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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    Video of Natives Hunting With Spears

    Its not pleasant, but still a lot more merciful than lions, bears and especially wolves. Ever seen a wolf kill? They just pile up on the critter and dig in, start eating it while its still alive. Wolves are the Robert Downey jr of the animal world.
  2. mattys281

    Anyone need help or a tag alon unit 4a?

    Just out of curiosity, but with spring hunts running from jan-may, fire restrictions and forest closures june & july, and hunts again from august through dec..... when exactly is it that nonhunters can use the forest/public land without being inconsiderate jerks that are ruining peoples hunts? Sorry, I know logic isnt welcome on internet forums, but that attitude just kills me. 'I have a $120 tag, so now the 2,000,000 acres of public land in this state is off limits to everyone else who doesnt have a tag!'
  3. mattys281

    2015 Coues Deer

    Congrats! He'll be good eating for sure!
  4. mattys281

    Sick of hearing about you missing

    Its only in fun, no disrespect is intended. Did you see the bumbum contest? It will change your opinion on rump shots.
  5. mattys281

    Sick of hearing about you missing

    You're talking about 'poke and hope' hunters. The guys that know the target is well out of their effective range, but figure maybe luck will serve them? The guy that rump shoots because its better to come home with the story of a deer shot and lost then just the one they saw? Totally agree on that. Everybody has the right to make mistakes, and hopefully learn from them. The guys who will blaze away and shoot at anything are a different breed though. Right up there with road hunters who just drive til they see something then jump out and try to chase it down, which is hilarious to watch, but still sad. You just have to hope with a little time, maturity and guidance they'll settle down. And hopefully dont feed too many coyotes and crows in the meantime. Rump shots? Leave that in Vegas. I'm sick to my stomach now. Thanks alot. 1.) Google brazils ms. Bumbum contest. 2.) Spend a few minutes browsing photos of said contest 3.) Big a big enough man to come back on here and admit the error of your ways and that you are now a fan of rump shots, when taken in the right context. Run along lad, you've got some homework.
  6. mattys281

    Anyone need help or a tag alon unit 4a?

    Seems to me that if you wait for a bull tag to try closing ranks with an elk you're only ever going to do it a handful of times in your life. One guy trying to film elk isnt going to mess up anything for anybody. Heck, 90% of the people with tags cant even find the time to scout, so they definetely have no right to cry foul over a wildlife photographer ruining a hunt they didnt bother to prepare for. You'll see them in another week or two when the 'help with unit such and such' threads start. If you can find someone to hunt with, great. If not, go and have fun on your own. Enjoy the public land that you pay for with every dollar you earn and that you're entitled to.
  7. mattys281

    Sick of hearing about you missing

    You're talking about 'poke and hope' hunters. The guys that know the target is well out of their effective range, but figure maybe luck will serve them? The guy that rump shoots because its better to come home with the story of a deer shot and lost then just the one they saw? Totally agree on that. Everybody has the right to make mistakes, and hopefully learn from them. The guys who will blaze away and shoot at anything are a different breed though. Right up there with road hunters who just drive til they see something then jump out and try to chase it down, which is hilarious to watch, but still sad. You just have to hope with a little time, maturity and guidance they'll settle down. And hopefully dont feed too many coyotes and crows in the meantime.
  8. mattys281

    Sick of hearing about you missing

    Who hunts that has never missed? Nobody is born a stone cold killer with ice in their veins. Ive always tried to make a good shot, but when the adrenaline was kicking its easy shank it and to lob an arrow right over their back. Heck, first deer i shot at (and missed ) i was too rattled to even know which pin to use! That excitement is the very reason I hunt. Sorry, but if you want no misses than you want to abolish hunting. Buckblocker... CLASSIC!
  9. mattys281

    It finally happened!!!

    Thats an awesome buck! Congrats!
  10. I also know that song too well. I'm hoping to get out for a day this week, but it doesn't look likely. Being successful in your career is a double-edged sword as it takes a toll and often makes you less successful in other areas of life.
  11. mattys281

    Today was a good day!

    Congrats to both hunters! Those are some impressive trophies!
  12. mattys281

    Peg leg coyote

    One less fawn killer out there. Nice shootin!
  13. mattys281

    Few Items up for sale or trade...

    Im glad someone snagged up that bow. Ive got two black ices in the closet already and dont really need a third, but when I saw one for under $200 I found myself checking my wallet anyways.... Its a sweet little tack driver of a bow, I think you'll be real happy with it.
  14. mattys281

    Archery Coues

    Congrats! Great coues buck!
  15. mattys281

    Big Velvet muley

    Great stalk to get to 35 yards! What an awesone muley. Congrats to him!
  16. Awesome buck! Congrats to him.
  17. mattys281

    my new friend

    Handsome guy. Sure you guys have many good times ahead of you!
  18. mattys281


    Congrats on a great buck!
  19. mattys281

    3 months of watching Coues

    ^^^^^ This! ^^^^^ Ask anyone whos a successful treestand hunter. Hours dont cut it, you have to sit for days. 3 days in one spot is not a long time, its a minimum for ambush hunting. Get in an hour before sun up to after sun down. Bring a book and put in your hours. My 2014 buck only took 2 days, I got lucky. 2013 took 4 days in the same dang tree. First deer I ever took was a spot and stalk kill, but I had 14 days invested. Theres no short cuts, some times you get lucky but most often its 10% skill and 90% stubborn foolhardy perserverance. Remember deer are not in the same area all the time. They might be there every day for 3 days than gone for a week. Ive never seen a spot anywhere that has bucks every day. They dont exist. Its like the mythical city of el dorado or the female orgasm: no such thing, dont waste your time looking. Just find a spot that deer visit periodically and then wait it out, theyll be there sooner or later. Dont get frustrated, stay positive and keep after it. You'll get there.
  20. mattys281

    Ex - wife's sewing machine

    Welcome aboard. I think there's a fair number of people that already had an idea of what the other side of the story would be, call it 'male intuition'. PM your address, I'll send you a tshirt that helped get me through some of my divorce-craziness. Just wearing it makes you feel better! I'm just kidding I dont really have one... yet. Anyone else want to chip in on an order?
  21. mattys281

    2015 AZ Archery Mule Deer non typical

    Congrats to you guys! A couple of great muleys!
  22. mattys281


    Me too..??? but he's got one heck of a hole punched in that rope Fixin to rope him an elk..... or a hefty broad. Need about the same size loop for either.
  23. mattys281

    Little brothers first buck

    Nice! Congrats to him!
  24. mattys281

    Need A Good Bow!!

    Brand new or used? You can find good deals in cabelas bargain cave sometimes, ebay is a good place for used equipment and the classifieds on archerytalk can produce some real gems. Used bows dont hold their value that well so if you dont mind buying used you can save a ton of cash. Good luck!