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Everything posted by AZ420

  1. AZ420

    ISO Swarovski bino receiver

    If it's the Swarovski tripod adaptor, I would throw it away and get the outdoorsman adaptor
  2. AZ420

    Shoot or continue looking

    Nice buck, probably low 70's
  3. Great pic that's a nice bull! Season is coming quick...can't wait!
  4. AZ420

    Holy trail cams batman!

    I think with trail cams being legal everywhere, most hunters will not touch another trail cam being they have the same opportunity to put one up as well. If a rule is set in place with no trail cams within a 1/4 mile of water, I doubt azgfd would even have to enforce it. Other hunters would take care of that issue, being they don't have the same opportunity to put a cam up within a 1/4 mile of water.
  5. AZ420

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    So what is everyone seeing for elk antler growth in 2017? Most were thinking this was going to be the year to have an Arizona elk tag, so is that going to hold true by what you've seen out scouting so far..
  6. AZ420

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    Latest set of trail cam pics have a few bulls just starting to scrape velvet...I'm sure some bulls are even farther along..
  7. AZ420

    Elk raffle bull

    Very nice bull, Congrats to the hunter! That's two bulls harvested in a week, how many more Auction/Raffle elk tags does A3 have left?
  8. AZ420

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    Here's a bull on my trail cam from 7/17/17
  9. AZ420

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    Anybody have a bull they've followed from last year, and have a pic of him this year at approximately the same date to compare his growth?
  10. AZ420

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    I agree any year to have a tag is a great year! So far I'm seeing similar results, with great fronts/thirds and average top ends. I have seen a few bulls that have great royals, and 5th's as well. I need to see more bulls this month to be sure, and hoping others are finding quality bulls in the areas they'll be hunting as well! Good luck scouting, and great bulls posted so far!
  11. AZ420

    Auction/Raffle Tags

    Does anybody happen to know who is guiding the Auction/Raffle tags for elk, and deer this year? It's only about a month away before we'll hear of the first bull elk being harvested! Hoping it's a great year for big bucks and bulls, and I'm guessing A3 will have a few of these tags...
  12. AZ420

    Auction/Raffle Tags

    Over the years it's become more common to see a Auction/Raffle elk tags harvested in velvet. I'm not sure why, but I'm thinking it's the previous years tags that are about to expire on August 15th, and they need to put a bull down quickly. That means shooting some bulls even before they've finished growing, although most are near completion by then. This years tag holders will likely hold out until their bull is scraped and shiny, and then put them down a few weeks before the pressure of the archery elk hunters hit the woods..
  13. AZ420

    12B West (early)

    Congrats on the tag, it will be a fun hunt with a lot of deer! I think a 140-150 four point would be a shooter for most with this tag, unless things have changed since I was last up there. Overall it's a good hunt with high success rates, but finding a big buck on the early hunt is very very tough in this unit. Hope you have a good hunt, and if you can let us know how it goes!
  14. If chrony deal falls through I'll take it. Thanks
  15. AZ420

    Late Archery Elk Hunt

    Pm sent
  16. Has anybody had any experiences purchasing archery supplies from Eagle Archery? I recently purchased spott hogg pins over a month ago, but started wondering why that hadn't arrived after a few weeks. After looking online I noticed it's common for Eagle Archery to not have stock of what they advertise online. I called a few times and can get someone to answer, but they have no idea of what I've purchased and send me to the same answering machine where I've left three messages with no response. Anybody with similar experiences, and have you ever been able to get a refund from this company?
  17. AZ420

    Beware of Eagle Archery!!!!!

    I paid debit with chase so they're looking into it, and I'm not sure if they'll credit back. All over the web they warn you not to buy from this company, now I know in the future...
  18. AZ420


    All three cams sold pending funds..
  19. AZ420


    Please delete..Cams sold
  20. I plan to try solar on my Moultrie M-100 Cameras. I was wondering if anyone has experience using either of the units below? The first 12 Volt pictured I'm pretty sure will be compatible, but wondering about the second?...M-100 use 8 AA batteries. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Moultrie-Camera-Solar-Power-Panel/9193068?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227001201737&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=42965841752&wl4=aud-273067695102:pla-70932182934&wl5=9030123&wl6=&wl7=1015445&wl8=&wl9=pla_with_promotion&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=9193068&wl13=&veh=sem https://www.ecomelectronics.com/p3117994/moultrie-mfh-sp12-12-volt-solar-panel.html?gclid=CjwKEAjw9_jJBRCXycSarr3csWcSJABthk07Bf4lqhb7QBCNAmlJ5nJb4TYYYDZGl0n-Uzj19cIArxoCX7bw_wcB&ad=38516572790
  21. AZ420

    12V Solar Panel with Moultrie Cams

    DesertBull I like the idea of using the 12V battery. It looks like I can attach this cable https://www.amazon.com/Stealth-Cam-Battery-Connection-Cable/dp/B001U7KDYK to the Moultrie camera. 10 Ft Cable should be compatible with all 12V cameras according to reviews. Then attach that cable to the 12V battery http://www.ebay.com/itm/PACK-OF-2-TWO-12V-4-5AH-VRLA-SLA-Sealed-Lead-Acid-Batteries-with-F1-Connectors-/111341320831?hash=item19ec75ba7f:g:UaUAAOSwwbdWGHNP ...One question is will the 10 Ft cable battery connection fit on the 12V battery?? Looking closely at the pic I think it will connect, but not positive...Also Using this method it appears I won't ever have to install AA batteries being the connection would directly power the camera...
  22. AZ420


    Same buck as above coming in early morning, I thought he looked pretty good in this photo! As you can see this cam will reach a long ways out! PRICE Lowered all three cams and boxes...$250 picked up, or $265 shipped!
  23. AZ420


  24. AZ420


    That is pretty crazy I posted at 4:20, just tried to get them posted before going to sleep. I'll answer all phone calls and texts in the morning! Thanks A few pics from the cams to show the difference between day and night photos.
  25. I'm selling three Moultrie M100 Mini Trail Cams with security boxes for $285 shipped. Cams are in excellent condition and all work like new. Cameras are 6 MP and run on 4 or 8 AA batteries. Image quality is very good on these cams at 6mp. 90 ft daytime distance and 60 ft night flash that is invisible to animals. Has video and 2 inch LCD viewing screen making it easy to look over photos. Security code to use cam which I have set as the same for all three cams. Selling as a package deal only for $285 shipped obo.. everything must go. If interested please let me know. Call or Text 928-699-4160 Thanks