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About Dirtbag

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/22/1917

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Holbrook, Az
  • Interests
    Hunting, Running, Backpacking, Shed Hunting

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  1. Just drew 46be sheep tag love to now any thing you can help me  Ron 


  2. Dirtbag


    Beautiful Cabeza ram........congratulations !
  3. Dirtbag

    Yuma biologist

    PM sent
  4. Dirtbag


    If you plan on doing it DIY I will share what worked for me when I hunted sheep next door in 46BE.
  5. Dirtbag


    Congrats ! I have never hunted this unit but drove the only access road through it on way to 46BE. Very tough hunt with limited access but they have killed BC rams there in years past. You can hunt the Agua Dulce Mtns without the long hikes but if you want to scout the Granite Mtns that is another story. Greg Koons out of Yuma guides there but I'm sure there are others as well. Best of luck hope you get a smoker ram. Greg
  6. Dirtbag


    Did you draw the one tag......?
  7. GreyGhost85 is correct......if you don't have max points then stay away from units that go to max point holders and the 6A/22 Rocky tag is very popular with max point holders....
  8. Dirtbag

    Montana Unlimited Sheep Hunt

    Please post how your unlimited hunt go's. I would be interested in hearing about it. Once again good luck , Greg
  9. Dirtbag

    Montana Unlimited Sheep Hunt

    Recurveman, That is awesome that you are trying the Montana unlimited units and it sounds like you have realistic expectations. I also have been researching this hunt for last couple of years. Was gonna do it this year but decided to cash in my Colorado deer points on early rifle hunt. I have pretty much decided what unit I will hunt and plan for 2020 season. Wish you best of luck and check out Rokslide website for good info on the unlimited s. Also Duncan Gilchrist wrote couple books on montana sheep hunting. Greg
  10. Dirtbag


    Steve- You and your sheep team did awesome. Congrats on a great looking ram. Greg
  11. Dirtbag

    Ram Score

    Depending on what unit this is I would have to guess 14.5 - 15 bases with 33 - 34 on length = 166 or so.... but I'm certainly no expert.....good looking ram.
  12. Dirtbag

    Unbelievable !!!!!!!

    I gave them general area but I'm sure they will prod me for specific location. If given the opportunity to kill I believe I would have to decline. I certainly would love to harvest a mtn goat and do apply every year in Utah. However Killing this goat wouldn't feel right to me.
  13. Dirtbag

    Unbelievable !!!!!!!

    Ha ha have you spoke with game and fish to see if there are any laws about why you could not take it? I reported it to G&F and they said they would contact me for more info.
  14. Dirtbag

    Unbelievable !!!!!!!

    Yes, I took that pic.