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Everything posted by PseAZ

  1. PseAZ

    Long range archers

    I Agree with Mattys, Do some blind bail shooting and work on some form. Another thing to consider is when are you shooting 100 in your practice sessions? If you start at 20 and move to 100 your going to be fatigued by the time your shooting 80+ don't know if that's the case just something to think about. also how many arrows are you shooting at a time? I know for me personally after 60-70 its hard for me to pick a spot due to pin coverage. and if I get lazy with my shot I find my self pushing out as I try to find the spot during my shot process.
  2. PseAZ

    I'm tired of being fat & out of shape

    Congrats man. And your right finding the time and sticking with it seems to be the hardest. Im changing up my workout the last month before the hunts gunna try and cut as much as I can and eat super clean to gear up for the hunts. Ill have to try you egg bake seems like a good idea thanks for sharing.
  3. PseAZ

    Anyone been watching the Olympics?

    Yea eric has been tearing it up this year as well. Wish them both the best of luck.
  4. PseAZ

    Solo elk hunting

    Im sure there are others in about every unit around hunting seasons that are on here that would be more than willing to help out. Ill be up around Flag myself for my bull hunt got 16 days off. If I tag out im down to help out
  5. PseAZ

    An app for that?

    My phone comes with a Weather thing on the home screen. I too use Hunt stand and another app " cant remember the name" but They give you weather, wind direction, and sunrise and sun set. there's a lot of other features I highly recommend the app. I know the HuntStand We used a lot On our Kansas hunt and the wind direction was almost spot on. Was pretty cool and helped us figure out what stand to sit.
  6. PseAZ

    An app for that?

    Also the Uno App for Archery Hunters... Works Great.
  7. Cant wait for the Rut to kick off. Antler growth looks great and the bulls look Healthy should be a great year if the weather Cooperates.
  8. PseAZ

    Green chiles

    We have a lot of guys in town that Get the Hatch Green Chile's. I can eat a chile with just about anything.
  9. PseAZ

    Camp Cook Box

    I got One of the Weber Q-2200 Last Christmas as a gift and love it. Been using it and a Griddle. Works great But a lot to pack around. Were hoping to get a toy-hauler before to long and I wanto get a Full set up made so we can just pack up and Go.
  10. PseAZ

    Camp Cook Box

    Ive never messed with the Dutch ovens. Seem pretty cool maybe this next year ill grab us a set. We got a nice set of cast iron skillets for Christmas I cant wait to use I really wanto get a Wok too. Right now I'm just running a single tote for all the stuff and the grill aside. But I'm going to try and prep up another tote for the Elk hunt Have 16 days off so I'm gunna be cooking a lot of good grub.
  11. PseAZ

    I'm tired of being fat & out of shape

    Just read through the whole thread. A lot of good info. I need to work on my diet.. To many family functions... The past year I had some health issues long story short ended up being a super low testosterone issue. In the first 6 weeks when I got my shots I went from 193 to 216. In the last 3 months ive gotten back down to 192 +/- Working out 4 days a week " doing jims short cut to strength" Like the program seeing a lot of solid gains. I have been stuck loosing weight tho the past month or so only lost 2 pounds. Glad softball leagues started up my cardio/endurance is getting a lot better playing 4-5 games a week. Hoping to get around 180-185 before my elk hunt. Noticed just by switching to eating salids at work for dinner im slowly dropping a pound or 2 a week. working graves makes it interesting to know when and what to eat.
  12. PseAZ

    New Hunting Pack

    Im running the Badlands 2200 I love it sometimes I find myself throwing in extra crap that I don't even need. Works great for pack outs as well
  13. PseAZ

    Camp Cook Box

    Awesome input guys. We have a quick go box that has cooking utensils , can food, and such. Also have a small colapseable grill I got last year that works great. I'd like to build a box one day, I hate stuff being all scattered. I'll have to look into that Latern pole as well
  14. PseAZ

    "How did I live without it?" Hunting Gear

    For As much glassing as we do, I love my glassing chair. Also My rino gps radios, kills 2 birds with one stone have also used it many times to walk me to others in my hunting party in pursuit of downed game. Also the small portable battery chargers for the phones are amazing. My New phone takes great photos but the battery sucks im always recharging it.
  15. PseAZ

    Green chiles

    hoping to pick us up a sack this week. Just in time for deer and elk hunts
  16. PseAZ

    Diffrent buck year to year?

    agreed, We just though it to be strange that 2 of the 3 biggest bucks have yet to show face all year. And they all took off shortly after going harded horned last year. Just find it strange they were almost on camera every day for almost 3 months and now nothing. Hope the one buck is still around He's my #1 for next year if he shows up. On a side note we do have quite a few lions up there. But seems this year they arnt on camera as much as well.
  17. Went and checked cameras this weekend and got a few solid bucks hitting the cameras. But have to guys ever seen different bucks run together year to year. Last year we had 2 different groups of bucks that were always together and hitting cameras almost every other day during the summer but within a few weeks of going hard horned they disappeared. Now this year, 2 of the bucks " one from each group" Are MIA haven't seen them and one I know would stand out and haven't heard of him getting tagged. The bucks they were running with are back and running with a few smaller bucks. There really isn't any hunting pressure where we are. So kinda stumped. Anyone ever have this happen to them?
  18. PseAZ

    August bears

    Man I wish it was open here in 31 been seeing a good number of bears lately hope they stick around till October. Good luck to everyone.
  19. PseAZ

    Coues growth this year

    Pulled cards this weekend. One camera went crazy and took like 9500 pictures in 3 days and died. Another had 1900 pictures and we think my brother inlaws new phone encrypted the card and fried it. The other 2 cards we got about 2400 pictures and 5 nice bucks and one that's gunna be a big'n. The growth seems to be spread out tho got a few bucks we know from last year that are behind we guess and some that are about as big already as they were last year but still seem to have alittle left in them. The growth looks rally good tho.
  20. PseAZ

    It's Almost Time

    Hoping to get out this weekend up north. Checked the couse cameras this weekend there looking healthy.
  21. PseAZ

    Covert MPE6 Too Sensitive

    may sound dumb but how big is the tree your mounting them too? We had the same issue with a different brand camera we think it was because the tree was blowing around in the wind and moving the camera its self. Just pulled cards this weekend and had 9600 pictures in 3 days lol. The other cameras we run are all covert mp6 and mp8 haven't had any issues
  22. PseAZ

    Let's hear it vehicle options for momma ?

    My wife has a 2014 charger v6 and she loves it. Has plenty get up and go a grip of room huge trunk and who doesn't love 32 mpg highway
  23. PseAZ

    What is in your hunting pack?

    I'm running the Badlands 2200. I Love it so far had it almost 3 years now and haven't had any issues.
  24. PseAZ

    Sight and stablizers

    Both the tru glow stabilizers are sold. Just have the CBE and the fuse left Willing to do $200 shipped