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Everything posted by PowellSixO

  1. PowellSixO


    The USA is not going to get any better, any time soon. It's only going to get worse, and worse, and worse until one day all heck will break loose. Then and only then can things get better. There are too many comfortable people in America for anyone to want to do anything REAL about the problems we see today.
  2. PowellSixO

    Bad Scope?

    Make sure to scrub the heck out of the throat of the barrel too. A carbon ring can form there, and it's a pain in the butt to get rid of. And it can cause similar issues to what you're describing.
  3. PowellSixO

    Late season 22 north

    A lot of people shy away from the information given on their website, but in most cases it's right on the money. Start where they tell you to look, and expand on it.
  4. PowellSixO

    WTT/WTS Hodgdon H4350

    Let me look in my stash tonight. I'm pretty sure I've got 2 spare lbs of H1000, I'd be willing to trade you for. I may only have 1 though. I'll have to get back to you. I'll pm you my cell #
  5. Found a pair guys. Thanks.
  6. I'm looking for a pair of binos guys. I really wanted to get a pair of Vortex Viper HD's this year, but the funds just won't allow for that unfortunately. So I'm more in the Vulture HD or Talon HD price range. If I could find a good deal on a Viper HD that would be awesome, but I doubt it will happen. Anyways, if anyone has a 10x56 Vulture HD, 10x42 Talon HD, or a 10x42 or 10x50 Viper HD that they're wanting to sell I might be interested. Thanks for looking. Jake
  7. PowellSixO

    Elk pic

    dang, one less bull for me to hunt this fall . Haha. J/K. Congrats on a great bull! Goodt job, and thanks for sharing.
  8. PowellSixO

    Trophy cow

    Great shot! Thanks for sharing.
  9. PowellSixO

    Dream Hunt of A Lifetime

    What a stud! The mount turned out great!
  10. PowellSixO

    Post Kill Traditions

    Most people over cook the backstrap (or any piece of meet), which makes it chewy. It's completely safe to eat a rare cooked piece of meat, off a freshly killed deer or elk (if handled correctly). I always try to seek a nice sear on the outside with nice grille marks, with a 1" rare center. No one will ever call these backstraps chewy. But they may call for more. Lol.
  11. PowellSixO

    To the generous members of Coues Whitetail

    Good stuff right there! Thanks for sharing.
  12. PowellSixO

    Post Kill Traditions

    Excitement, short prayer, pics and high fives, and tenderloins heart and liver at camp!
  13. I've always wondered what the legality on this question would be, out of curiosities sake. Let's say you're hunting a unit, and you find a great glassing point in the unit boarding it. You're standing on the glassing point in a different unit than you have a tag for, but the deer you want to shoot is in the unit you have a tag for. Is it or is it not ok to shoot? Lol, I'm bored. I think of some weird chit when you let my mind wander. Hehe.
  14. PowellSixO

    Is this legal? Hypothetical Situation

    Does anyone have a link to the regs where it says you must be in your unit to pull the trigger? Thanks.
  15. PowellSixO

    Is this legal? Hypothetical Situation

    So is that a yes? Lol.
  16. PowellSixO

    Prostaff Nikon 82mm Spotter

    Scope only or scope + kit?
  17. PowellSixO

    Where am I? I must be high

    That seems to be all of 7E any more. I've hunted it for many years, and I'm just about finished with it. It's a zoo any more. It is fun walking through locket meadow though with a rifle or bow, and having the hippies give you the stink eye. Lol.
  18. PowellSixO

    Bushnell Elite 1500 Range Finder

    Does this have an ARC (angle range compensation) feature?
  19. PowellSixO

    Trigger options for older Howa 1500

    I got the trigger in the mail yesterday guys. It fit the action perfectly and I was able to adjust it down to 1.5 lbs perfectly. In fact it would go a little lower to 1 lb, but I didn't feel comfortable there if I were to ever drop my rifle. So I bumped it back up to 1.5 lbs. It feels amazing. The only problem is in the stock. The front adjustment screw on the new trigger is going to have a slight clearance issue with the aluminum bedding block in my Hogue Full Aluminum Bed Block Stock. I'm going to have to remove a small amount of aluminum from it for a good fit. But It's not that big of a deal. I'll take some pictures and post them once I get it done. Thanks for the help everyone. This trigger is much better than the stock trigger that came with the rifle (even though the stock trigger is very nice).
  20. Hey guys, I'm in need of a little help. I've got an old Howa 1500 chambered in 243 win. I've had this rifle for 21 years. It was my first high power rifle, and I've killed a lot of deer with it. It's still my go to deer rifle. I've adjusted and adjusted the trigger on this, and I've got it set as good as the factory trigger is ever going to get. I'm wondering if there is an aftermarket trigger option out there for this rifle. It's the older 2 position trigger. I've found replacement triggers for the newer 3 position triggered Howas, but not for the older version. Does anyone know of any options? Thanks for your time.
  21. PowellSixO

    Problems 7mm Rem Mag 162 ELD X

    Nice group. What did you end up having to do to shrink your groups?
  22. PowellSixO

    August day one Non-typical Velvet Buck

    WOW! Awesome buck. Congrats!!!
  23. PowellSixO

    On the board...

    Congrats. That's awesome. Thanks for sharing.