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  1. teamvit

    New Mexico Audad 29&30

    I spend a lot of time in 29. The large mass of flat land in the middle doesn't hold sheep. Anything essentially around the edges where the terrain isn't flat can hold sheep. Cover ground and glass, you'll find them. Since javelina season opened I've found it easier to find sheep then javelina, since I have seen exactly zero pigs.
  2. teamvit

    3 for 3, West Texas Aoudad

    I have never hunted Aoudad with Mike (WTHO) but he runs a good hunt and would recommend without hesitation
  3. teamvit


    Yes OTC is still 100% and option for this fall and the tag will be good through the end of March. I have killed two OTC rams now. They aren't any 30in monsters but I am happy. If you re just looking for any sheep it is very doable. I am in El Paso, let me now if you head out to NM Matt
  4. teamvit


    I have never put in for the draw. I am currently deployed so missed the FEB draw season and will not be local next year due to moving again, that has forced me into just putting in the miles and time to find them in the OTC areas
  5. teamvit


    Are you looking to do the OTC or the draw hunt in 34? I have filled 2 OTC and have been present for an additional 2 sheep tags in 34. It seems there are less sheep then there used to be. a few years of OTC has brought the population down. It is absolutely doable still. If you are looking for a large ram you may want to try the draw hunts.