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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    new in package, 5-pin black gold sight $85

    Is this the .019 pins? Thanks.
  2. mattys281

    Next Generation

    No coues ones yet but ive found a couple of muley fawns that were so young they just hunkered down and sat still. You see some real interesting behavior from mama. The doe came right up to within about 10 or 15 feet of us, snorted, stamped her feet then stotted away. When we didnt chase her, shed come back and do it again and again until we walked away from the fawn. Obviously she was attempting to lure us away. Neat experience! I love seeing the babies!
  3. mattys281

    Can you cool a barrel quicker at range

    I'm shooting from memory here, so my numbers may be off a little, but we use liquid nitrogen in my shop on occasion for assembly operations that require a temperature differential between components of 700°F or more. Basically, you bake one part to 350°-400° and cool the other part in LN (Nitrogen has to be -350°F ish to be in the liquid phase), then slap the two pieces together as quickly as you can. This temperature can cause Ø8.00 inconel pressure vessels with walls about .350 thick to contract & shrink more than .010 in diameter. Knowing that, I'd be very hesitant to use this stuff to cool a barrel. It seems like you could very easily cool it too much, to such an extent that you not only make the steel brittle, but also shrink it to a certain extent and than try to push a bullet through a brittle barrel that has been shrunk from it's normal operating size. I'm thinking using a cooler full of ice and some towels to prevent your barrel from getting wet would be a safer, cheaper and easier way to accomplish what you want to do, but I've never done it so could be completely off the mark.
  4. mattys281

    What guns or bow would you want back?

    2007 PSE Diablo with hybrid cams. Far from the fastest arrow flinger on the market at the time, but it was a dang sweet shooting rig & dropped my first two deer with it, not to mention about eleventy billion rabbits (give or take a couple). I gave it to a buddy that was just getting into bowhunting, so I still get to see him from time to time.
  5. mattys281

    Desert Bucks

    Nice! I always wondered what was lurking down in that corner of the state, besides marines and rattlesnakes. Thanks for sharing!
  6. mattys281

    He is finished! Candlestick Buck

    Thats one stud buck! Congrats!
  7. mattys281

    Coues pics

    10 yard penalty: posting pics of buck as that are off limits! Am i seeing things or did that big one have a tracking collar on? Great photos!
  8. mattys281

    Central AZ coues

    The forks look about the same as my 145 buck, but less spread and smaller eye gaurds. Im guessing 135ish. Nice buck, no way I'd let him walk. Congrats and good luck on your coues!
  9. mattys281

    Cecil the Lion

    I dont think it gives hunters a bad name. It is a sad testimonial to the idiocy of most of the people on 'social media' though. Peole are actually wanting to abolish big game hunting in Africa? Wth else do people in those small villages and craphole countries have going for them? Lets take away the one business activity they have over a single guides pisspoor judgment. Thatll be great for the regions wildlife.....
  10. mattys281

    Few Coues Pics

    Nice pics. You got a hit list together yet?
  11. mattys281

    Cecil the Lion

  12. mattys281

    Cecil the Lion

    Here we go again....
  13. mattys281

    Calling Mule Deer

    I nailed my first muley with a combination of grunting, raking brush and moving towards him while staying low and out of direct sight. He was working a doe and came to defend his territory. May not have been the first mistake he made that day, but was definetely his last. I find that calling can work very well on deer that are not alert and are completely unaware of your presence. Once they bust you or are even suspicious, game is over. They may stop and look at you, allowing a rifle guy to tap one, but I've never had one that was already on alert come back to me. Ive nearly been runover by muleys and coues deer responding to a fawn bleater.
  14. mattys281

    Things to do in the NP?

    I dont know what the rules are but I see people fishing in them all the time out in the west valley.
  15. mattys281

    Boone & Crocket on Auction Tags

    They must have really long legs the way they're straddling that fence.
  16. mattys281


    Photoshopped! Five yard penalty!
  17. mattys281

    Bushmaster Carbon 15

    Any pics? Thanks.
  18. mattys281

    24b December wilderness hunt

    Its very easy to lose the crowds in 24b without going real far. Ive killed a couple smaller deer with my bow and missed many opportunities at nicer ones. Great unit and theres plenty of solitude and deer In the superstition and surrounding areas. You'll have a good hunt.
  19. mattys281

    Assorted Unit 22 Bears

    Great bear pics! Thanks for sharing.
  20. mattys281

    Here is a tough one.... Where am I??

    Looks like a thimble in a clown wig. Clippers bud, your ole lady will thank you!
  21. mattys281

    Anyone want to sell a pair of sitka pants?

    If you cant find a decent used pair, check amazon. They're a little more pricey now that fall hunts are getting close, but a few months ago there were some 90% pants selling for about $50 less than normal. I put them on my amazon wishlist but never bought them, so now of course theyve gone back up.
  22. mattys281

    WHERE AM I???? I will join the fun

    Ive heard rumor that Addicted has so much scar tissue built up that your normal garden variety std's just bounce off his junk like bullets off of supermans chest. She would have to have superaids just to give him a runny nose. . . . . . Ok, I confess, I just started that rumor. But I hope it sticks.
  23. mattys281

    Archery Practice Help

    I used to do that when I was able to shoot in my yard. Shoot one or two arrows at different yardages in the morning before work & then maybe do it again after work. Didn't practice like that all the time, but it's good once in a while. Realistically, many people only draw their bow back and shoot once during the hunt. I've shot a total of 3 arrows to collect my last 2 deer. No misses since 2012 (hope it keeps going!). Training your mind that the first shot must be good because there is no second shot is a smart method, for after muscle memory has been built. No such thing as a warm-up session or a practice shot when there's an animal in front of you.
  24. mattys281

    WHERE AM I???? I will join the fun

    The LA Fitness that's across from Christies Cabaret?
  25. mattys281

    Just how tough are Elk?

    I would like to see that if you still have them. Thanks Here you go. Tough little guy. I guess it was June, not July, but still a long time to be cruising around with an arrow in your neck.