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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    Sheep hunt success in Northwest Arizona!

    I believe it was president roosevelt that said, "commercial hunting is bad for hunters, but worse for wildlife."
  2. mattys281

    Skinny dipping

  3. mattys281

    Christmas Coues

    Nice work! Congrats on an awesome buck!
  4. mattys281

    Spot and stalk coues

    Congrats! Thats a pretty incredible feat!
  5. mattys281

    Anyone have a thumb release? (Target panic related)

    Hha makes a trigger / caliper type back tension release thats a pretty good training aid. I have one some where.... you pull the trigger and then you have to pull to increase the tension. Basically what happens is you find that you about jump out of your skin when you pull the trigger and nothing happens, but after a few shots you get used to it and stop jumping. I used to shoot a dozen or so with it, then shoot 3-6 with my regular release and its pretty amazing how you get real steady real quick.
  6. mattys281

    My new toy

    I have an old recurve I shoot jn my shop from time to time. Its a real p.o.s. old pse takedown. Sure is fun to shoot a few while the machines are running. And unlike my compound, I dont have to worry about shooting off fletchings or nocks or hitting that shot up part of the target and blowing through it and putting a hole (or another hole, rather) in the garage door.
  7. Sounds like a realky big coyote to me. Best to shoot those and just bury the collar.
  8. mattys281

    My new toy

    Welcome to your next obsession. A stick bow deer is on my bucket list, but I gotta hit double digits with the compound before I take off my training wheels. Sooooon........
  9. mattys281

    My December Muley

    Awesome buck! Congrats!
  10. mattys281

    Base Layer

    I have a medium weight cabelas brand set I use for hiking in and then I change into my heavier wool ones once I settle in and am not doing much more hiking. The cabelas ones aren't good enough for sitting out in the wind but they work for the hiking.
  11. mattys281

    Target Panic Cure?

    Yep. I always had a tendancy to anchor low and get stuck there. Seemed like there was 500 pound weight on my top limb that kept me from raising that bow! The human mind is a funny thing. You have to learn how to trick your own mind to be a better shooter, wth is up with that!?
  12. mattys281

    Target Panic Cure?

    Hard to float a pin if there isn't one. is that like some ancient Chinese archery advice? I usually just drift it by the target and let it fly when it's in the middle, am I doing it wrong? That is exactly what target panic is. Cant hold the pin on the target so you move it across the target trying to punch the trigger when the pin is on the bullseye. For the record, nobody holds dead steady, there is always some bouncing around on the target. As suggested if you focus on the target and just let the pin float you will be surprised how that arrow seems to end up dead center. If you try to hold steady as a rock, you will drive yourself crazy and never get it done anyway. Focus on your release and your follow through, everything else will come together.
  13. mattys281

    Target Panic Cure?

    I've had good results closing my eyes and blind-bale shooting, but never heard of that trick. sounds like a good variation since you can still see the target and your mind would still try to aim. I think I'll give that one a try a little and see if it can't tighten me up a little.
  14. mattys281

    Archery 4x4

    Awesome buck! Nicely done, congrats!
  15. mattys281

    Target Panic Cure?

    I found that simply practicing my thousand yard stare and my mean mug in the mirror a few times each day before work completely cured my target panic. Now the target is afraid of ME! ..... and the kids and the dog immediately leave the room when I enter it, but I still feel like it was a good trade. I also make a habit of having a strict shot routine and try to talk myself through every shot whether on paper or hide. Mine goes like this: draw-aim-squeeze..... I actually dont squeeze the trigger though. When I draw and settle in to my anchor I find my finger position on the trigger and apply a slight pressure. Then I aim and when I hit the squeeze portion of my routine I dont actually squeeze the trigger but rather push on the bow handle a little and also pull on the string a little more (also known as increasing back tension) and the string ends up just popping out of my release. One thing I would suggest is to focus on one aspect of your shooting at a time. Completely focus on that and you will trick your mind into forgetting all about where the arrow hits. If you execute a shot properly, the arrow will go where its intended. Start with follow through. 90% of the people who struggle with target panic have chit follow through. Your bow will inherently drop a little after the string is released, but it should still be basically up and aimed at the target. Try to have a rediculously long follow through, keep aimed for 5 seconds after impact. People blow it here because they cant wait to see where the arrow hit. Its just lime a good golf swing if you have a good follow through you most likely executed a clean shot. My last two deer I killed here in az I was stone cold. Talked myself through the shots and made great first hits. This year in Nebraska I came apart a little and was flinging arrows. It got the job done, but it was a signal for me to get my butt back out there and start talking to myself again. Good luck!
  16. mattys281

    This post is for the dogs

    Lost my best friend on sept 21st, my lil buddy watched me grow into a man and start my family. Holding his head as he passed was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. RIP zeke zeke. Sad day for sure. Sorry for your loss, but the memories your pal left you with are worth the pain.
  17. mattys281

    Slick trick noise

    Just keep after it, it'll happen. I thought it was impossible to kill a deer with my bow until it happened. Several years and several deer later the hardest part now is just finding a weekend I don't have to work.
  18. mattys281

    Nick's first buck

    Congrats on a great muley!
  19. mattys281

    Slick trick noise

    I would imagine the report from your bow is much more likely to cause a string jump and then most likely only if the deer is on full alert. If theyre looking in your direction wait for them to turn their head and youll be fine. Incidentally the couple of string jumpers I had have all been at close range, less than 35 yards. Ive killed a few at 50 plus that were looking right at me and just watched that arrow come. Seems like at 40 yards plus they dont think you're inside the serious danger zone and are more tolerant.
  20. mattys281

    Trophy Garage

    That's awesome! Nice collection.
  21. mattys281

    General season Utah bucks

    Wow! What a year for you folks! Congrats & welcome to the site.
  22. mattys281

    a 24a eight pointer

    Nice buck. Congrats to him.
  23. mattys281

    Cole's kaibab deer

    Awesome muley! Congrats.
  24. mattys281

    Any Advice for a New Guy

    You get me fired up to do some sittin You sassy little tramp, you....
  25. mattys281

    2015 Dream Season 8 Coues Bucks

    You guys sure do an amazing job. I think its really cool the way you help out so many people just for the passion of it. Congrats on a stellar season!