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Everything posted by huntnhard

  1. Thanks for pointing that out. Winchester 1200, New England, and Ruger American are SPF.
  2. huntnhard

    Palomino Pop up tent trailer

    Bought from a member a couple years ago to fix up and haven’t done anything with it. I have two new tires/rims I bought for it and haven’t installed yet. Also have some other new part. Needs a little work but still has some life left. Not sure the year I will have to look. No title. I can do a bill of sell but not sure how to get it registered. Located in Globe. I might tow half way to Phoenix Tucson or around az. if serious about buying. $500
  3. huntnhard

    Triclawps double cam

    2nd if available.
  4. huntnhard

    Rifles for sale

    M77 is sold 1930’s Winchester 1894 30 W.C.F. $600 in nice used condition. May be interested in trades. Pm me with offers. Located in Globe Az.
  5. huntnhard

    Rifles for sale

  6. huntnhard

    Rifles for sale

    Pm me with offers offers. Cash or trade.
  7. huntnhard

    Rifles for sale

  8. huntnhard

    Rifles for sale

  9. huntnhard

    Rifles for sale

  10. huntnhard

    Rifles for sale

  11. huntnhard

    Cleaning up the bench........

    Pm sent on the 17 holster.
  12. Free bump for a awesome shotgun. I have had the same gun for over 20 years. It has never let me down. I wouldnt trade it for any of the new ones.
  13. huntnhard

    22 Six Shooter

  14. huntnhard

    Hunting and Camping Equipment

    Pm sent.
  15. huntnhard

    Winchester MKll 1400 12 gauge

    Interested. PM me your number.
  16. huntnhard


    Pm sent
  17. huntnhard

    Coues shoulder mount

    Free bump for a nice set of horns. Good luck with the sale.
  18. huntnhard

    please delete

    Sold a few things. Post edited.
  19. huntnhard

    please delete

    please delete
  20. huntnhard

    please delete

    Price changes
  21. huntnhard

    please delete

    Added .45 auto brass and large pistol primers
  22. huntnhard

    please delete

    Rangefinder sold revised and added .22