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About JustHunt

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  1. JustHunt

    who is excited for deer already?

    Both bucks were aged at 3-5 years old. The check station biologists didn't give either of us a solid age of what they though the deer would be, they just said the deer were basically in that range. And thank you, I was very happy with the buck I took. I had visions of seeing some bigger ones, but getting my butt handed to me scouting that many days and hunting that many days straight, I was more than happy to take this deer. Ill be lookin' to try and draw an Archery tag this year.
  2. JustHunt

    who is excited for deer already?

    Here is a trail cam pic of the best one that I saw in all my scouting and hunting. But he ended up getting shot on the late hunt.
  3. JustHunt

    who is excited for deer already?

    It sure looks like him, mainly because its a pretty rare deer with both main beams turning down like that. And just to clarify, I didn't take him, I got to do a little hunting with the guy that did, good deserving dude, shot him on the opener. Ide post more pictures of him but he isn't mine so ill respect that. Both of your pictures and mine doesn't show the real indicator whether it is the same buck or not. He had double eyeguards on his right antler, but you wouldn't be able to tell from the picture I posted because it is just right behind the other one. If you saw double eyeguards on his right, then ide wager its the same buck. I had the rifle tag last season, I put in 9 days of scouting on three different trips, and shot my buck solo on my seventh day of hunting. I saw some good bucks scouting, but never saw the giant that I kind of knew I would never find, but secretly hoped to. Here is my buck
  4. JustHunt

    who is excited for deer already?

    Hey Chewy, I am pretty sure this is the same buck as the one in your third picture in your 2nd post. This one pictured below was shot during the early rifle last season. Anyway, thank you for sharing your pictures of some Kaibab bucks, Its impossible to get tired of them.