply like to flame the OP and tell them to piss off.....got it....if everyone is fine with it then let's just let's go tell each other to piss off instead of actually civilly debating.....as for anti hunter stirring crap up...every thing I have stated is fact...nothing is made up...so thanks for the piss off comments...I know the level of your maturity and ability to debate.... -
people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts
davehc130 replied to davehc130's topic in The Campfire
so i take it you are good with selling spots...got it.... -
people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts
davehc130 replied to davehc130's topic in The Campfire
done with me cuz I brought up an issue with guys selling hunting spots over the internet...and by the way this act has been out lawed in other states....thanks for your contribution to the discussion.... -
people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts
davehc130 replied to davehc130's topic in The Campfire
well another poster posted his website..so you along with the other poster that basically called me lier and piss off are BOTH WRONG....why would I lie about something that can easily be proven.....so again thanks for your intelligent comments and contribution to the discussion..... -
people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts
davehc130 replied to davehc130's topic in The Campfire
another person posted it...so thanks for the piss off....just asked a question...guess I know where you stand.... -
well two of the tanks I scouted were about a mile off the two track and even they had cameras.....
So are hunting podcasts helping or hurting hunting? i hear all the time that hunter numbers are down but my experience is that I see way way more hunters in areas I hunt especially over the last 3-4 years so what is causing this. The thing that I believe is driving more hunters into my areas are the podcasts that specifically identify hunting units. i support guys ability to generate $ with pod casts as well as helping to educate hunters with skills, but here is my beaf. There are a couple of podcast that directly discuss specific units and areas within those units. As an example I have hunted an area for years, over 30 years and I have seen very few other hunters and this year I experienced about 8x increase in the number of hunters. I can tell you this area CANT support these numbers and the area is going to get decimated... only difference I can attribute is pod casts that recommended this area... so what do you guys think? Support podcast but ask they stop identifying specific areas to hunt??
Biologist “never” make mistakes? Really? Oh and so the biologists set the season limits and seasons? Really? Hmmm or maybe the G&F set tags and limits with $$$$ in mind. You need to do more research as many areas in our state have been over harvested! That’s a fact. G&F is about making money as well as managing game but politics also play a huge roll. Don’t believe it? Answer this, why the heck did they change lion season this year??? They caved to politics!!! Still the fact remains social media is ruining hunting.... just look at all the young bears getting killed and posted on the internet. Sad that sows and 100 pound bears are getting killed!! Maybe time to issue tags for bears and reduce the pressure on people to kill a bear before the season closes. But all this is a rabbit hole as my post is about podcasters that give out specific unit and locations... it so bad I have even heard them names specific canyons to hunt. I have no problem with hunters doing their own leg work but when a podcast says look at unit 4b and hunt turkey canyon then bammm 10,000 hear that and if just a small percentage of internet scouters hear that guess what happens to turkey canyon!!! of course the podcaster benefits as click bait # goes up and advertising $$ rolls in in the form of money or free gear. I just spent $800 plus for 1 blind a shirt and pair of pants.... don’t see me getting free stuff cuz I don’t podcast.... again I support podcasters helping with HOW to hunt!!! NOT WHERE to hunt!!!!
hmm so now we are depending on the Rez to fix our over harvest....really...does not sound like a very good plan....harvest was 4 sow all year...they took 6 the first week....maybe more...
Love the way you minimize the issue. Lightly used. No actually the area I was hunting would only support 1 or two bears killed. This year atleast 6 bears were killed. Most of them like 150 lbs and sows. And then you call me a sheep and follow. Well I have hunted this Area since the 80’s. Hardly a sheep. How about this. How about I start posting where these guides/pod casters are hunting. You think they would be fine with it? You think they would just go find another area? They could scout all year and see few people because the hunters that pile into areas found on the web don’t scout. They show up the night before the season opens. By then it’s too late to go find another area.... I’m sure they would just love it if 20 other hunters all of a sudden show up bumbling and stumbling through prime areas during prime time. heck some guides even ask you NOT to bring GPS because they are so afraid their spots will become forum knowledge. And some guides go as far as to NOT take resident clients.... here is the deal, and you need to understand it!! These podcasters are profiting through their casting, either direct $$$$ through advertising or through sponsorship with free camp, coolers, optics, or increasing client base, then with one f’ing podcast they can be responsible for 10s of thousands of listeners “finding those spots”... of course you will never hear these guys giving their spots away..... heck some of these podcasters don’t even guide in AZ or if they do it’s for premium tags that even if they gave out the unit 99% of the listeners couldnot even hunt it like sheep tags... Bottom line is these podcasters should give us OTC suckers a break and stop giving out locations and focus on skills etc.
