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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. My recollection of it is that they started cracking down on certain types of content, not because of the content, but because certain people started name calling and being rude and disrespectful to anyone who offered an opinion they didnt like. If youve been censored by anyone, its been by the tiny wang crowd who's delicate little egos just cant accept a different perspective. I own another forum. Amandas is 10x better than mine and I spend more time here than on my own. Shes managed to create an atmosphere that is truly helpful, caring and inspiring to many people. If someone wants to do a poutty faced two year old storm off then go ahead. Its your loss!
  2. mattys281

    Most of this year sucked, until now. Pic Heavy

    +1 So sorry about the loss of your dad and the rough year. Hope the time spent with family and good people helped to find some peace. Congrats on the hunt.
  3. mattys281

    My 2016 tag is filled.

    That's an awesome buck. Nice mass. Congrats!
  4. mattys281

    2016 S. Az coues

    Awesome buck. Congrats!
  5. mattys281

    My 10 year olds first deer

    That's awesome! Congrats to the little man!
  6. mattys281

    Good Start!

    Yeah that's a great start all right! Nice work.
  7. mattys281

    2016 Trail Camera Photo and Video Contest!

    Best coues Not the biggest buck on cam that year, but I always liked this picture. Caught him at just the right time of day to make the flowers and background pop. Not bad for a trailcam pic.
  8. mattys281

    3rd annual fall in CO

    Awesome pics, thanks for sharing. Makes me dang jealous.... and motivated to try to get out more next year!
  9. mattys281


    Happy bday. Hope its a good one.
  10. mattys281

    Tree stands vs. tree saddles

    Sounds like a good plan. I had to tie a pad onto the tree for my knees and the spots we were hunting my buddy had preset with the climbing stick ladder thingies and a 3step system strapped on so you only had to clip onto the prusiks knot and climb up. When you do it, make sure you use 3 steps at the top not just 2, this will allow you to go all the way around the tree if necessary.
  11. He'll definitely be back, unless you spook him out for a few days in a row. Deer have escape route to evade predators, so when it works it only reinforces that they're onto a good system.
  12. mattys281

    In Camp Drinking Beer Right Now

    Awesome, love seeing the first-timers be successful. Congrats to them!
  13. mattys281

    Tree stands vs. tree saddles

    As an added note, the saddle is good for a few hours, but can get uncomfortable. My limit in them was 3-4 hours. For an all day sit I would find a way to use a treestand with a nice hammock style seat.
  14. mattys281

    Tree stands vs. tree saddles

    Tree saddles are very useful for hunting from irregular trees that are hard to put a regular stand in. They are also a great light weight option for pack in hunters. I hunted out of these last fall in nebraska. They take a little getting used to, but are great for being able to move around and keep the tree between you and your game. You can draw behind the tree and then step out to shoot. They also allow for 360 degrees of coverage where as all treestands have a blind spot. I wouldnt give up my climber for the world, but definitely will be adding a tree saddle to the arsenal.
  15. mattys281

    Don't forget to vote

    for the 32 years i haven't see much change. get some glasses then because youre blind if you cant see it. this country is way different than it was just 8 years ago. Id give just about anything to be able to dsagree with you, but I cant. Our poor leadership has lead to at least a 30year regression in racial tension and a general lack of respect for others that I've never seen in my lifetime. Not to mention the villianizing of hardworking people for being successful. the victim mentality and discontentment are spreading like a cancer.
  16. mattys281

    Old Bear 1930-40

    Awesme pic. 'The good ole days'
  17. mattys281

    Don't forget to vote

    Hillary's mother. Mrs Lucifer? Bingo! If that woman is still alive, her uterus needs a very stern talking to.
  18. mattys281

    Don't forget to vote

    Hillary's mother.
  19. mattys281

    Huge price drop on Leica Geovid???

    Sounds like a great deal, but still too rich for my blood.
  20. mattys281

    Pine Donkey Big 50

    Happy birthday.
  21. mattys281

    Kalifornia Deer

    But how can you go to the north east and get to the coast in California? Its simple: california is so far left that even west is nolonger west, unless it feels like being west, but most of the time it feels like it was really meant to be east, even though it was born west. Does that clear it up?
  22. mattys281

    Should you get a tag if you can't read English?

    +1 I've been to half a dozen different countries where I couldnt speak or read the language. Never hunted in any yet, but at some point I think itd be really cool to hunt sheep in Spain or stags in Germany or France. I dang sure wont learn the language, but I will make sure I know the laws if I go.
  23. mattys281

    The rifle is ready

    Yeah, id say thats dialed in. Nice!
  24. mattys281

    Culture or clueless

    Did the bear have a Trump bumper sticker ? No The Donald was not running then. Besides I found better bumper stickers to keep others away. The only thing that goes on my truck are PETA, WWF, the Rainbow Flag, etc. . Now if anybody shows up, even if it just me without the family, I just go tell them " I hope my husband and I don't keep you up with all the grunting tonight." Had several move camp after that.Thats real cute until you try it on a couple of fruity guys that are into that sort of thing and they ask if you're interested in a swap.
  25. mattys281

    Family Strengths

    Welcome to the site & good luck on your hunt. 24b is an excellent unit with a good chance of success and there's some real respectable bucks in there.