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About AZDirtyTaco

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  1. AZDirtyTaco

    Victory arrows

    I've got at least 6 300 spine TKO's I'd part ways with that have never been shot. 31" including the aluminum inserts. 4 fletched with Blazer2's and 2 unfletched. Could fletch them for you if you'd like. I also have some VAP Gamers in the same length and 250 spine with steel inserts that haven't been shot or are in new condition. Shoot me a PM if those will work and you're interested. I'm far north/central valley though.
  2. AZDirtyTaco


    PM sent
  3. AZDirtyTaco

    Help Save Apache Trail

    Sorry gents, but I couldn't disagree more for a number of reasons. That place was turned into a dump by the equine community that visited the area and those folks should be ashamed of themsleves for doing it.
  4. AZDirtyTaco

    Lion,Bobcat, Bear Hunting Future

    AZGFD picked Jan 30th to close the comments period. Interesting timing.
  5. AZDirtyTaco

    Looking for 300 win mag ammo

    Would love to get my hands on those if you could point me in the right direction. I've got a real picky .300WM that shoots them fantastic and nothing else nearly as well.
  6. AZDirtyTaco

    off road tire pressure

    15-20 all day. No way over 20...
  7. AZDirtyTaco

    Dirt bike questions

    I just picked up 2022 KTM 350 XCF W and it's a shweeet flippin ride. Like NMBPMAN mentioned above, fuel-injected models on any of your top brands are going to be fantastic to ride and require zero tweaking when you change elevation or climate. Most 450's of any year will 'lug' a fair amount at lower speeds and R's, making them less than ideal for someone not grabbing a lot of throttle. Only thing that is sure is that you'll have a bunch of fun once you choose a bike. Good luck!
  8. AZDirtyTaco

    Flagstaff camping

    Badass man! Few dudes post for the 1st time and then go on to tell the story, more or less throw down a bit of play by play during th hunt. Super cool that you got it done and congrats on your 1st archery elk!!! Sounds like a helluva trip and an experience of a lifetime you got to share with your father in law.
  9. AZDirtyTaco

    Great ethics to teach the kids, NOT

    I grew up spending a ton of time in the dirt and have seen many changes to our etiquette and I don't feel for the better, unfortunately. I've always let the faster driver/rider pass, end of story. It's not my road and whether I'm in the RZR, on a dirt bike, quad, mt bike, or put-puttin in my truck - if you want to go faster than me, it's not my place to dictate anything for any reason. I pull over every time as soon as there is room and will wave you by. Sometimes I cringe when I do it, but it's the right thing to do by the way I was taught and that's the way I teach it. I don't own the road. Some days, I'm the faster driver/rider and some days I'm not. Pretty simple. Having said that, it's pretty rare that I get passed in the dirt... 😉
  10. AZDirtyTaco

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Danner's sized 8.5 / 7.5 and the Tammarack's are 9. All men's sizing. Boots are well worn but easily have a couple of generations worth of hunting/backpacking left in them. No obvious odors or pre-teen funk detected during a very formal and professional inspection. New River pick-up.
  11. Hey Gents - Looking for a long shot here and some help getting my hands on a couple of boxes. I haven't been able to catch a single box for sale anywhere since Sept last year and unfortunately, the 180gr VOR-TX is the only diet my rifle will get down with. I have a mixed lot of premium factory stuff to trade in .300WM, 6.5CM, and .308, as well as some plinking stuff in a number of standard pistol and rifle calibers if interested in a trade.
  12. AZDirtyTaco

    Elk Youtube Video on Navajo Nation

    Really solid job capturing that hunt from start to finish and including some story to go along. Nice work and congrats on your hunt!!!
  13. AZDirtyTaco

    New pack recommendation?

    Kifaru is overrated and many of the designs are half-baked in my opinion. They also admittedly aren't fans of the meat shelves and it's very apparent when you are putting their system into use. You'll end up fishing through the hardware section of Ace Hardware to Frankenstein a functional system. I think MR is the best pack out there for the money.
  14. AZDirtyTaco

    Bear hunting rough start

    But man they ride like butt unless you air them down to <20lb. I personally miss the larger tires running C range. I had very few problems and didn't have to spend 30min airing back up all the time.
  15. AZDirtyTaco

    Hunting soap

    How many days before the rash starts to show up??? lol PM inbound.