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Everything posted by KingJeff187

  1. KingJeff187

    Elk Calling without artificial Calls

    I've never mouth bugled. But when i was younger I was taught how to use a blade of grass between my thumbs to make a cow call and i also cow call with just my mouth it's proved effective on several hunting trips. also works on mule deer pretty well during the summer season since they have fawns in tow.
  2. KingJeff187


    Nice bucks for sure! congrats to all of you. gotta love those rez bucks!
  3. KingJeff187

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    July 11 11:14 am
  4. KingJeff187

    Back to back archery bull tags cant wait

    4 late rifle bull tags for unit 8 and 2 juniors cow tags in unit 22 for us this year. Good luck man
  5. KingJeff187

    Field day

    Well She got it done 94% on her final test at the field day. She is ready for her elk hunt and with any luck she'll have a deer tag to go with it.
  6. KingJeff187

    Field day

    Any of you fine ladies or gentleman going to be out at the Hunter ED field day at the Mesa game and fish office tomorrow? I will be there with my daughter and nephew getting them legal for their Jr's elk tags and hopefully a deer hunt too. Gonna be a hot one!
  7. KingJeff187


    Just my 2 cents but i used The entire line of Muscle Pharm products when i was training and fighting back in the day and they always got me where I needed to be. The recon is great for post work out and the assault was a great pre-workout boost.
  8. KingJeff187

    Field day

    180 grains from my .40 may have help it fall off..hahaha Teaching them young to look where they walk in the desert.
  9. KingJeff187

    Field day

    You couldnt me more right. I am 10 times more excited for My daughters cow tag then i am about my late bull tag. The time i spend in the outdoors is always much more rewarding when its with my kids and my family.
  10. KingJeff187

    Arizona velvet mule deer trip tips?

    here you go. Sept 1st 2014 archery muley and my Dec 15th 2015 coues buck. Trying to keep my 2 year bow streak alive this year. Good luck Arizona will throw Opprotunities at you when you least expect them so keep your Head on a swivel.
  11. KingJeff187

    Faught Ridge

    Last i heard was saturday it was at 12,140 acres and 30% contained
  12. last year just after the archery deer season I had a forest service officer look at, take down and put back up my camera. Anyone have a simular experience?
  13. KingJeff187

    What unit applied for fall draw?

    24b muley 24a muley both november hunts. I should get it done with my bow in august. So I can donate my tag again if i draw.
  14. KingJeff187

    Faught Ridge

    I just saw the same thing. Things are not looking good. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those in it's path. To any of those effected by this, god bless and may the lord watch over you.
  15. so it wasn't locked? what's the purpose of lag bolt if not locked? could't he just take the cam out of the box? definitely weird... James My camera was not in a box. It was just a camera lagged into a dead tree. Purpose of the lags was to keep the camera secured to the tree. In my experience if some one wants your camera they are going to get it. I leave the bottom unlocked in hopes that if a lazy scum bag comes across my camera then maybe he will just take my card and not bother bringing tools to un lag the actual camera. Just my thoughts.
  16. I have had plenty of cameras stolen. I have also had some interesting pictures on my cams from funny guys. I have even had guys take my card out look at my pictures and leave the camera and put the card back with there picture on it (actually ran into the guy who did it while hunting)Had a conversation with him and he even told me where one of his cams was and said i was welcome to look at his card for info on the area he had it in. Weather it is the Forest service, Game and Fish or just A fellow hunter. All of those options are better than showing up to find a camera gone.I'm sure there are plenty of guys who lose their minds over a lot of stupid Crap, I'm just not one of them. As long as I get to keep whats mine, I'm ok with that.Glad You find My logic so fascinating..haha
  17. yes, he put all 4 of them back in. 3 in the camera and one i had under the bottom door to keep it from opening.Pretty stand up guy if you ask me..haha for messing with your camera and then pointing it off in another direction? considering he had it un lagged and was with the Forest Service and could have simply taken my camera. Yes , I consider him to be doing me a favor. After all of the cameras i have had taken, I was just glad I wasnt out another $100 like in prior years.
  18. I can only hope the Forest service finds me so flateringly special that they would pay me a visit. But if it happens in the middle of the night they might want to bring some protection. I don't take to kindly to late night visiters. At least Men for that matter..lol
  19. yes, he put all 4 of them back in. 3 in the camera and one i had under the bottom door to keep it from opening.Pretty stand up guy if you ask me..haha
  20. I had it lagged to an old dead tree. So he had to un lag it looked at it for a few minutes and then mounted it back to the tree. I thought it was odd, Figured if he went through the trouble of un lagging it that he would have taken it. Guess he must have been bored That day. hahaha
  21. KingJeff187

    growers from last year

    can't wait to get out and get my camera set back up for summer archery season.
  22. KingJeff187

    Ever have this happen?

    had a bear do this to a simular model cam. I since switched to Wildgame innovations cameras. They are bottom open, and I have yet to have a critter figure out how to open them. Well except the deer That stole my camera last year..hahaha
  23. KingJeff187

    growers from last year

    Well It's good to know that you knowing the spot hasnt stopped me from plugging my last 2 archery bucks out of that area.Haha Maybe I'll see you out in August Man.
  24. KingJeff187

    Would you shoot this bull?

    dead...Dead... And Dead in the freezer!
  25. KingJeff187

    Couldn't believe it

    If your being serious, that's pretty amazing!! Care to share the story? I have hunted unit 22 since i was 10-12 years old (roughly 17 years) My father and I have seen elk on more than one outing behind bartlett lake over the years. first set of elk (cow and calf) we saw right on the river end of the lake just to the east of the river in steep canyon. The second elk we saw out there was a small 4x5 bull and he was in the hills just north of sunflower mine road. And last year I actually saw a dead cow elk on the 24b side of the road going to rooseveltt lake. There are a lot of no mad elk that roam low. I have seen an entire herd right outside of globe in 24a as well. Just depends on how long they put their heads down and travle for. My buddy watched a cow and calf water at alamo lake a few weeks ago. In My experience elk pretty much make their own rules when it comes to where you will find them.