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Everything posted by elmergoo

  1. elmergoo

    Thieves....I hate them

    There ain't no lower life on this earth than a thief.
  2. elmergoo

    In need of a hat

    www.randhats.com They made all of the hats for Lonesome Dove and others. I own one and the quality is there. Not cheap, but you get what you pay for.All Beaver and as many xxx-s as you can afford, Look at the "Drover" model.
  3. elmergoo

    Choice Of Words

    Ya you are right fellas. I am wrong. Good night.
  4. elmergoo

    Choice Of Words

    Okay I got tired of reading this post. First of all Bill Quimby 'kill' is a three letter word, and C'N'S did you eat those prairie dogs and coyotes ?
  5. elmergoo


    That 3rd picture down sure reminds me of bow-hunting coues. I get so close sometimes they don't see me or hear me, but I think they either smell me or know something is up. They stamp their feet and then blow through their noises,trying to spook whatever it is.Smart animal.I think that you caught that buck doing that same thing to the camera.
  6. elmergoo

    coues in 34a

    Yea, what he said.
  7. elmergoo

    Apache Lake Bighorns!

    Neo that is crazy awesome. Thank you.
  8. elmergoo

    FS Leica 800

    That's a good one.
  9. elmergoo

    I can't believe it finally happened!!

    Don't forget your snow shovel.
  10. elmergoo

    Favorite Coues Taxidermist?

    Thanks! I am very happy with Clay's work, and the Cat is one of the very best I have ever seen! The eyes on the deer all look the same in real life.... I think it is shadowing from the camera flash.... the cat looks better than the pic shows as well. The upper buck and the left on are the exact same pose.... left turn vs. right turn. Looking back at it C'N'S I agree. If you could catch the same camera angle that you did on the first picture with the bottom two bucks and that AWESOME angle on that cat,(that is the most real kitty look I have seen) it would really show the quality of the work, not to mention the quality of the animals.
  11. elmergoo

    Favorite Coues Taxidermist?

    Very nice mounts indeed,but I really like the eyes on the top deer . The two on the bottom kinda look half asleep,but that is just me. I like my deer to look aware, like coues always are. He nailed the eyes on that cat, I mean he crazy nailed them.Awesome.
  12. elmergoo

    Trail Cam Picts

    Looks like alot of predators,no wonder no deer.Take care of that.
  13. Wardsoutfitters, looks like you got your stuff together. Thanks for sharing.
  14. If there was only one bull I was lucky enough to harvest, that would be him.
  15. What-ever What -ever What-ever. My jaw hit the floor,and I ain't even a Elk hunter.Sincerly Awesome.
  16. elmergoo

    couple bucks

    Partner, you got your next 3 years worth of deer right there.
  17. elmergoo

    redington clean up

    Daniel I am there, with help. I can bring two full size trucks with two 15 ft trailers. Whatever it takes. P.M. me or everybody whatever it takes.Count me in.
  18. elmergoo

    Spending time in a tree stand ?

    13 coues in one month! ....let's see some pictures. Well Wardsoutfitters if they ain't goin to do it I will. They called you out and you backed it up. Sweet!Different strokes for different folks. Congrats on some nice coues.
  19. elmergoo

    Bear Pic

  20. elmergoo

    I Am SO Sorry

    Got ya. I just stick with the unleaded.
  21. elmergoo

    Now this guy is dedicated

    Looks like he is hungry.
  22. elmergoo

    redington clean up

    The trash is right on the road, not in any hunting spots now. Target shooters are too lazy to hall targets up a mountain and obviously to lazy to hall the trash out. Its disgusting.I bet those same spots used to be hunting spots.
  23. elmergoo

    trailcam security

    Nice craftmenship, nice job.And why are you teasing us with those sheds in the background. Share!