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Everything posted by PseAZ

  1. PseAZ

    Back to back archery bull tags cant wait

    Right on that's a good bull. I heard that 7W has been a great unit the past few years. Hopefully these storms dump some heavy rain up there.
  2. PseAZ

    Back to back archery bull tags cant wait

    That stinks, should be a good year tho. Horn growth is lookin good up there so far. Just need some rain to help finish off the tops
  3. PseAZ

    Back to back archery bull tags cant wait

    That's a pretty cool looking bull, you manage to get a good one last year as well?
  4. PseAZ

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    july 11th 8:00 am
  5. PseAZ

    Sunrise Archery Shoot

    Were staying in showlow, but will be up there Saturday. Wish I was able to shoot this year, but guess were gunna hit the fun courses with the wife's instead.
  6. PseAZ

    Climbing tree stand?

    I used a climber stand for the first time this year, never set it up in a tree. The 1st and only time I put it up it took me a bit to get it how I wanted it in the tree. But seemed to work out tagged out 2nd day in January...
  7. PseAZ


    yea I like the hyde it does really good. Im currently taking the new Amio bulid Next gen with the caffeine. Just tried the new stuff tonight just as much pump but had a good workout and feel good not really sore like I have been all week,
  8. PseAZ

    Arrow software

    We've always used Archers advantage and haven't had any issues.
  9. PseAZ

    A strange one

    Saber tooth crotch cricket?
  10. PseAZ

    Apps in

    Put my wife in for her 1st time ever, Don't think she will draw but shes always seem to have alittle luck. Got me a Sheep point as well
  11. PseAZ

    Couse dropping yet?

    yea the 1st picture I had of a buck without horns was the 3rd I believe I stall have a a few small bucks carrying atleast one side. seems like between the 9th and the 11th I got a lot of craters on camera.
  12. PseAZ

    Couse dropping yet?

    Thinking about hitting the hills this weekend or the next to check camera's was wondering if anyone has found any couse sheds yet may have to get up alittle early and hit some canyons
  13. PseAZ

    Couse dropping yet?

    Didn't find any shed's, put in alittle over 6 miles in the hills got a few new bucks on camera cant wait till they start growing again. Have a few bucks that could make this list this next year and a few that should be studs.
  14. PseAZ

    Couse dropping yet?

    Dang, well I guess I will give er heck none the less. Its always strange around here. I was hoping the rut to be off the chain this year and that huge storm hit and the snow pushed the deer off of 4 different cameras for 7 weeks. Glad I tagged out 2 days prior
  15. PseAZ

    Couse dropping yet?

    Thanks guys, Yea I know its gotta be anytime now. Figure I might as well do alittle looking while im out and about.
  16. PseAZ

    Train to Hunt 2016

    Seems pretty cool, maybe next year ill have to give it a go
  17. PseAZ

    Train to Hunt 2016

    What did the day consist of? Was looking into it but couldn't get the days off in advance so didn't fallow up on it, maybe next year sounds fun.
  18. PseAZ


    Yea, im currently working on a diet as well. Got a few months for the elk hunt but the sooner the better. Trying to find a happy medium, something that will work but isn't gunna be a PITA to stick too. Im fairly simple can eat meat and veggies every day.
  19. PseAZ

    Kansas 2016

    O, ok nice ill have to check out your video when I get home. Im from Central KS gotta love the hunting out there. Its a lot different from out here.
  20. PseAZ

    Tags are in the mail

    Got mine yesterday
  21. PseAZ

    Kansas 2016

    Congrats, looks fun. Was hoping to go back home and do some turkey and deer hunting this year as well but drew a Elk tag so maybe next year what part of KS?
  22. PseAZ

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    I think I'm up to 24 now and 2 deer in Kansas all archery. 6 mulies 4 couse 3 elk 11 javalina And a bunch of fish
  23. PseAZ

    Junior Bird Down..Few extra Pics

    Heck ya, congrats guys... Cant wait to try our luck next weekend
  24. PseAZ

    7E last Season

  25. PseAZ

    My first archery coues

    Congrats man, way to kick off the year