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About Tropicalmulch

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  1. Tropicalmulch

    2024 coues muzzy hunt

    120 yards. Was shooting a knight t bolt. I took my traditional hawken for the first part of the hunt but last day took the t bolt for a little extra range
  2. Well my uncle and I drew muzzy tags and neither of us had high expectations, but I was able to kill on the last morning of the hunt. We drew in a unit we know pretty well, so we were optimistic that at least one of us would bring home some tamale meat. Overall was a fun hunt but a few challenges and wrenches came up up of course. We’d find bucks way out there and try to come up with a plan, just in time to watch them decide to move out into the unknown. We hunted bucks we knew we’re in an area just to bust em out. Had a family emergency that pulled me off the mountain for a day plus. Last day everything worked out and I got a shot at this guy and now we have our tamales! A much better buck than I was expecting or hoping for. I hope the pics turn out with this post and not sideways.
  3. Tropicalmulch

    WTB: Cheap used rifle stock - Tucson

    I’m pretty sure I have one laying around also that you can have
  4. Tropicalmulch

    *sold* Manfrotto 128RC $75

    Pm sent
  5. Tropicalmulch

    Anybody have beetles for euro mounts

    I like the job that beetles do. Bone stays strong
  6. Tropicalmulch

    First deer

    Awesome! Congratulations!
  7. Tropicalmulch

    Leftover list is up.

    Ours updated Monday. Drew 33
  8. Tropicalmulch

    Mauser 98 bolt will not close. Any ideas?

    If headspace hasn’t been checked, you’ll definitely want to do that before firing. But if the round goes deeper into the chamber without the bolt, maybe the extractor is a little tight on the rim and the round is binding at an angle? Will it go if you remove the extractor?
  9. Tropicalmulch

    Mauser 98 bolt will not close. Any ideas?

    A headspace gage. Have you fired this rifle before or is it a new build?
  10. Tropicalmulch

    Mauser 98 bolt will not close. Any ideas?

    It should look like this. Sometimes the shroud gets turned a little and the firing pin spring pushes the cocking piece into that little v kinda shape in the back of the bolt housing
  11. Tropicalmulch

    Mauser 98 bolt will not close. Any ideas?

    Is the cocking piece on back of the bolt in the correct position?
  12. Tropicalmulch

    How long until cards are hit??

    My wife’s says 36c but mine says pending. So I dunno
  13. Tropicalmulch

    How long until cards are hit??

    Results are posted
  14. Tropicalmulch

    Tis the season

    Coon tail makes it not Mojave to me. Big snake though
  15. Tropicalmulch

    Tis the season

    Too many bones for my liking.