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Everything posted by Allforelk

  1. Allforelk

    Ruger Precision Rifle/ 308/ Leupold VX6 4-24x52

    What is he asking for the scope only?
  2. Allforelk

    Official "Target Fun Shoot" Thread

    I will be racing the deadline. Shooting and mailing Saturday. I have faith in the USPS.
  3. Allforelk

    Winners Posted ** AES Raffle** 8 RTIC 65qt Coolers

    I get suckered by the cause every time. Please point me to my next donation.
  4. Allforelk

    44 Mag Tripod & Jim White Head PhoneSkopes

    If I talk someone into buying the tripod can I drink a beer in the room where the picture was taken?
  5. Allforelk

    Spring Rains - Great Yr. for our Wildlife

    The animals I was watching last year came out of winter looking as healthy as I've seen them. We had a pretty hot summer stretch up north and the forest managed to remain an emerald paradise. If I get skunked again this year I will be begging someone to let me assist on their hunt.
  6. Allforelk


    Sold-please delete
  7. Allforelk

    ISO .40 cal. Glock 23 or?

    I popped up an ad from a while back that I posted. Gun is still available.
  8. Allforelk


    I read someone was looking for a Glock...
  9. Allforelk

    Coatimundis toes eaten off

    Eat her liver with a Pinot noir and a fava bean pilaf? Don't eat that liver. Could quite literally be toxic. Good call on the Pinot though, Chianti might run the subtle flavor of antidepressants right over.
  10. I used to work for my uncles' landscape company in the summers. The office manager used to get pictures of "someone" with their hat over their face telling the camera it was #1. She threw all of the tickets in the circular file.
  11. Allforelk

    Rifle blueing

    https://www.cerakoteguncoatings.com/finishes/H-238Q/midnight-blue/ This looks pretty close to a blueing job.
  12. Allforelk

    RTIC coolers

    Just got another 45 delivered tonight. I don't even think I need it.
  13. Allforelk

    Wife's Axis Buck - Mogollon Taxidermy

    Nice work. Those are some really cool looking animals.
  14. Allforelk

    Dog Ear Wax

    Our dogs now don't have the same issues, but I remember when I was buying meds from the vet one of the gals tossed a hand written note to check out Fosters&Smith. They had the same stuff for a huge discount over local pet shops and by far vet office prices.
  15. Allforelk

    BobCat in the Hood

    I inherited a little dachshund female through marriage that would try and take a piece. She might die trying, but she would probably get a piece.
  16. Allforelk

    Snow in the Ditch

    While I very much like all of these photos, I agree that Saturday Sunset just blew me away. I seem to remember a link to your work on one of your photo essays in the past. Would you mind reposting?
  17. Allforelk

    Dog Ear Wax

    We used Oticleanse on the springers and retrievers growing up. I think the black waxy stuff is the beginning of a yeast infection and can go horribly wrong fast. If it starts to smell bad, the vet might be your only option.
  18. Allforelk

    Long overdue hello

    Wow! Those are some amazing pictures and adventures. Do the children of your taxidermist attend Harvard or Oxford?
  19. Allforelk

    One BAD coyote

    You may be able to lure more in with a bowl of goat's blood.
  20. Allforelk

    Losing Our Public Lands

    Chaffetz withdrew his bill citing negative responses from constituents.
  21. Allforelk

    RTIC coolers

    I posted the link from the 65 page and it reverted to the 45qt link. Refreshed the page and it shows unavailable.
  22. Allforelk

    RTIC coolers

    Link? Shows up unavailable anywhere I look... RTIC Cooler (RTIC 45 Tan) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M1OJO3B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_RwKKybH11Z5TH