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Everything posted by Tropicalmulch

  1. Tropicalmulch

    Different trail cams free

    If im in the process of making a kid do i qualify? Haha....score for a young hunter very cool idea you have here.
  2. Tropicalmulch

    Tell me about this gun

    Should be a good shooter. Looks like an original barrel. There should be a date under your front scope ring. Mine is a 1905 with original barrel and shoots factory ammo sub moa. Aftermarket triggers are available if it doesnt already have one. Also safety conversions hard to tell from the pics but looks like your safety is original. The swedish mausers had serial numbers on almost every part it seems
  3. I have 15 rounds but I'm in Tucson. Pm me if you're interested
  4. Tropicalmulch

    34A "lowlands"?

    Buy the tag= no cats in sight Don't buy a tag = seeing a big tom broadside at 100 yards
  5. Tropicalmulch

    ENCO Benchtop Lathe

  6. Tropicalmulch

    This new forum layout

    Got things working the way i like it. Im much happier now. Thanks Amanda
  7. Tropicalmulch

    This new forum layout

    I agree. I dont like topics dissapearing after i open them once and i dont like having to scroll through the hole thread to get to what i havent read yet
  8. Tropicalmulch

    First day velvet success...

    Wow....congrats thats awesome!
  9. Tropicalmulch

    Hard wood work bench/desk SOLD

  10. Tropicalmulch

    Check out this trail cam vid

    Nice elk! And cat!
  11. Tropicalmulch

    Results out on portal, post up your hunts

    I drew 33 late....the boy drew 35b jr.never been in 35b so I have some scouting to do but looking forward to both hunts....if anyone has any info on 35b in October I'd be grateful to hear it...hes killed a small fork before...but being unfamiliar with the unit I hope he gets a shot at the least....his last hunt didn't go so well
  12. Ah....remember the days when you got a tag in the mail and you found out what you got drawn for.....that being said I'm kinda in the same boat 13a first choice 33 late 2nd....in my case I'm thinking I got the 33 late tag
  13. Tropicalmulch

    .308 Norma mag?

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this topic...maybe cassifides would be better. Anyway I have a .308 Norma mag project in the works and was wondering if anyone was set up to load this cartridge or if anyone had brass or dies they want to sell. Also interested in what people with experience with this cartridge think about it. Basically my uncle acquired a project gun chambered in .308 Norma mag. And I'm in the process of making a stock for it. Technically it's ready to test fire but I still have the final fit and shaping to do so I thought I'd test the waters here and see about ammo possibilities and see if I could here some opinions on the cartridge itself as neither of us have any experience with it. Thanks in advance for any responses.
  14. Tropicalmulch

    Went to buy an ATV at a dealer

    Just a thought but I bought mine new from a dealer but the atv was 2 years old. It just never sold so they were willing to make a deal to move it
  15. Tropicalmulch

    Dead Lion

    Camera flash gave it a heart attack!
  16. Tropicalmulch

    .308 Norma mag?

    Cool I'll look into it
  17. Tropicalmulch

    .243 or 7-08 for Youth Cow

    What he said. Imo
  18. Tropicalmulch

    PSA-Kinetic Bullet Pullers

    Wow I always wondered if something like that could happen with those things. Thanks for sharing. Glad it didn't hit you.
  19. Tropicalmulch

    Lets talk battery operated led lanterns

    I bought one made by ge. From Wal-Mart I think I paid $20 for it but I find myself using it more and more vs the ol coleman. I like having the battery op but definitely not getting rid of the coleman
  20. Tropicalmulch

    Rifle, shotgun and reloading powder

    The howa has a black Hogue stock, 22" bbq length and 14" lol Model 12 is sold
  21. Tropicalmulch

    Rifle, shotgun and reloading powder

    For sale 8 lbs. Of imr 7828 minus what I used for 30ish rounds $150 Howa .308 win approximately 50 rounds down the tube. I bought this for a youth hunter to use he used it on one deer hunt then moved back to tx. Barrel break in took place weather it needed it or not I figured it wouldn't hurt. $400 firm. Winchester mod.12 in 12 ga. Not sure of date of manufacture but I found a rolled up newspaper page from Dec 1957 in place of the magazine plug. Not super pretty bit no cracks in the wood and it works. $225 firm. Located nw Tucson if you want pics text me at 520 300 1060
  22. Tropicalmulch

    G&F new TAG printings

    So I was in a hunter ed class a couple years ago with a youth and what they said is signing your tag basically is you signing that you read what's on the tag. So if you sign that means you know the hunt unit and dates and legal game. So if you sign thinking you got your first choice but didn't actually look at the tag and now your hunting a different season in your first choice unit they can say well...you signed your tag. I'm with you guys though I think it's kind of a stupid deal. A guy should know what hunt he's got regardless of if the tag has a signature on it or not
  23. Tropicalmulch

    Bckpage is gone

    I bet it's trumps fault! Keep it up Trump
  24. Tropicalmulch

    How many Decades ?

    My first kill was in the late 90's 36b Dec hunt. Hit him once chasing a doe bit just winged him he came out in the open broadside at about 275 yards drilled him in the neck right where the skull joins. He dropped like a rock.....a nice little 3x2 .....i was aiming for the heart! Skipped the 2000's due to deployments and living elsewhere killed again in 2004 or so. Hopefully I draw another tag this decade!
  25. Tropicalmulch

    New neighbors

    I need neighbors like that