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About Hunt30b

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  1. Hunt30b

    6.5 Creedmoor 143ELD-X

    Text me 520-975-3489 if you can hold them
  2. Hunt30b

    6.5 Creedmoor 143ELD-X

    I'll give you $520 if you hold on to it till Saturday
  3. Hunt30b

    6.5 Creedmoor 143ELD-X

    I can come to Cabela's ...wanted a weekend get away with my boy anyways!
  4. Hunt30b

    6.5 Creedmoor 143ELD-X

    I will take all 10 if you can hold out until Saturday morning...I'm in Tucson..I need this for my 11 year old son
  5. Hunt30b

    Hornady 6.5 Ammo

    Do you have any ELDX left?
  6. Hunt30b

    Thanks Winchester Browning

    Copper prices up good for us copper miners... arizona has a bunch
  7. Hunt30b

    6.5 Creedmoor ammo FS/FT

    I will by the 143 eldx at 60 a box.
  8. Hunt30b

    Where to retire?

    I have a place in Alpine so sonoita in the winter
  9. Hunt30b

    Where Am I?

    Diamond rock
  10. Hunt30b

    Leupold VX3 CDS for sale SOLD

    I was wondering if the CDs dial has been setup for a load as I would have to purchase an additional one. Very interested however
  11. Hunt30b

    Youth tags 33

    Down in the southern part of the unit you can access foothills of the rincons off of the j6 ranch Rd.....just before the railroad tracks. Open country....very glassable
  12. Hunt30b

    Anybody use call/rattle for rutting mule deer?

    The deer talker call generally will bring the does running. Get the wind in your face and blow the call just loud enough they hear it
  13. Hunt30b

    Weather report

    None here on orange grove....bisbee got good snow Saturday......oh I wish I were chasing Muley's down there right now!
  14. Hunt30b


    We had almost 3 inches accumulated at our place at tall wi-wi Dec. 4. Made for a great and memorable elk hunt as we caught bulls bailing off the tops!
  15. Agree with bouncing between 27 and 28. Both hold good Muley's and you can transition in an hour