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Sky Island junkie

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Everything posted by Sky Island junkie

  1. Sky Island junkie

    Cold night

    Ah yes the stupid no burn days of Arizonas Los Angeles! We don’t have those!
  2. Sky Island junkie

    Big man wanted a big knife

  3. Sky Island junkie

    Where am I

    That’s what I saw!
  4. Sky Island junkie

    Budget Rangefinder?

    I replaced an Sig a couple years ago with a Vortex Razor 4000. Not a Vortex guy for the most part, Swaro everything else, but did it for the warranty. I’ve been happy with it so far. It has ranged to a little over 3000 yards for me and pretty dependable at over 2000 yards. That said the Leica 2400r is on sale at Scheels for 399.00. I would’ve gone that route if I could have gotten one at that price. Might be a little out of his range but something to consider
  5. Sky Island junkie

    Cummins emissions recall ?

    I did a vin search on my 21 and just the one open recall that I knew about came up (tailgate latch) so assuming they didn’t customize all of them? I too wish I’d never gotten rid of my 5.9!
  6. Sky Island junkie

    Cummins emissions recall ?

  7. Sky Island junkie

    Rut report.

    Where I hunt a lot of the younger bucks are still friends. The older bucks have been singles since early Nov but zero chasing. Probably won’t see hard core action till mid Jan
  8. Sky Island junkie

    Diesel repair

    That’s the smart thing to do but sometimes you just can’t let them get one over! 25 years ago I had a customer owed $3500 on a completed landscape and he ghosted me for a month. Finally I took 3 guys over to his place and started pulling queen palms out and putting them in the trailer. He came running out with his check book claiming he’d been out of town. Funny thing was I knocked on the door prior to letting the games begin and nada. Took us a couple hours to put the yard back together and clean it up! 😂 Sure made me feel better though!!
  9. Sky Island junkie

    Christmas Cookies

    Not in the kitchen today! Merry Christmas doggies!!
  10. Sky Island junkie


    Another round at 2a put us right at 2”. A third of the oaks where we hunt have either defoliated out of stress or died since late summer. Merry Christmas to Az!
  11. Sky Island junkie


    Yes. Been a while since I’ve seen so many decent bucks so patternable in the area I hunt.
  12. Sky Island junkie


    A little under 1.5” and still coming just west of Benson. Slow soaker. Just what the Dr ordered for this country!
  13. Sky Island junkie


    When I can physically no longer get in and out of the remote areas I hunt to get away from this douche baggery you guys talk about, that’s when I quit hunting! I never had this conversation but I honestly can’t ever think of a situation ever where I’d get into a man made, tent like blind that I hadn’t purchased and wouldn’t expect to get my butt kicked for refusing to leave it if the owner came along. That’s just me. What’s the difference between this and taking over someone’s tent? Just curious?
  14. Sky Island junkie

    Dead lion

    Awesome! One down and 50 to go! They’re thick in there!
  15. Sky Island junkie

    Rainbow trout taxidermist

    Awesome! I miss fall fishing up there! Gonna have to hunt a little less and make time for it. Looking forward to pics!
  16. Sky Island junkie

    6.5 creemoor loads

    I mistakenly quoted you couespursuit
  17. Sky Island junkie

    6.5 creemoor loads

    Loaded 3 test rounds with h4350 and the eldx 40.5. 41. 41.5 all 3 shot big holes. Slight pressure signs at 41.5 and only an average of 15 fps faster so stuck to the 41 gr at .005 off. 2660 fps average 22” barrel
  18. Sky Island junkie

    My son's photo AZ Trophy Outfitters FB page.

    The guide said it was sent to him and he posted it to his site
  19. Sky Island junkie

    My son's photo AZ Trophy Outfitters FB page.

    I thought the same?
  20. Sky Island junkie

    Son looking for work.. Hard worker and motivated

    If he likes doing landscape construction, I’d nudge him to explore self employment. Trust me there is enough room out there for a young, motivated, honest businessman and I think you’d be surprised how many would give him a chance. There’s a contractor business exam outfit there in Phoenix that helps people study for what’s on the ROC exam. He’s young enough that if he doesn’t like self employment he can go another route. Good looking work
  21. Sky Island junkie

    Picture going around .....

    “Hey Francisco! Hold my Modelo while I shoot this buck”
  22. Sky Island junkie

    Picture going around .....

    As commercialized as hunting has gotten down there, that buck couldn’t have been a secret. Wonder what they charged to let him kill it?
  23. Sky Island junkie

    Picture going around .....

    Yeah I was half joking! Who knows what happens down there?
  24. Sky Island junkie

    Picture going around .....

    Kinda what I was thinking. 100’x100’ high fence pen, dart gun with mucha medicina weekly! What a freak of a buck! Easily over 170” whatever subspecies he is
  25. Sky Island junkie

    Some 3A BS

    Crazy how many hunters I know who have no idea how much subsidy money public lands ranchers get to then turn around and stick it to sportsman. Many of these ranchers are by far not low income! Google “welfare ranching in the west” For those who don’t know that the taxpayers have provided a way for them to play cowboy for decades and control sportsman from accessing public lands by just owning as little as 40 deeded acres. This will be an eye opener! Thanks for posting. Email will be sent today