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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. If you get the opportunity to make it down this winter and want to give it a shot, you're welcome to come and hunt javi's with my daughter and I. I can't guarantee you'll tag one, I'm just a working guy that hunts on the weekends. But there's usually plenty of leftover tags for the unit we hunt and the weather will be much nicer than Ohio in January. That much I can guarantee! I've got enough extra backpacking gear I could set you up for a 3 day haul. We'll hunt Friday afternoon til Sunday afternoon.
  2. mattys281

    How is the elk hunting?

    site does seem quiet. I'm looking forward to some grip & grin pics. Good luck hunters!
  3. mattys281

    Scouting in 24B

    Nice slideshow! I haven't been up to reavis in years, so need to get back up there. Thanks for sharing.
  4. mattys281

    I like the little ones...

    Nice bull congrats!
  5. mattys281


    +1 Id call it a win if I could manage to squeeze in a couple days. Only goal I really have for this year is to get my 15 y.o. daughter a shot at something. Shes a pretty good shot with her bow out to 30 yards and we have a jr. Javelina tag for November so I hope will have an opportunity between that and the late deer season. We've been trying to get it done for a couple years now, but my work schedule has not left us many days to work with. Next year we'll be heading back to Nebraska in the fall, so if we cant get it done in 2016, im sure we will then.
  6. mattys281

    Have Bow Will Travel

    i got there stayed for a bit and then turned around. There was just to many pretty non hunters there. I did find a couple of very good elk spots on the peaks and saw a couple of small bucks, it was just the worst weekend to try it. Kendrick is not one of the peaks, its off by itself quite a ways to the west, almost right between williams and flag, take the park road exit and go north. If you take the trails up the south side, you'll probably have a little company, but nothing like on the peaks. If you take the north side trail (bull basin trail) you'll likely be completely alone. Theres a real nice wallow right on the trail (or there used to be at least). I always thought itd be a great summer time sit for photo hunting velvet bulls, but I never took the time to sit on it. If you're ever over that direction, its worth the hike. A lot different su nce it burned about 15 years ago but still a really cool spot. ive spent a few nights on that mountain, its a good trip.
  7. mattys281

    Have Bow Will Travel

    Right on man, keep 'em coming. I haven't been able to do much of anything outside this year, it's good to at least be able to live vicariously through you guys! 7w is my 2ND favorite unit behind 27. Have you made it up to the to of Kendrick mtn yet? Tops out about 10400 and some change. Awesome hike, with a hundred mile view.
  8. mattys281

    Have Bow Will Travel

    Nice! Awesome country we have here in az.
  9. mattys281

    300 Win Mag

    Thats a sweet looking build. What kind of glass do you plan on topping it with?
  10. mattys281

    Damned coons

    Prescott, verde river at sheeps crossing, and unit 27.
  11. mattys281

    Canyon Lake Flathead and Bluegill

    Wow thats a big cat! Dang impressive!
  12. mattys281

    Buck That Drowned

    That sucks. Deer are pretty strong swimmers, he had to have been in there a while to drown. Terrible way to go.
  13. mattys281

    Monster Montana Bull -- More photos added

    Wow! Monster!
  14. mattys281

    Vandals hit 3C

    Thats sucks. I hope somebody catches them.
  15. mattys281

    Kinetic energy or arrow weight?

