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BivVy Productions

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About BivVy Productions

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  1. BivVy Productions

    How long until cards are hit??

    I just got a CC hit for Sandhill Crane!
  2. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    Mr. Davis called me back and I missed his phone call while I was eating dinner but he did leave me a great voicemail! Our voices were heard!!! THANK YOU, MR. DAVIS! "Hello this is Kurt Davis from Arizona game and Fish commission giving you a call I got your email related to the credit card fraud situation you have I wanted to let you know that sometime later tonight or tomorrow morning the department will put out an announcement on the news etc. etc. that allows you to go in and correct your credit car replace your credit card with the new one that you received the commission um is and I will be open until Friday at 5 PM to do so am I just _⁠_⁠_⁠_ to be clear in your email that apartment does have a deadline to fix credit comes after the the _⁠_⁠_⁠_ deadline for submitting your application but then we have to set a specific time to turn that off because otherwise you could be perpetually doing that um because the draw happens when all the processing is complete and you don't always know exactly what day that is _⁠_ _⁠_⁠_⁠_ Hass to be a finite day of _⁠_⁠_⁠_ that that issue can no longer be resolved with all of that said we've asked the department to open up the ability to fix credit card problems until 5 PM on Friday that announcement will come out either later tonight or early in the morning so check your _⁠_⁠_ news and all that and go in and fix your credit card and good luck on getting _⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_ call me back if you have any questions the skirt Davis thanks a lot bye…”
  3. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    Dude really, just get the e'f out of this topic. No one wants to hear your garbage or nonsense on here. You are that type of person who Trolls around looking to start sh!t behind a keyboard. Let us adults talk about this, You have nothing to offer on this topic. Go troll something for a little bit.
  4. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    No sh!t I have zero chance of drawing a tag! Do you really have to be an A$$Hole about it? I can't wait for this to happen to you and G&F has nothing in place in the future to fix this issue. The main reason for this post was to draw awareness on how broken their system is, not to draw dumb replies like yours.
  5. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    I would still call just to have your voice heard! And who knows, maybe they will offer a different solution tomorrow for this issue lol. If they start to give you the analogy it's like buying a lottery ticket just laugh and hang up. No joke, the lady today was trying to make a comparison on cc updates to buying lottery tickets before 7pm the day of a lotto drawing. At least we freaking know the winning numbers of the tickets a few hours later! Like WTF lady?! They are so far gone and out of touch on what's going on with this elk and antelope draw it not even funny.
  6. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    Question for those who use prepaid cards. When you apply for the draw and when they ask for the name on the card and billing address for the card, that doesn't create a problem? I'm curious since a prepaid card doesn't have your name or address tied to it. Just throwing out more ideas for Game & Fish- 1) Be able to have a second CC on file in case the first CC has a problem 2) Game & Fish offering gift cards that can be used for anything related to AZGFD (like applying for the draw) 3) Being able to upload money to your online portal to use for multiple things like - buying hunting & Fishing licenses, Applying for the draw & if you draw then that amount comes out of your portal account (this one will probably never happen) These are just a few ideas that have come to my mind while dealing with my bad situation that happen today. I would love to hear other peoples idea's on how G&F could prevent this from happing in the future. Who knows, maybe G&F will start listening to us hunters...
  7. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    I just broke the news to my dad about what happened, over the phone I could totally tell how bum out he was. But being the great father he is, he told me not to beat myself up over it. He did make a good suggestion - That Game & Fish should allow us to put a backup CC on file in case if your first CC gets denied for whatever reason. I feel like Game & Fish really needs to hear our public opinions to better serve their customers.
  8. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    Thanks for understanding @huntlines. If things don't improve the pre-paid card will be the way to go I guess.
  9. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    I'm not trying to start a keyboard war with you or anyone else on here. I'm pointing out a huge flaw with the Game and Fish system and hoping to improve it. Don't lie... you know dang well if this happen to you, you would be expressing your frustration on how poorly our system is designed. BTW if it has to come down to buying a prepaid card to eliminate zero risks, then we have a long ways to go before we see improvement with our G&F system. Please don't utter the words "common scene" to me when our department has none.
  10. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    Trust me I have written to Mr. Davis, before jumping on here. I just want everyone else who finds themselves in my situation to know what's going on. When of if - I get a response back from Mr. Davis, I will let everyone know.
  11. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    Can you point me in the right direction where I can find info about "card hit 2016 style" Thanks!
  12. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    The sad thing is too, my dad was on my applications with me and his hunting days are winding down. I don't know how I'm going to break this news to him.
  13. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    Yeah, they have already canceled that card and issued me a new card.
  14. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    They have since they did away with calling customers whose CC was declined.
  15. BivVy Productions

    A bunch of BS!

    You would think since they didn't charge CC the day after the deadline "like they always do" they would at least call people this year whose cards were declined. I suggested that on my phone call with G&F and customer service told me to email the commissioner with that idea.