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Everything posted by NODAISY


    257 weatherby magnum

    I have been shooting a Weatherby Deluxe in 257 Weath. Mag for the past couple of years.. Mainly shoot 115 ballistic tips, averaging around 3390-3420 fps depending on the box of ammo.. Had the rifle accurized by Hill Country Rifles in Texas, worth every penny. Went from 1 inch groups to sub-moa with all factory Weath. ammo. Shot an Elk in Craig Colorado last year at 280 yds with a Barnes 115 gr. high shoulder shot/spine dropped the elk in its tracks. I was a little cocerned about light bullet performance but it worked great. The 100 gr. SP's absolutely destroy deer at under 150 yds. its like a small explosion went off. Ballistic tips may have similiar performance. Good luck with your 257 W
  2. My son and I are hunting Mule Deer in Unit 34B this fall.. We were wondering if anyone was familiar with this unit and where to hunt Mule Deer?? Were from Minnesota so scouting will be limited.. Any info would be greatly appreciated..