    Yes, I am. Just made me wonder, cause I hear most people using around 500 grains for elk. They're entitled to their belief. My belief from personal experience is 12-20" of penetration and you hit all of the important stuff in an elks vital area. Lighter arrows generally mean flatter shooting which lessen one very important variable. I.E Is it 47 yards or 53? That being said, i have switched to a slightly heavier arrow because my practice time is less, they seam to fly a bit better. So if you are hitting where you are aiming at than don't mess with it. This is definitely a variable that should not be overlooked. Even if you range the animal, they can still move a couple yards this way or that way changing the range slightly by the time you put your range finder back in your pocket, click your release on your string, draw and aim. A flatter arrow would be very useful here. For me though, it's a question of balancing accuracy, trajectory, and your own personal shooting ability. I've been shooting compound bows for almost 25 years and am novist level at best. So I like a moderately fast, more forgiving set-up. I intentionally shoot 270-280 fps with an arrow that runs about 12% FOC. For me this is a very forgiving set-up that still hits pretty hard and has a pretty flat trajectory out to 60-70 yards. I can see the gap between my 50 & 60 yard pin is slightly greater than between my 40 & 50 but not much. I've played around with set-ups that were faster, closer to the 300 fps range, but I did not shoot as well with them at 50+ranges. I don't know any real serious competitive field archers, but I've read that these guys often shoot 20% foc or more, due to forgiveness and accuracy, but for them at know yardage a flat trajectory is irrelevant. They don't have to worry about misjudging. You could really drive yourself crazy messing with different arrow recipes, but there is certainly a point of diminishing returns, especially for a working-guy class recreational bowhunter. If you have a good set-up that shoots well and you're accurate with it, I'd leave it be. There's more important things to worry about, like finding animals and learning how to get close to them. Virtually any arrow coming off a 60# bow is sufficient to kill an elk. Remember: women and youth hunters kill lots of them with 250 grain arrows off 25-27" draw length 40# bows! If they can do it with that tackle, than arrow weight and KE is really not a profitable thing to waste your time thinking about when you're pulling 20# more draw weight and shooting a couple extra inches of draw length.
  16. mattys281

    Kinetic energy or arrow weight?

    Ive yet to put one in an elk, but my 380 grain arrows at 278fps are making something like 65#ke and they blow through coues deer mule deer and Nebraska whitetails like they're made out of paper. The only change I'll make before elk hunt is to put on a fb head instead of a mechanical.
  17. Like stated before, its not that far to drive to co. If you absolutely have to hunt elk every year. Now if you like a little variety, you can 100% hunt every year archery deer, archery turkey, archery & general bear, mountain lions and archery javelina. I've never hunted small game in another state so I dont know how we compete there, but ive killed probably 30 cottontails or more with a bow and well over twice that with a .22, and theres a lot of quail and dove here. There is something legal to hunt every day of the year and you can hunt at least 5 different big game species every year. I think this is a great hunting state if you have enough time to take advantage of all the opportunity.
  18. Had to Google it. Ms. Kimberly phillips. I dont care what the issue is, as long as her position on it is reverse cowgirl.... or some variation there of.
  19. Yeah, I know. We just signed a contract to buy another cnc mill. I figure it'll take a year to pay it off, then we'll be shopping for our lot. It would be too much of a hit to our liquid assets to do it now, but that extra machine will turn into some serious gains in the savings plan.
  20. mattys281

    Black Gold Custom Bow Sight

    Sweet sight. Black gold makes some real nice stuff.
  21. mattys281

    The Afro Buck

    And I would name him Lamont. That deer would actually make a fair Napoleon dynamite too, we dont have to pimp him. Dammit, the more I think about it the more I want that deer!
  22. I Googled it and the map shows across from costco on mcdowell. I guess I'll have to go check it out this weekend.
  23. mattys281

    The Afro Buck

    Being admittedly a bit of a smartass and no where close to politically correct, id shoot that buck just so I could stick him on the wall with a couple gold chains and a pair of funkyfresh oversized sunglasses.
  24. we were looking around phoenix, we both aren't a fan of cities so we feel like we'd be in the city traffic/life that we hate. We both grew up in small towns, me a lot smaller than her but we're trying to find towns where it'll feel more like small town living. We're flying over there in january to check out areas near phoenix and the prescott area. I also don't know if I/my lab could do the summer heat lol Id say youre on the right track. I lived in the prescott area for 10 years, and wish I'd never left. Moved down to this hellhole 12 years ago to escape the ex and make more money, but now the wife and I are ready to head back up the hill. We'll be shopping for a lot next summer and plan to start building in 2018.
  25. Ive only been able to draw 2 elk tags in the last 8 years. The last couple years I've put in for early bull 1st and 2nd choice and filled the other choices with late hunts. Still nada. I would not expect to draw a bull tag here every other year, much less every year. Some people have better luck in the elk draw, but not most of the ones I talk to. Take your az tags when you can get them, and drive some where else when you cant.