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About Splatt

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/04/1961

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  • Location
    Aztec, NM
  • Interests
    Hunting, waterfowl hunting, guns, fishing, retriever training, camping, and most guy things.

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  1. Splatt

    Anyone draw nm unit 23 ?

    some reason I hit a 4 instead of a 3 and missed it. I drew a unit 23 tag. Ok, got that straight now !!
  2. I did, and am planning a solo trip. Anyone want to go with, or want someone to tag along ?
  3. Short or long action ? I have a few s/a's...
  4. Splatt

    Coues deer rut

    Thanks guys. I drew unit a sothern umit this year, so was wondering.
  5. Where do they start rutting ? I get conflicting info. Some say December, and some say January. Southwestern New Mexico.
  6. The way I want it ! Here's first groups with 100 gr ballistic tips. Got some work to do. Hoping for close to 2700 fps.
  7. I'm using regular dies. Have had no issues.
  8. Splatt

    6.5 Grendel upper

    How much for the can of brass ?
  9. It's not a super cartridge. I have too many 5.56 or 223 AR's. I wanted something different. This isn't a go out and blast rifle for me. I could buy steel case wolf, and blast, but I wanted a precision shooter. 18" barrel, is long enough to keep a 120 gr Ballistic tips, at 2500 fps, but short enough, to be portable. Same with why I went collapsible, sopmod style stock. I haven't weighed it yet ? It'll be a decent up to 400 yard, deer rifle. Not sure how well a ballistic tip will expand under 1800 fps ? So after about 400 yards it will start being under that. A coues may not need a lot of expandedness of bullet to get dead, but I owe it to the deer to have a bullet that may not act like a fmj.
  10. I'm not planning on using this for anything but range duty, and deer hunting. A cheap brass catcher off EBay is next on my list. About 8 bucks for one that velcro's around the end of the hand guard. If I take it deer hunting, if I find any brass, great, if not, oh well.
  11. Tightened it all up today, and ran 5 rounds through it. Got real lucky on the bore sighting ! Sst's shot real well. Lookin like I'll have a new coues rifle for this year ! I'm going to load 120 gr ballistic tips.
  12. I drew coues deer, unit 23 again this year. Nov 18-22.
  13. Splatt

    Weatherby Vanguard Sporter 257 wby SOLD

    I have a 257 already, but in plastic. I just want your stock !
  14. Splatt

    Waterfowl Gear

    How far is Prescott from farmington, nm. ?