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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    Sticky situation

    Buddy of mine went through this with a deer last year. You can search for as long as you want as long as you stay in the field. If you come out, the search is over and you cant tag it. At least that is what g&f told him last summer.
  2. mattys281

    Dream Buck

    Nice! What a monster! Congrats!
  3. mattys281

    Opinions on archery mule deer strategy

    The terrain and ground cover should dictate your strategy. If he's hanging out in thick steep (I.e. noisy crap!), then find a good ambush spot in a feeding area up above his bed and wait him out. If hes in a stalkable position then go to him.
  4. mattys281

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    I had a trail cam up in 24b that I left up for about 6 months last year. I printed out some blank calendar sheets and logged all the deer movement that I caught on cam. Very interesting to see how much they actually used the area. Sometimes I'd capture no pictures for up to 5 days in a row, but other points there'd be deer there every day for more than a week straight (I think 9 days was my longest roll, if I remember right). Sometimes just once a day, other times they'd be there every hour it seemed. 3 or 4 different herds moving through that area including a bachelor herd that had a small 10 pt in it. They were there a lot. Hunt like a stone, not a cheetah. You're not fast enough! For whatever it's worth, it seems to me that coues deer are much tougher than muleys to spot & stalk hunt, but they're way easier to nail down for a good ambush spot. Again, we're talking about any legal/ brown-its-down deer. I couldn't tell you a dang thing about trophy bucks except that every once in a while you get lucky and one shows up. I've got a trail cam pic of my hunting buddy that I work that area with walking by the cam one day during the AUgust archery hunt & waving to the camera. 45 minutes later I got pics of buck standing where he'd just walked by. He wasn't happy when I emailed him those pics.
  5. mattys281

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    Took me a long time to settle down enough to kill deer with a bow. I now use a very simple procedure: find a spot they like and dont leave until one shows up. Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 days, but eventually something horny always shows up. Of course, im also not picky over antler size so that helps increase the odds.
  6. mattys281

    Is Camouflage Necessary

    It certainly doesn't hurt you odds, but you can get close with out it. I was practically stepped on by a spike elk on June while hiking in blue jeans and white t shirt. Saw him coming, so just kept a tree between us and he walked right by me.
  7. mattys281

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    idk how you guys do it. i cant get it done Do not underestimate the sneakiness...
  8. mattys281

    Happy Birthday AZP&Y "DOUG"

    Happy bday Doug! Good luck this season!
  9. mattys281

    Camera Etiquitte

    I just can't see how people justify messing with other peoples gear. I mean, sure, I'm not above leaving some interesting pictures for them to find, and there may be a couple pantless trail cam pics of me floating around the web some where... but it just aint right to manhandle someone else's equipment. At least not until after they've bought you a drink or two...
  10. mattys281

    First Archery Buck

    I love the fuzzy muleys! Congrats on an awesome trophy!
  11. mattys281

    Monster unit 8 buck!

    Congrats to him on his first deer! Ive killed one about that size too, but it wasnt my first one. And id be willing to do it again late in the season. Good eating right there!
  12. "So..I was walking through the mall the other day and saw that there was a "Muslim Book Store". I was wondering what exactly was in a Muslim bookstore so I went in. I was wandering around taking a look and the clerk stopped me and asked if he could help me. I imagine I didn't look like his normal clientele... So I asked for a copy of the U.S. Immigration Policy Book regarding Muslims. The clerk said, "F off, get out and stay out!" I said, "Yes, that's the one. Do you have it in paperback?"..............
  13. mattys281

    Minox German made 15x56 Binoculars

    Ive got a set of these too. Good glass and thats more than fair on the price. Good luck with your sale!
  14. mattys281

    Hillary the comedian

    I think if I spent 10 minutes alone with trump in an empty room, id probably end up beating him to death with my shoe due to lack of options. Not that I dislike him, it's just that he's an arrogant, obnoxious ahole in desperate need of a beating. But, of the candidates now present, hes the most likely to get my vote. I like carson, but I dont think the economy needs brain surgery. I think we need someone whos good at generating profits and creating jobs. Trump has proved thats him over and over again. And obnoxious as he may be, its probably a good thing that hes an egomaniac. His goal will be to be seen as the savior of our nation: "look at what a great job I did!" Unlike obama and other dems, trump will use the dollar to measure his success where as the libtard, socialist dreamers measure it based on happy feeling of the hordes of never-do-wells and magic rays of sunshine that make everything good. Listening to these morons with the utopian/equality bs is sickening. Its like someone trying to convince you that the keebler elf commercials are actually a documentary on how cookies are really made, and their mad at you for arguing against such an obvious truth.
  15. mattys281

    Got My Son's Buck Back

    Congrats to your little man! I can't wait to get a grip & grin pic with one of my kids like that!
  16. mattys281

    My last Elk!

    Thats an awesome elk! Good luck on your upcoming hunt.
  17. Since the first time I stepped into a machine shop, I always wanted my own equipment. A few years ago I realized part of that dream when i bought a small cnc mill. A year later I bought a bigger one. This year I rounflded off my collection when I bought a cnc lathe. Its a simple one with homemade gang tooling, but shes accurate and holds some good finishes. I think shell do just fine!
  18. mattys281

    August archery couse or Mule desert?

    I usually head for 27 where its nice and cool, and you could kill either from the same tree. Due to my workload right now, I'll be doing good if I get a single day or two out in 24b, so itll probably be coues deer this year.
  19. Its the constant surface speed code on a small part. It only goes to 3000rpm, so that little boring bar runs at full blast. Gotta love 347ss: high sfm, low chipload.
  20. [quote name="naturegirl" post="583143" timestamp="1440100127" Confidence Bingo. I used to come apart shooting at anything that was alive. Rabbits squirrels deer... didn't matter. Just had to keep practicing and shooting at critters until I hit a few and learned how to calm down. If youre not already doing it, talk yourself through EVERY shot, especially at animals: "draw, aim, squeeze....." THWACK! Yummmmm... backstraps..... (picture homer simpson drooling)
  21. mattys281

    He did it!!! Passed HE

    Nice! Congrats to you guys!
  22. mattys281

    Staying cool in a hot blind

    Ive only hunted in a pop up once for just this reason. Slow cooking is great for a roast, not so much for my butt. If im hunting on the ground I use a saw and a piece of camo clothplus some string to construct curtain blinds. They dont offer as much concealment and you have to be careful moving into shooting position and drawing, but using these plus my ghilliie shirt has gotten me within 10 ft of deer on more than one occasion. All day sits are much nicer if you can feel the breeze on you.
  23. mattys281

    Brand new hunter

    Good luck on your first hunt. Beautiful time of year, you'll love it!
  24. mattys281

    Staying cool in a hot blind

    Best way to stay cool in a ground blind is to sit in a treestand up in the pines. Works like a dream! Although the monsoons can make you a little nervous when you're sitting 15 up in a tree with lightning rolling in and the wind pushing you around...
  25. mattys281

    Big Coues on Cam

    If you dont have room on your wall for him, just let me know. Ive got an empty spot and would be happy to take him off your hands.