I never mentioned a specific podcaster. However they do in fact discuss specific units and even canyons
does not explain last year 4 hunters, this year 20+!!!! someone on social media Identified this location.....
No that is not correct. Good spots are good spots because those areas have what they need. Once you kill those bear or deer they are gone forever. With the pod casters directing hunters to specific areas they get over pressured and in the case of unlimited OTC tags get over harvested.. so those areas crash. Can take decades to recover... let me be clear, I support guys doing podcasts to help educate new/young hunters but when they give specific units and areas one podcast can reach thousands and in some case 10,000, 20,000 and even more. If just a fraction go to those spots it is ruined for EVERYONE!!!! I walked 2 miles in and still had 2 big bears pushed out by guys walking through the area right after sunrise.
http://blog.eastmans.com/nevada-trail-cam-conundrum/?utm_source=Eastmans.com+Newsletter&utm_campaign=fedce929a0-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_Vortex_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_aec388f646-fedce929a0-9807453 I have heard all the arguments for and against cams.....bottom line. is that with every or just about every tank ( especially ) on the strip having a bunch or cam on it....there is NOT a single deer that does not get inventoried.....outfitters put out in total thousand of cameras and that means the the BIGGEST bucks are getting pressured and KILLED.....before cams YOU WOULD ACTUALLY Have to sit a waterhole or glass an area to see watch and even then you would not even see half the deer....now every stinking waterhole has a bunch of cameras taking pictures 24/7.... then an outfitters finds THE DEER and then hires 10 guys to glass then sells that info for thousands to the GOV tag....mean while poor saps like me has to slog it out and hope to find a buck glassing.....TIME TO EVEN THE PLAYING FIELD!!! Nothing against guides...but hunting has turned into a RICH mans sport..... hundreds of thousand of dollars and a guy can buy THE TAG and hunt 365 days a year for THE BULL or THE BUCK...NOT FAIR...dont care that the FED match or double or triple the Gov tag money....long before all these rich guys were buying tags WE HAD STUDS on the STRIP.....didnt not need one guy to buy a $300K buck tag to get those deer!!!! Between Shed hunting and Game Cameras our Bulls and Buck are getting way too much pressure... Flame on....
YOU proved my point.....your 236 buck was inventoried.....so you knew it was in the area.....5 miles away is NOT that far....heck I can glass 1 mile in every direction easily from a good glassing point.....if I record a 236 inch deer then I have narrowed the unit down from 500 square miles down to maybe 10 square miles....a little more work and can eliminate about half that....bottom line is that the use of cameras on water holes is NOT fair chase...... WRONG. It wasn't narrowed down by the camera. It wasn't inventoried. You don't know how this hunt went down. The deer was found by one of the guides in person a few weeks before the hunt. They didn't realize they had the deer on camera till after the hunt. Go out and run cameras on the strip and you will see how tough it is. I don't know how much you run cameras but all the guys I've seen that are against it haven't done it enough to see exactly how difficult it is. And the guys who do run cameras pretty much all agree that it is fair chase. How many people showed up to the F&G Meeting against cameras? Boone and Crocket, Pope and Young, SCI, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, The Arizona Deer Association all agree it is fair chase. I run cameras year round, not on the strip. I have tons of animals on camera. The odds of the right animal being there during the hunt, during daylight hours with me being there and a tag in hand are slim. They just aren't that predictable. Well have I have run cameras but they are all on Private land...stopped running them after other hunters stole them...so yes I know how to run cameras....almost every dang tank on the strip WILL HAVE multiple cameras....cameras that record 24/7 and NOT A SINGLE deer that goes to that tank will go unknown...ONE GUIDE or ONE HUNTER can cover every tank limited ONLY the $$$ the person can afford....to me this IS NOT FAR CHASE..
do you see anywhere I even hinted at what unit i was in??? That is what I dont like...guys ask for help...then later they tell others and bammmm next thing you see are tons of hunters where I never saw before....there is no reason for 30 years basically a few people would hunt this area then I see 12 Trucks/UTVs...likely 20 plus hunters just all of a sudden???? Yes here I am and I would help someone out with what to look for...NOT WHERE TO GO....there is a difference between hey guys you want to hunt couse deer...ok get good glass...tripod...plant your butt and glass....look for good feed you talking deer...look at leeward side of hills during high wind....bear...glass south facing slopes....elk..well they are easy to glass...etc etc...no hey go to FR 309 take FR 309 to FR415...pull off overlooking jump up canyon...DUH....but someone did exactly that with this area....I glassed four bear in a very small area...two shooters and yet I heard at least 10 shots...so I am guessing at least two of the little bears got killed.....
