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Mr. Natural

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About Mr. Natural

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/20/1958

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Central AZ

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  1. Mr. Natural

    Hello fellow hunters

    I don't know about the last digit, but the last letter is "e".
  2. Mr. Natural

    Poll//. Who has/will get covid vaccine shot

    I didn't get it yet. I will when it becomes readily available. I am not particularly frightened of Covid, nor am I frightened or paranoid about the vaccine. I am in no big hurry to get it but I am not avoiding it either.
  3. Mr. Natural

    Old Roman Nose Bucks

    Recent trail cam photo:
  4. Mr. Natural

    Spring draw

    Based on the low tag number for javelina, I think it is likely I got my first choice - 37B general season.
  5. Mr. Natural

    Trail cameras and wildfire don't mix

  6. I was finally able to recover a couple of cameras that have been trapped inside the Bighorn Fire burn area since June. The cameras didn't survive, but many photos on the memory cards did. I converted the stills to videos.
  7. Mr. Natural

    Old Roman Nose Bucks

    BTW, Mark Miller did a good job of replicating the roman nose on this buck without making it look cartoonish.
  8. Mr. Natural

    Old Roman Nose Bucks

    I always figured it was the result of lots of fighting.
  9. Mr. Natural

    Old Roman Nose Bucks

    This old guy had a pretty good one.
  10. Mr. Natural

    Unit 33 fire closure info

    Considering that the closure order was just updated recently and it still says Nov 1, it isn't looking good. I actually spoke to a young lady at the Coronado NF Catalina district office a while back asking if I could get written permission just to go in and retrieve a couple trail cameras in the Catalinas, was told she would check into it and took my phone number. She actually returned my call the following week, but only to tell me my request was denied.
  11. Mr. Natural

    6a goat

    This was a couple of years ago.
  12. Mr. Natural

    5B South

    Quality of the roads varies a LOT. There are some crazy rocky, rough roads that will beat up you and your vehicle pretty good. But there are plenty of others that aren't bad at all. Just depends on where you want to get to.
  13. Mr. Natural

    Where am I?

    Courthouse Rd runs east and west. It turns to Centennial Rd at Harquahala Valley Rd, right? So yes, south and west of there.
  14. Mr. Natural

    Where am I?

    This is the closest guess so far, but nope. I won't keep people in suspense, this oddity is at 539th Ave and Eagletail Rd in the Harquahala Valley. I found it while I was taking a different way back to the freeway after an outing in the Eagletail Wilderness. I know nothing of the history of this item, but from the looks of it, it has been there for decades. It is not in front of a building, like a restaurant, bar or house. There are some letters on the concrete curb (lower left part of the photo). Some are missing, but it looks like it used to say "Harquahala Ranch" (or maybe Ranches, plural). Maybe the entrance to a long defunct housing development? Who knows...I just thought it was kinda cool. If anyone knows or can find any history on this thing, post it up.
  15. Mr. Natural

    Where am I?

    Getting a bit warmer, but too far south.