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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    First Archery Hunt - Buck Down!

    Nice! Thats the way to start a bowhunting career. Congrats.
  2. mattys281

    New Mexico success

    Nice double! Congrats to you two.
  3. mattys281

    2016 Mule Deer Meatpole

    Wow! Awesome buck! Congrats.
  4. mattys281

    above az's timberline

    Ive never been up there yet, but hear its real popular with hikers.
  5. No sir, I had a very spendy pse mach12 delaminate in my car years ago. My bows are all in my closet in the master bedroom. I honestly think these are just shot out. Ive never owned a bow this long before and if you do the math at a minimum of 50 shots per week (which sonunds low to me) x 7.5 years its around 20000 shots. And like I said, I think that number is very conservative. When I first bought that thing, I shot every day, minimum of 20 shots per day. I honestly think those limbs probably had more than 40k shots off of them. That bow just had its 6th string put on. Its seen some use. Now its time to test bowtechs customer service.
  6. Looks like my bow, Tank, has shot his last deer. While fiddling around with him in the garage today & throwing some arrows through the chronograph, I drew back, heard the death moan (crack!) of my bottom limb and then the string went slack.... He was aged 7 years, 4 months and had taken 4 deer and one javelina. I'd estimate (conservatively) that I must've shot at least 20,000 arrows off this thing. Probably twice that many.... We've had a good run buddy. I'll miss you.....
  7. I appreciate that bud. Losing a good piece of equipment is hard to swallow. I'm hopeful that I'll find a set of donor limbs and the transplant will go well. In the meantime, all I can do is wait and pray.
  8. appreciate the offer, but I just emailed diamond to see about a replacement set of limbs. There is a lifetime warranty on them for original owners, but being brilliant as I am, I never registered the dang thing so.... now I wait to see if I get a free set or if I have to pony up some cash for them. Regardless, I'm far too cheap loyal to let go of a bow I like this much over something as trivial as a broken limb. In the meantime, I've got a couple brand new rests and some other sights up in the closet that I've been meaning to try out, so I'm going to set-up my back-up bow (another black ice) and start playing with that while I wait to hear back from Diamond.
  9. LOL! No doubt.... And if that doesn't work, I have a costco size roll of duct tape around here some where and some zip ties.
  10. mattys281

    Road Hunting, Still Illegal

    My understanding of it has always been this: 1. Driving somewhere and bump into a deer so you go for it = dumb luck and perfectly legal 2. Driving up and down roads in an effort to come up on something and jump out and shoot it before it can run off or shoot it from your vehicle = roadhunting and illegal. Its been a few years since I took hunters ed, but I think that was how they explained it to us. As for me, im not Interested in tickets, g&f officers or paying lawyers so I leave my bow in its case until I park and then walk in.
  11. mattys281

    Road Hunting, Still Illegal

    Its sometimes hard to read people online, but when people mention it, I always take it as sarcasm coming from jokers. I dont think many on here seriously employ this tactic.
  12. mattys281

    $2m well spent.... on deer vasectomies

    Sounds like you need some help. I'll start packing.
  13. mattys281

    $2m well spent.... on deer vasectomies

    Just offer nonres tags for a reasonable price, lots of hunters would drive in for it and spend money at their hotels, restaurants & gas stations. But I guess in nyc its better to piss away millions instead of making millions, as long as you dont hurt anyone's delicate, liberal feelings....
  14. mattys281

    Texas Whitetail Deer

    Hes got some pretty good prices. I like that buck/doe/hog combo. Sounds like fun.
  15. mattys281

    Oh the lows

    You can be undersalted, but you can never be oversalted! Good luck Justin! Keep at it, you'll get him. It's a game of hours, just gotta be there when he shows back up.
  16. mattys281

    New Hunter

    Welcome to the site and good luck on your hunt. I took my first 3 deer out of 24b, it's a great unit. I'm sure you'll have a good time in there.
  17. mattys281

    Help with first archery deer

    This ^^^^ is exactly how simple it is. People have been reading spot & stalk articles about Arizona and about coues & mule deer for so many years that they think it's the only way to hunt. It can be an effective way, no doubt, but it's a much more challenging method than sitting an ambush. If you just want a first deer, and don't really care about antlers, literally all you have to do is find a spot that shows signs of good deer traffic and has good cover for you to hide in and sit tight. I've had to sit for 3 days straight before, but eventually you will get your shot. If you can't sit still that long and you're one of those that always end up meandering around looking for a 'better' spot, than the problem is not your location: it's you. And you've probably got a really long hard road ahead of you before you connect. Good luck to you & keep at it! I rarely sit still and have good success. So there is still hope for the hyperactive I've been fairly successful spot & stalk hunting myself & have gotten a few shots still hunting through heavy timber around meadows. I'm not saying it's impossible or a bad way to go, I think it's a great tactic. I just think that for newbs or guys getting burned out and struggling to get that first archery deer, they should tip the odds in their favor. In my opinion/experience ambush hunts will often give you fewer deer sightings, but the ones you do see will be closer and you'll have more shot opportunities. Again, just my experience having tried it both ways and having failed and succeeded both ways.
  18. mattys281

    Texas Whitetail Deer

    Awesome bucks! Does he own his own hunting land over there or does he hunt on a lease? My retirement plan is to buy 200 acres somewhere with whitetails and turkeys, but I'm not sure where yet. A buddy of mine has turned me on to Kentucky recently, but I know south texas has some affordable land with deer and pigs on it.
  19. mattys281


    +1 Stole the words right out of my mouth. I would've paid to see that! Glad you're alright & nice work on the skull.
  20. mattys281

    Code Red Rip Cord rest issues

    In spite of all the fiddling mine required, after I did get it dialed in so to speak, it was my second favorite drop away I've had (I've used 6-8 different kinds). It just took some fiddling, and unfortunately, the warranty is probably gone after you do the things I did to mine, so if you mess with it and still don't like it, then you're probably stuck with it.
  21. mattys281

    2016 Archery Velvet Muley Down!!

    Congrats on an awesome buck! Man, he's got some nice mass to him. What a trophy!
  22. Im a firm believer in just getting the first one under your belt. Its such a confidence builder. After I killed my first one in 08, I was fortunate enough to get another one in 2009, and then In 2010 I went home empty handed after passing on a couple smaller ones. It was much easier to accept knowing that I didn't get skunked, but rather had made the choice to go home with my tag.
  23. mattys281

    Help with first archery deer

    This ^^^^ is exactly how simple it is. People have been reading spot & stalk articles about Arizona and about coues & mule deer for so many years that they think it's the only way to hunt. It can be an effective way, no doubt, but it's a much more challenging method than sitting an ambush. If you just want a first deer, and don't really care about antlers, literally all you have to do is find a spot that shows signs of good deer traffic and has good cover for you to hide in and sit tight. I've had to sit for 3 days straight before, but eventually you will get your shot. If you can't sit still that long and you're one of those that always end up meandering around looking for a 'better' spot, than the problem is not your location: it's you. And you've probably got a really long hard road ahead of you before you connect. Good luck to you & keep at it!
  24. mattys281

    Help with first archery deer

    Archery hunting deer can be real frustrating in this state. I think you're making a good move trying to pair up with someone more experienced early on, rather than spend a lot of years trying to figure it out on your own.
  25. I've never been too picky. I'll pass up some spikes and forkies if I have lots of days to work with, but any 3 point is in trouble even on opening day. And those same spikes and forkies should start getting worried about noon of the second day.