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Sky Island junkie

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Everything posted by Sky Island junkie

  1. Sky Island junkie

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

  2. Sky Island junkie

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Well yes if you want to call it that. For the honest hunters that do report, but don’t notify the dept of the half dozen they hit in the gut and continued hunting until finally killing one. Another reason accurate reporting is not possible. We’re headed for a draw or we should be
  3. Sky Island junkie

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    No. Mandatory reporting is better than a wild guess for sure. My point is make it work or that too is a wild butt guess. My point on more officers is if there’s more of a presence of law enforcement possibly more will feel they’re being watched and will comply with the rules. Like was said earlier about surveys and other states. Would be very easy for G$F to make people complete a survey from prior year before submitting current year app. But they don’t. So if for general draw hunts they can’t get a true account of actual harvest numbers, how will they be able to count on this mandatory reporting system?
  4. Sky Island junkie

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Right. Bear and lion have been a mandatory (voluntary) report for a long time and well I think we’ve all heard enough stories. I have a feeling a lot of lions and bears don’t get reported unless going to a taxi and feel without more enforcement, deer will be the same. Without spending a chit load more of the dept revenue on more officers who knows what that solution is
  5. Sky Island junkie

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    It’s a guessing game
  6. Sky Island junkie

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Right. How many buddies will turn one another in for dumping a cat and pitching it in the canyon bottom or shot a bear in a closed unit and reported the kill in a neighboring open unit? Good luck with this! Like I said maybe I’m in the minority but spend a lot of time in the field and haven’t seen a manager in years
  7. Sky Island junkie

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Yes and I have to wonder why not here. Seems we are completely on the honor system with very little enforcement. I too have sent emails regarding this and other item and boiler plate response. But yes on no completed survey no application!
  8. Sky Island junkie

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    I help on half dozen hunts a year as well as my own hunt ( if drawn). I spend 30-45 days in the field on average ( big game, small game and varmint) in different units and I believe it’s been 20 years since I’ve seen a game manager in the field. Enforcement of all the items talked about will be interesting
  9. Sky Island junkie

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Absolute pressure on G$F to basically do their job and do real counts in every unit will require a ton more revenue. I don’t believe we’ll ever see that out of this dept. Draw is going to happen to archery it’s just a matter of time and we’ll pay for it! I agree on reporting but enforcing is another thing and again that takes more money. Getting everyone to complete the hunter survey after every hunt is a joke. Probably would have to offer $ incentives to get hunters to complete these surveys
  10. Sky Island junkie

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    All of this is like rearranging the chairs as the ship goes down. I applaud all that are fighting this fight to give us a couple or maybe a few more years of otc deer tags but to me it’s inevitable archery will go complete draw.
  11. Sky Island junkie

    2020 wasn’t all bad!

    My bride and I got our bucks from last year back the other day, making not getting tags this year a little more palatable! Sorry, couldn’t figure out how to turn the pics
  12. Sky Island junkie

    Customer ID on the New Draw

    A month ago some G$F official woke up with a hard on over a money making scheme and BOOM a month later, a bunch of us salivating addicts put 300k in the coffer!!😂 One of the lucky hunters will hire A3 who has a toad whitetail on one of their 500 cameras and video the kill and next year they’ll sell more! Smart bastards!!
  13. Sky Island junkie

    Matt Rinella - Hunting and Social Media

    I might be wrong but when I researched this, the left leaning investor I thought was a pro 2nd amendment, pro public land , hunter? I haven’t seen any influence on Rinella politically but I haven’t heard much on him in a while
  14. Sky Island junkie

    Matt Rinella - Hunting and Social Media

    Great article. I’ve been following both of these brothers for a few years and respect the opinions of both. The editor was wrong when saying Christmas would be awkward at the Rinellas this year. They’re pretty tight.
  15. Sky Island junkie

    Customer ID on the New Draw

    Mine says DEPT ID, Wife’s says CUSTOMER ID. Both 6 numbers
  16. Sky Island junkie

    2020 wasn’t all bad!

    So Az. Both bucks the same unit, about 3 weeks apart, 800 yards apart. Think they were brothers!
  17. Sky Island junkie

    Customer ID on the New Draw

    Absolutely! Out of principle if nothing else! Most wouldn’t though. Not worth their time and G$F knows it!
  18. Sky Island junkie

    Customer ID on the New Draw

    Yeah I’m sure. I didn’t even look at it! Bought 6 powerball tickets instead. I guess my point is only Our G$F would formulate an app that isn’t error proof and and then charge for your mistake anyhow. Sounds to me like the guys who did get it right, well their chances just went up a teeny bit!😂 I really Hope Az residents get all of these and maybe even a couple guys on here! Good luck!
  19. Sky Island junkie

    Customer ID on the New Draw

    I would call and see how they respond. Their system shouldn’t be allowed to take the app money without putting the app in the hat. But this is the G$F system!
  20. Sky Island junkie

    Customer ID on the New Draw

    I didn’t put in but I could see G&F letting the SS on the app fly through to grab the app $ and then discard app. Applicant would never know if the app made the draw or not. Just a pig in a poke!
  21. Sky Island junkie

    Customer ID on the New Draw

    I certainly would think if half the applicants screwed up and put their SS on the app and their system accepted it, they’re not going to refuse the donation
  22. Sky Island junkie

    The fire is back

    Congrats to you for getting back in the saddle! Sounds like that good friend of yours knew what you needed!
  23. Sky Island junkie

    (Not mine) Dream buck

    Oh man the droppers!! Awesome! Good for him!!
  24. Sky Island junkie

    Got it done today!!

  25. Sky Island junkie

    Happy thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving!!