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Everything posted by Tedo

  1. Dillon 550 .44 magnm/.44 special Caliber conversion with carbide dies, powder measure, shell plate, tool stand, etc.$250
  2. Tedo

    Dillon 550 Caliber conversion

    Still available
  3. Tedo

    WTB O/U

    I have a SKB 12ga o/u, 2 3/4",28"
  4. Tedo

    Looking for Dillon 550 conversion

    I have a 550 conversion posted here in the classified, it has .44 magnum carbide dies in it.
  5. Tedo

    Dillon 550 Caliber conversion

    Located in Pearce, Az
  6. Dillon electric case trimmer with .223 size/trim die, vacuum attachment, power cords. Like new condition. $200.
  7. Tedo

    Dillon Electric Case Trimmer

    Still available.
  8. Tedo

    Fur Stretchers

    Three wood fur stretchers for coyote,bobcat,fox. $30
  9. Tedo


    Good looking Lab hope you have a quick sale and get your dog squared away!
  10. Tedo

    Fur Stretchers

    Stretchers located in Pearce.
  11. Rear rack for Jeep TJ Wranglers. Includes two Jerry cans. Rack bed liner coated. $110.00
  12. Tedo

    .222 Remington Ammo

    Tombstone works for me. Day and time? Parking lot across from court house.
  13. Tedo

    .222 Remington Ammo

    Two boxes of Remington and two boxes of Winchester .222 ammo. Factory loads, 50 grain. $100.00
  14. Tedo

    .222 Remington Ammo

    Do you ever get over to Benson or Tombstone? I am over in Pearce and its a long haul to Sierra Vista.