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Everything posted by elmergoo

  1. elmergoo

    Mess of Carp!

    No I will be right behind you. Coues taste so much better.
  2. elmergoo

    I Am SO Sorry

    To heck with scouting, where did you find those 14oz bottles or cans at ?
  3. elmergoo

    redington clean up

    With help.
  4. elmergoo

    redington clean up

    Try to keep it in Sept, and I will be there,happily.
  5. elmergoo

    Do we have any Head Bangers??

    That is ALL good stuff right there!!!! Rock"n" roll brothers. Rock on
  6. elmergoo

    More Of OW's Dead Critters

    Awesome pictures tony. That cat is huge.
  7. elmergoo

    OW's LIVE North American Critters & Scenics

    Tony those are pretty pictures, but pictures #12-15 of the bobcat have to be from a zoo or something,look at the fat on that kitty. Looks like one of my Momma,s house kitty's. Not calling you out ,but where did you find a kitty with a gut like that ?
  8. elmergoo

    binocular repair in Tucson

    My Steiners have a lifetime warranty.Have you contacted them?
  9. elmergoo

    having a fire while hunting?

    You the man Tony.
  10. elmergoo

    Ron Green article

    Glad to share. That's why they put them up there. Here are links to a couple of older articles on the RM G&F site. This one is the article on Sergio Orozcos P&Y world record Coues. World-Record Coues Buck! This one is an article about the mulies CW member John Noble, his brother and his dad killed on the Strip. 3 Bulls Down, 3 Bucks To Go -TONY I seen a photo of that coues buck and I don't think the exit hole came from an arrow? Just my opinion, and I know opinion are like ********! I understand, but I would like to see that photo.
  11. elmergoo

    Ron Green article

    Glad to share. That's why they put them up there. Here are links to a couple of older articles on the RM G&F site. This one is the article on Sergio Orozcos P&Y world record Coues. World-Record Coues Buck! This one is an article about the mulies CW member John Noble, his brother and his dad killed on the Strip. 3 Bulls Down, 3 Bucks To Go -TONY I seen a photo of that coues buck and I don't think the exit hole came from an arrow? Just my opinion, and I know opinion are like ********!
  12. elmergoo

    XL Elk shed

    Frazier, that is a dinosaur of a shed , but I can't see that coues mount in the upper left corner.
  13. elmergoo

    Unit 32 (Second Chance)

    Well now you don't have to rub it in.
  14. elmergoo


    Hate to tell you this,but I wouldn't mess with it. The other feller set it up . It would for sure start bad blood, unless you are up for that kind of thing.
  15. elmergoo

    Bad Boy Buggies

    Ditto on that.
  16. elmergoo

    AZ Big Game Super Raffle

    From the looks to me ,is all that money going to elk ?
  17. You get my point ?
  18. elmergoo

    Gun Control

    I think it is called the 2nd amendment
  19. Yea I had to look at it again, you don't see eyeguards that long on small deer.
  20. With the length of his eyeguards already imagine what his full frame will grow out to look like.
  21. elmergoo

    MINOX 15X58's vs SWARO 15X56's

    Well for the price they paid do you think anybody would fess up and say they didn,t like them?
  22. elmergoo

    More pics

    That Horny Toad picture is to cool. Love them little devils. Grew up playing with them things all the time.Have not come across one of them in about 20-25 years. Sad.
  23. elmergoo

    Can you tell?

    I would keep an eye on him.Love non-typicals.It looks like his left will grow out nice,but the right ?I don,t know.Keep an eye on him or look for some sheds.
  24. elmergoo

    "A Bad Day"

    Yea, thats real funny. It is happening every day. It disgusts me.