SOCIAL MEDIA is going to be the down fall of hunting....seems like people feel then need to kill something to post it!!! hence all the pictures posted of very young bears getting killed.....dont think there is a solution...
Well i glassed up 4 bears and 1 lion..not sure what happened to the area I hunt..been going there since 1986...usually only see 2 or 3 other hunters, but this year there were NO LESS THAN 12 trucks/UTVs....so someone must have posted this area to a forum.....this used to be a great area but NO WAY it can handle this much pressure... I had two bears picked out as I arrived early to scout...had a beautiful color phase bear I had watched for two days on same hill, unfortunately a group of 4 hunters drove in thursday night with their UTVs and camped right near the bear...then opening morning I watched the bear feed and bed down about 1400 yards away...perfect spot to stalk in and wait for him to come out that night, THEN the same four hunters started walking right down the ridge line where the bear was....it seemed they were jumping shooting or still hunting...4 of them...I literally watched them standing on the ridgeline standing looking into the canyon with their hand held binos, while another bear was walking down the hill they were glassing...I literally had ALL four hunters and the bear in the same frame...the bear was about 1700 yards from me one ridge over so the hunters were between me and the bear...I am guessing they were 400 yards from the bear and they never saw it...then all 4 continued walking right down the ridge line to where the bear I was wanting to stalk and they bumped that bear into the canyon as well, never to be seen again...NOT SURE why they decided to walk the ridge line and skyline themselves especially the first hour or so in the morning....I was sick...they blew out two really big color phase bears and had no clue those bears where there....very very frustrating... Guys need to learn to glass away from the bears...find them, then stalk....NOT WALK RIDGELINES during the morning prime time!!! I think they were new to hunting as they were carrying long shooting sticks extended out, couple had what looked like fanny packs you used to wear in the 90's, and another looked like a school back pack....additionally and I dont think they even realized this, but they camped in a spot that has access to a canyon...they had all their tents and tables in an area that nearly blocked access to the canyon .... I am sure they were surprised when they got back to camp and saw ATV tracks right through the middle of their camp...I literally had to maneuver around the tents, guidelines and tables to get through to access the canyon....I hope they did not use the structure they were camped near....HANTAVIRUS is fatal ......got to love public access... Then the next morning another setup about 300 yards from me...again driving their UTV right after first light....about 30 min later four shots rang out so I hope they got their bear...unfortunate for me but hey that is public land hunting.... Take it for what it is worth....DONT BE WALKING AROUND AT FIRST LIGHT hoping to bumble into a bear....Likely all you are doing is bumping them out of the area for YOU and other hunters... Super frustrating when you bust your butt, scout, setup, glass find a bear only to have guys just still hunting through an area pushing the bears out....blessed with public land, but dang guys, get yourself some good glass and let your eyes do the walking...you will see more game and bust out less game out of the area.... I hope GAME AND FISH changes the rules...I think they should close area based on total harvest and not just sows.....this area I am talking about can not handle 15-20 hunters shooting every single bear....especially since most of these hunters shoot the first bear they see regardless of size (I hope they watch long enough to see if they have cubs!) Glassed up a big Lion as well, but G&F decided to close Lion hunting until 24 Aug, WHY!!!!????? I could have taken a nice tom, but he is still out there eating the deer!!!
YOU proved my point.....your 236 buck was inventoried.....so you knew it was in the area.....5 miles away is NOT that far....heck I can glass 1 mile in every direction easily from a good glassing point.....if I record a 236 inch deer then I have narrowed the unit down from 500 square miles down to maybe 10 square miles....a little more work and can eliminate about half that....bottom line is that the use of cameras on water holes is NOT fair chase......
not mad.... just cameras......that get checked and rechecked and then record every deer.....so now the odds are way stacked in favor of hunter since he know what water source hold which deer.......this is NOT FAIR CHASE....
i'll take the raw cape if the tanned cape is too small....please respond to my PM sent