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Everything posted by Allforelk

  1. Allforelk

    Tried to start a poll but it didn't work ?

    #3. NFL has pissed me off to the point where I am strictly a college fan this year. The debate will just be opposing sides trying to polish a turd.
  2. Allforelk

    Guess the score?

    Quite high on the delicious scale. I really don't understand the maths or science, so that's my best guess. His headgear looks huge though.
  3. Allforelk

    3C vandals caught on camera

  4. Allforelk

    Damned coons

    We were lucky enough to watch a couple young otters play for a while at Bartlett a few springs ago. They are hilarious. They kick the crap out of each other.
  5. Allforelk

    Bomber Velvet Coues

    Holy Smokes! That is impressive head gear and a gorgeous mount.
  6. Allforelk

    7 West success!

    Nice! I have really enjoyed seeing the "first bull" posts.
  7. Allforelk

    How is the elk hunting?

    The hardest I've ever been punched was by a 5'2" Apache woman. I stopped her from taking a swing at her old man. She punched me right on the breast bone and half staggered me to then tell me I was right. The only reason I played it cool is because I was afraid to show fear. Only spiders do that to me normally.
  8. Allforelk

    First bull

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This. Stalking to the bed is awesome. How great did you feel?
  9. Allforelk

    First bull

    Is there an award for Grip N' Grin Pic? Congrats Man!
  10. Allforelk

    4A Success

    Nice bull! Love those chocolate racks.
  11. Allforelk

    Pool Table FS

    Posting for Pop's. He has a 4x8 pool table for sale. Price is the cost of gas when you pick up and whatever you need to invest in new bumpers/felt. Table is 3 piece 1" slate and frame/legs and light fixture are made from solid oak. Located in Chandler. PM me if interested and I can send pics as of tomorrow when I go over to drink his beer.
  12. Allforelk

    Unit 8

    Looks like he was a brawler. Nice bull.
  13. Allforelk

    fly fishing white mountains

    The one time I fished Hawley in the fall, the magic turned on when the water hit the high 50's. I caught the second biggest brown of my life on a cut deer hair mouse pattern I threw together after seeing a little mouse get sucked under. As mentioned before, muddler minnows produced also. Don't be afraid to fish pretty shallow in the late afternoons.
  14. Allforelk

    Happy birthday to my Hero!

    Raising a glass to your father Bob! Cheers!
  15. Allforelk

    I like the little ones...

    Nice harvest. Great tracking sir!
  16. Allforelk


    One of my favorite people in the world has a bull tag. My only goal is to make sure I get to watch him wrap that tag around some head gear. I don't care if it's twig or branch sized (I want it to be a branch).
  17. Nice looking setup. Great shooting!
  18. Allforelk

    Elk at sunset pic

    Very cool
  19. Allforelk

    Damned coons

    Unit 8 from the mid 80's on. .
  20. Allforelk


    Good looking bull.
  21. Allforelk

    Found Swarovski bino adapter

    I lost a small carved wooden box with a swivel top lid in 22 when I was 18. I was camping with about 12 of my closest friends. I hiked up the side of a hill with my binos for the afternoon by myself and left it behind when I stumbled down after sunset. If you find it, you should probably just leave it where it lies. It's been 18 years.
  22. Allforelk

    Unit 10 archery bull

    Well played! I love those smiles.
  23. I try and bring my closest friends into the fold. Buhlberg has a late bull tag in a unit without bulls. I'm guessing he is converted for life after December. Wink,wink...
  24. I love this thread. I don't know about you guys, but I don't have many trick or treat stories. Being raised as a powder and primer guy, Halloween was in the woods.
  25. 10 years old in unit 9 for deer. Have never stopped.