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Everything posted by PseAZ

  1. PseAZ

    Tell me about Girl hunters

    Im trying to get my wife into hunting. I got her a bow 2 Christmas's ago and she actually enjoys shooting and does pretty well for the little she shoots. I put her in for rifle deer this last go around and everyone but her got a tag, kinda funny but she was alittle bummed. I told her next year hopefully she will be the only tag if not one or 2 more and we can spend more time on her's " we drew 8 this year" Im hoping to put her in for javalina and letting her chase one with her bow. If it wasn't so cold on the mountain id let her sit the stands but I think after a weekend of that I wouldn't have a wife anymore. Ill tell ya what though even the thought that she thinks about actually going with us and giving it a shot is awesome. Hope she likes it as much as you guys being newly weds It could be a great Passion to share.
  2. PseAZ

    2016 Fall Results

    we drew 6 couse tags and 2 mulie tags 31.
  3. PseAZ

    Sight and stablizers

    Bump... willing to sell all $250 shipped.
  4. PseAZ

    First chance to hunt Coues

    Congrats on the tag. You should have a good hunt. Best thing to do is get up high and glass. If ya don't mind alittle hiking you shouldn't have a issue finding a nice buck.
  5. PseAZ

    Early Archery Bull

    Cant wait... still getting everything ready hoping to make a trip out in 2 weeks see if I cant find some bulls that are worth the chase.
  6. PseAZ

    Homemade Spring

    Looks like a great spot. We just did this a few weeks back as well. dug it out and had a good pool in no time. Just need to get a camera in there ASAP. Keep the pics coming and good luck with your hunt.
  7. PseAZ

    late archery strategies

    I think a lot has to do with the unit, weather and hunting pressure. Especially if hunting the rim units. Biggest thing I've learned no matter what hunt i'm on is to have a few back up plans and never be afraid to get up and glass. This past January on our couse hunt I was lucky enough to tag out on the 2nd but on the 4th a huge snow storm hit and we didn't have a single deer on camera for almost 6 weeks due to how deep the snow was. We had to relocate to one of our older spots. We found a few decent bucks But after alittle more time we managed to see 2 toads that we hope to find before the year ends. Main thing is do what you can preseason, and hit the hills with a game plan. but always remember everything can change as easy as the weather. What units are you intending on applying for?
  8. PseAZ

    Rotate avatar

    try editing the photo on your phone and saving the new one, then reloading it.
  9. PseAZ

    2016 Governor's Tag

    Yea that's the 2015 bull total monster
  10. PseAZ

    400 obo vortex viper hd 15-45x65 or trades

    x2 what kinda trade? what stuff would you be interested in trading for?
  11. Got mine last night, I never win crap but worth a shot.. maybe get lucky.
  12. Looks like a old school extreme sight. not sure what model. Spot hogs are a good sight as well. Im not sure what your looking for But I have a CBE tek hybrid 5 pin last years model I used a whole 2 days on my deer hunt before I tagged out. there $305 new from CBE id let it go for $225 shipped?
  13. PseAZ

    ALASKA 2016

    that looks like a blast would love to go one day, how much did the whole trip cost your guys? Congrats on the Monster as well
  14. PseAZ

    Coues growth this year

    Were seeing both.. got 4 bucks that were forming there g3's by the 1st day or 2 of july, and one that was already to his ears on the 5th. but a few other bucks that we know are 100-105 bucks are barely knobbing there g2 split
  15. PseAZ

    Southern Az rut predictions

    We always joke and say the week of the January 10th is the week the couse will go nuts. seems like the mulies go the last week or so of December then the couse kick it off the 2nd week of January.
  16. PseAZ

    Paleo Diet

    Id be interested to see what your workout routine consisted of..? I too Have issues with sticking to a strict diet. Im currently trying to cut back and also do my best to not eat processed food, no soda and im not a fan of beer. Do like my cranberry and apple crown tho . Also probably Doesn't help my wife's Hispanic and a dam good cook... haha
  17. PseAZ


    That bull is pretty Badass Hopefully you can get him this season
  18. PseAZ

    Stare down with an elk!!

    Sounds a lot better than working, lol. Looks like a solid bull as well
  19. I have tried a few times to make a account and it's not processing ?
  20. PseAZ

    Back to back archery bull tags cant wait

    Was just gunna say the same thing. Im jealous all I get to watch is couse grow. Looks like you got a few to choose from this year. Hopefully its a good hunt
  21. PseAZ

    Back to back archery bull tags cant wait

    Yea, a buddie of mine said its been raining pretty good there about every day. Wish I had the time to make a trip up and do alittle glassing
  22. PseAZ

    Back to back archery bull tags cant wait

    looking good, a lot of solid growth so far this year.
  23. PseAZ

    **Sold** vortex razor HD 10x42's

    Man if I only had the cash... Gl with sale.