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Sky Island junkie

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About Sky Island junkie

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  1. Sky Island junkie

    Need Advice: Family Friendly AZ towns not in the valley

    So Az getting pretty congested. Better stay north!
  2. Sky Island junkie

    And the Card hits will begin

  3. Sky Island junkie

    Joined the Toyota Cult

    I think the taco leafs sit pretty flat. At least my 05 does and they are pretty new. Dealer replaced a couple years ago because one leaf on driver side cracked and I found out there was a recall. Not sure about your generation of taco though?
  4. Sky Island junkie

    Otc Deer kill location

    On your primitive made weapons comment- I was thinking the same thing a couple weeks ago when I found a perfect arrowhead. I sat there with it in my hand and thought how freakin soft are we!! Probably why it’s rare that I kill during the archery season. I’ve always got my eyes to the ground! But that was a successful day for sure!
  5. Sky Island junkie

    I know most don’t like cats

    Sorry to hear. Always a sad day when you lose a part of your family!
  6. Sky Island junkie

    Archery OTC Future?

    You left out “you nerve racking’ sons a bitches”!
  7. Sky Island junkie

    Commission looking into closing State Trust Land

    I’m sure this just applies to recreational such as hunting, atv travel etc. and not cattle grazing which is their main source of revenue, which is a pittance. I think I read somewhere that none of our tax money goes to state trust land? I could be mistaken though. Man that’ll be a hard pill to swallow!
  8. Sky Island junkie

    Happy Biden Be Gone Day

    Let the Common Sense Revolution begin!! Today has felt pretty surreal! Feels like this great country has gotten a big shot of oxygen!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  9. Sky Island junkie

    Happy Biden Be Gone Day

  10. Sky Island junkie

    Happy Biden Be Gone Day

    I think he was gone long ago though!!
  11. Sky Island junkie

    Timmy Winslow

    dang! $1500 for a pin??? I thought we were talking about a couple hundred bucks!! Guess I live in a bubble!
  12. Sky Island junkie

    Timmy Winslow

    I can’t imagine paying someone for a pin that likely had been sold more than a few times. One time in my life did I check out a friend’s recommendation on a quail spot. Never again! Got to the spot and it was loaded with hunters.
  13. Sky Island junkie

    Who was in the wrong here?

    I love the videos of the pukes (male or female) who refuse to verify their identity when pulled over for a traffic violation. The cuffin and stuffin could all have been avoided!
  14. Sky Island junkie

    Tripod Guidance

    I have an outdoorsman medium with the pistol grip. It has an intention on the side of the pistol grip that I’ve shot off of. Just pivot the grip to a 90 degree and lay the rifle down. We also have the monfrotto alpha I believe. It comes with a rifle clamp. You can stand behind it to glass and quick detach your optic and attach the rifle clamp. It’s pretty slick. It’s decent quality but probably not the quality of an outdoorsman product. I don’t think the monfrotto would put up with the 20 years of use that my outdoorsman has but for the money pretty good
  15. Sky Island junkie

    Late hunt question

    Mature bucks are easier to kill when they’re not chasing punani anyway. Besides having more time in the field and fewer hunters, the two times I’ve had the late wt tag were disappointments