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Everything posted by ASUOutdoorsman

  1. ASUOutdoorsman

    Hacksaw Ridge movie

    That was a good movie. Very few movies I'd go watch again, this is definitely one of them.
  2. ASUOutdoorsman

    Javelina Bag Limit

    Thanks, Good to know!
  3. ASUOutdoorsman

    Javelina Bag Limit

    I hope the Wally World guy gets clarification before he does a big no-no. lol
  4. ASUOutdoorsman

    Javelina Bag Limit

    Thanks, guys! I appreciate it. Wording in the regs can sometimes be a bit confusing.
  5. ASUOutdoorsman


    Congrats to the Cubs! Great comeback in the series!
  6. ASUOutdoorsman

    Skull cleaning

    What I usually do to bleach is use a mixture of 25-30% peroxide and 70% water. I noticed that if I leave a little bit of that on the skull, when I bleach it, it just dissolves or falls off of it. I still try to take most off before hand. Needle-nose pliers work well for those pieces.
  7. ASUOutdoorsman

    2016 AZ Mule Deer tags filled

    Awesome bucks! Congrats to both of you!
  8. ASUOutdoorsman

    Best Bullet placement for bear hunting

    Don't think I'd take that advice. I wouldn't go down without a fight. I'd unload my magazine and use everything down to my survival knife, If I had to. Don't know what your chances would be... but there's a chance. If you do end up surviving, you'd have one heck of a story to tell your buddies around the campfire.
  9. ASUOutdoorsman

    I decided to get in shape this year

    Nice job, man. I need to get myself together and get in shape. I want to start hiking in further to glass and hopefully hike out with more weight than I hiked in with
  10. ASUOutdoorsman


    That's awesome! I was hooked on Netflix watching That 70's Show and The Office. MeatEater is on a whole new level!
  11. ASUOutdoorsman

    Non-Fried Squirrel Recipes?

    I suck at cooking so I usually grill and put bbq sauce on everything. lol All these recipes have me feeling pretty adventurous though...
  12. ASUOutdoorsman

    A beautiful sight.

    it's jalapeño and cheese. ah man, sounds amazing!
  13. ASUOutdoorsman

    Spring Hunts

    wow, that's awesome. Thank you. Can't wait for the next turkey season!
  14. ASUOutdoorsman

    Spring Hunts

    When turkeys are spooked or pushed away from an area, do they return back to the same area?
  15. ASUOutdoorsman

    The Wait Was Worth It

    Awesome buck! Congrats!
  16. ASUOutdoorsman

    Local raw honey. South Chandler

    My family has been devouring it - they love it!... WE love it!!! Thanks, Steve!
  17. ASUOutdoorsman

    Looking for a Hunting rifle for a buddy

    I received Bass Pro's and Dick's flyers yesterday in the mail. Dick's has a Savage 111 Trophy Hunter (assorted calibers) with scope for 419.99. I bought this rifle in 7mm rem mag. Great rifle/scope combo... Bass Pro has a Savage Axis II with scope for 379. Don't know much about that one...
  18. ASUOutdoorsman


    Yeah, that makes sense then Mother nature never ceases to amaze with her display of power... In this case, unfortunately, it took out the caribou and in Jim's experience a doe with blown off hooves! Hopefully the caribou don't go to waste...
  19. ASUOutdoorsman


    I read about that this morning. That is crazy! Hooves ( at least in the sheep's case) don't look like they'd be good conductors of electricity though...
  20. ASUOutdoorsman

    Snow Goose UPDATED

    That's really cool! Turned out great! Congrats!
  21. ASUOutdoorsman

    New Hunter

    Pick up extra copies of the hunting regulations. You can find them just about in any store like Walmart. Read through it, it's has some pretty cool stuff in it. There's a section called "New to Hunting?" towards the beginning of the book. These are events organized by different organizations to teach you about hunting. You should check them out and take your dad along! Just like you, I really wanted to learn how to hunt and fish but no one in my family did that. I was blessed to meet some awesome guys from church who taught me to hunt and introduced me to CouesWhitetail.com. ( Thanks, MuggyMan! lol ) Brendon, when I wanted to learn to hunt I thought it was never going to happen because no one in my family did. I never knew how passionate hunters and fishermen are about teaching and passing on this amazing tradition. As you can see, everyone's rooting for you! This is a great place for you to come and ask questions. But to answer your post, everyone has given you great info. Check out the area you will be hunting (go before your hunt). Try to find deer. Take a notepad and pen to write down everything you see and what time you saw it. Most importantly, have fun! Take lots of pictures to share with your friends and family!
  22. ASUOutdoorsman

    Bargain Camo

    When I started hunting, I used tan cargo pants and a $10 camo long sleeve. Total outfit wasn't more than $20-25. Worked perfectly! Later on I upgraded my outfit but to this day I keep those tan cargo pants and long sleeve as back ups. My piece of advice to someone new would be to get a good pair of boots and extra wool socks instead of spending a lot on camo.
  23. ASUOutdoorsman

    Bushnell Elite 1500 Range Finder

    I'll buy it! I'm currently at work. Can I pm you a little after noon?
  24. ASUOutdoorsman

    Local raw honey. South Chandler

    That's awesome! I'll take two!