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Sky Island junkie

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Everything posted by Sky Island junkie

  1. If you’re fine hunting down 10 a day vs 150. Apples and oranges I have way less $ invested per Mexican largemouth than US largemouth
  2. Sky Island junkie

    Fawn crop

    I thought the same. Before the rains hit I did wonder how many pregnancies may had not taken because of the drought but by August and September I was pleased to see at least an average fawn drop, at least in the areas I frequent
  3. Sky Island junkie

    ATV hunters running in prohibited areas

    Had a side x side come through a water gap in wash onto our property during archery season. I followed the tracks for a couple hundred yards. They jumped out of the wash no fewer than a dozen times to drive all over the hills and then back into the wash. It was that evening that I saw the buck they were after. His front leg was trashed and there was no indication that anyone got out of the atv to do any walking! If anyone thinks that landowner/rancher/sportsman relations are going to get any better with this kind of behavior, not gonna happen! Things will get worse, more lands will be closed up! Can’t say I blame any lease holder that blocks access to hunters onto public lands if they have to deal with too much of that crap!
  4. Sky Island junkie

    Mountain lion

    Support your local houndsman!!!
  5. Sky Island junkie

    Stickers in pants help.

    I don’t even try to get them all out. Wife won’t let me wash hunting clothes with the rest. The worst for me are the little black needle like stickers in socks. Fugetaboutit!
  6. Sky Island junkie

    ATV hunters running in prohibited areas

    Glad to hear! Was up there a few years ago and prior to that had not been in there for about 15 years. I could not believe how many roads had been made in that time! Pretty sad
  7. Sky Island junkie

    ATV hunters running in prohibited areas

    USFS has not once followed up on a complaint call from me that I know of. They are very non confrontational but also too strapped for funds to enforce all the laws in place. Very few USFS law enforcement agents. The government is putting us citizens who care about our Arizona outdoors is a position to do something about it. I’m definitely not proud of my interactions with some idiots out there( mostly verbal tirades) but as an Arizona native it’s very hard to watch!
  8. One of the best parts! Disconnect!
  9. You will enjoy the solitude of Mexico. Don’t expect a hundred inch buck around every corner. When you get off the beaten path, its another world compared to Az in many ways including the salt of the earth people! Like trophy said $50 here! I spend my $ on Mexico bass! But that’s just me! Have a good time!
  10. Sky Island junkie

    Already over!!!!!!!

    Congrats! I hate when that happens! I mean hunt ends opening day!
  11. Sky Island junkie

    2023 Guideline Recommendations

    Great point! I don’t like using the word entitled, usually starts arguments. However, when talking about our vets, if it were up to me......no physicians note required!
  12. Sky Island junkie

    ATV hunters running in prohibited areas

    I welded up some jacks out of 2” fence staples for just the occasion. Tires eat em up!😂
  13. Sky Island junkie

    First time rifle tag

    Take your kids out this weekend and do some driving around down there. Fort Grant road west off of 191. A few miles in and you’re in whitetail country. The hills both side of the road hold deer. Find a hill, hike to the top and start glassing.
  14. Sky Island junkie

    Sight in service at Ben Avery

    My tire story above was apples to oranges to what you’re doing. I don’t consider anyone lazy for getting help sighting their rifle in. I was fortunate to have a father who taught me at a very early age the basics. Not just firearms but automotive, construction etc. So while I don’t need that help, there are plenty who do. I’m sure it’s a good time as well!
  15. Sky Island junkie

    Unit 10 early archery *story added*

    Awesome story and congrats! Thanks for sharing!
  16. Sky Island junkie

    Sight in service at Ben Avery

    Pulled next to a guy the other day Houghton and Broadway who was riding on his rim in a pretty new SUV. Got his attention and told him something I thought he didn’t know. He said he knew and was going to take it to Discount close to I10 (probably 10 miles). Tire was trashed and the rim too by the time he got there. The world is lazy!
  17. Sky Island junkie

    Lost Your Rifle?

    Nothing to write home about, when I get bored and want a workout I tie one. Or I tie one on!😂
  18. Sky Island junkie

    Lost Your Rifle?

    Yeah definitely not a crankbait for old wrists!
  19. Sky Island junkie

    Lost Your Rifle?

    I lost a DD22 the other day to a rocky point! Kinda hurt!
  20. Sky Island junkie

    Lost Your Rifle?

    Great to hear that the guy is going to the trouble to find the owner! Little different scenario but a few years back, I was watching a buck with my wife about a mile off. I decided to go after him so while I was packing up my pack I told her to keep her eyes on him. Got all packed up and took off, got about 500 yards out when I realized forgot my gun! We still laugh about that one. I told her she better not tell anyone but didn’t take but a week and we were both telling on me! Guess a little time dulls the embarrassment! So yeah crap happens out there!
  21. Sky Island junkie

    33 experts, are the shooters?

    Awesome! Really old school! I’ve often wanted to take my granddads open sighted rifle and hunt them the way he did! Some day
  22. Sky Island junkie

    33 experts, are the shooters?

    Didn’t mean that the way it came out! Actually most of the bucks I’ve killed were smaller than these two for sure so no stud head hunter here! But as you and I might think these are real trophies, there are a few guys out there that would go home empty handed before killing one of these!
  23. Sky Island junkie

    36A Muzzleloader Help

    😂 drive by the A almost daily. Guess I should’ve said don’t know the sierritas that we’ll, only hunted a couple times
  24. Sky Island junkie

    36A Muzzleloader Help

    not familiar with this unit but not sure sitting water would be best. I think most of southern az got a lot of precip so there could be a lot of pockets of water so the deer, especially bucks don’t have to go as far to drink. Just my 2 cents
  25. Sky Island junkie

    33 experts, are the shooters?

    Agreed! I’ve killed a lot of bucks and while these are definitely not toads, probably 95% of coues hunters wouldn’t let either one of these walk! But yeah in 33, a guy could hold out for better for sure!