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About Hoytman

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  1. Hoytman

    Credit Card hit thread

    Unit 8 early archery bull for me as well
  2. Hoytman

    Meopta Meopro 80HD

    It is still available pm replied
  3. Hoytman

    Meopta Meopro 80HD

    Price drop 1000 obo
  4. Hoytman

    Meopta Meopro 80HD

    Would also consider trade for a good set of 12s possibly 15s
  5. Hoytman

    Meopta Meopro 80HD

    I’m selling a Meopro 80 HD spotting scope. I can’t find any blemishes on the glass. Very minor blemish on the rubber armor I tried to get in pic. Includes the lens caps, factory carry case and a nice stay on case. These retail for around $1500 and the stay on case was extra. Meopta made these for nightforce that’s why the case is labeled as such. Asking $1100 OBO Price drop 1000 obowill also include the ARCA footplate if needed. located in Prescott but will be in Phoenix this Sunday.
  6. Hoytman

    Fantasy football 2022

    I just sent it through PayPal instead.
  7. Hoytman

    Fantasy football 2022

    I signed up but can’t find you on Venmo
  8. Hoytman

    Fantasy football 2022

    I’d be in
  9. Hoytman

    8# H4350 and 1k CCI BR4 primers

    Sold pending meeting tomorrow to loboscout
  10. I have a factory sealed jug of h4350 and 1k cci br4 primers. $350 for the powder and $100 for the primers. I’ll do $420 if someone wants both. Located in Prescott.
  11. Hoytman

    New Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 w/ PMR rings

    Scope sold. Rings for sale $55 shipped
  12. Hoytman

    New Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 w/ PMR rings

    Yes this has the revstop zero stop system as well as locking turrets
  13. I have a nib Strike Eagle 5-25x56 ffp in moa with a set of used but good shape 1.26 height rings. Asking 700obo and will ship if you need me to. Located in Prescott