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About Douglas-gun-guy

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  1. Douglas-gun-guy

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    2 hits for elk!
  2. Douglas-gun-guy


    Nice pistol! Good luck with the sale.
  3. Douglas-gun-guy

    Muzzle break 300 rum

    Here is Todds number(602) 677-3791 thanks devan.
  4. Douglas-gun-guy

    Muzzle break 300 rum

    Todd South (southern express on here) makes one and I love it. Side ports, and top holes, I highly recommend it.
  5. Douglas-gun-guy

    1st custom rifle w/ backstory

    Looks awesome! And the federal ammo definitely shows promise. When Im shooting factory ammo out of my custom 7mm Rem Mag I also shoot federal with good results.
  6. Douglas-gun-guy

    Powder scale?

    I use the RCBS M500, I love it and would definitely buy one again.
  7. Douglas-gun-guy

    Pups Free to a good home.

    as for small animals Im referring to our cats. Theyre not adjusting to the cats.We had a husky that ate my pet duck, probably 6 cats (killed and played with), and last was our pet sheep (ate guts while it was still standing) then it went for a desert drive. Some just have it in them to kill. Not all are blood thirsty but some surely can be. Good luck hopefuly they find homes with no young kids or cats. Im sorry that happened to your pets. I can definitely see the high prey drive in them.
  8. Douglas-gun-guy

    Pups Free to a good home.

    I appreciate that but for now Ill just keep looking locally.
  9. Douglas-gun-guy

    Pups Free to a good home.

    cats are definitely staying, they were here first.
  10. Douglas-gun-guy

    Pups Free to a good home.

  11. Douglas-gun-guy

    Pups Free to a good home.

    we’ve only ever owned smaller breeds so I don't really know if it’s normal for a husky.
  12. Douglas-gun-guy

    Pups Free to a good home.

    as for small animals I’m referring to our cats. They’re not adjusting to the cats.
  13. Douglas-gun-guy

    Pups Free to a good home.

    I really dont know how he is around kids, hes never been around them. He definitely doesnt do well with small animals. Hes extremely friendly but has been known to bite some.
  14. Douglas-gun-guy

    Pups Free to a good home.

  15. Douglas-gun-guy

    Pups Free to a good home.
