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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    Letml new york go next.
  2. mattys281


    Just an awesome whitetail! What part of kansas are you in? Ive got a buddy in Nebraska i started hunting with, dive all the way through kansas up from the Oklahoma panhandle and through dodge city. Real pretty country up in the northern part.
  3. mattys281

    7mm Rem Mag Memorial Build

    Boy thats puuuurdy. Nice build!
  4. a coworker raised a great point the other day. He says, "Have you ever noticed how any campground or national park you go to has signs saying 'Don't feed the wildlife! They'll become dependent on human food and lose the ability to find their own food'. Maybe the Parks department should also run the welfare system..."
  5. I like sheriff joe and have voted for him many times, but yeah, its about time he enjoyed himself and took up building birdhouses or gardening or something. Mayor Giuliani was also mentioned as a candidate for the post. Hed do well too I think. Actually just about anyone has a fair shot in that position now that the white house wont be leaning on them to fast track citizenship paperwork and bringing in more refugees to deal with.
  6. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    If this happens it may help give them a shove in that direction... http://www.azfamily.com/story/33677857/secretary-of-homeland-security-joe-arpaio
  7. mattys281

    Looking for a cause to get behind?

    For reals.. Dont we give them electricity ( APS ) and water ???? I would miss their strawberries though! And their avocados. Now that they stopped the whale shows at seaworld, I just can't think of a single thing in Cali worth the drive to see. