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About pahncho2121

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/11/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Dome Valley, Arizona

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  1. pahncho2121

    Chevelon Canyon Lake

    Good morning, years back I hiked into Chevelon Canyon Lake with an inflatable tube and had a great time fishing. I'm trying to plan a trip to go back with my two young children and camp there. I have a canoe that I am trying to get to the water and I know there is a width restriction at the gate. Yesterday I called the Black Mesa Rangers office to ask and the very nice range thought it was about 56" wide and said anything that will fit is allowed through. I have an old kawasaki mule that is measuring 57"....missed it by that much. Anyways, I have never been through that opening or even walked down that road that goes to the dam and I'm hoping someone might have a little more information? I am about six hours away or I'd drive up and check it out (maybe thats what I should do) but the ranger wasn't real positive on the size is the only reason I am asking. Thanks for your help!
  2. pahncho2121

    Tried to film my coues hunt....

    That is on my list
  3. pahncho2121

    Tried to film my coues hunt....

    Thank you and thanks for watching!
  4. pahncho2121

    Tried to film my coues hunt....

    Thank you! It can be a pain to remember to film, especially when you have deer in the optics and the adrenaline is flowing. Thanks for watching!
  5. I spent more time hunting and less time filming, but it was a lot of fun! Hope you enjoy my quick little video! https://youtu.be/7RZjc5sv9Vw
  6. I am switching my ammo this year away from solid copper and back to lead core. I leave Thursday for a coues hunt so I am hoping for an opportunity. I had an issue with the lack of expansion. I was curious though to see if I could get a factory inexpensive lead core ammo to shoot as good as the more expensive solid copper ammo. I filmed my results, just in case anyone else wondered the same thing. https://youtu.be/Y_CxNhQ9AXw
  7. pahncho2121

    My First Elk and First Archery Kill

    Thank you very much!
  8. pahncho2121

    My First Elk and First Archery Kill

    Thanks everyone! I am still in disbelief that things actually worked out! This was the best picture I got. I forgot my little phone clip at the truck so I just wedged my phone in between my back frame and bag and took some pics.
  9. pahncho2121

    My First Elk and First Archery Kill

    Thank you
  10. pahncho2121

    My First Elk and First Archery Kill

    Haha, it was a tough pack out.
  11. pahncho2121

    My First Elk and First Archery Kill

    Thank you everyone! Can't wait to try again next year!
  12. pahncho2121

    My First Elk and First Archery Kill

    I went to Colorado recently after years of not drawing an Arizona elk tag. This was my first time hunting elk and all things considered, I think it went ok. https://youtu.be/rMqONXi8EiU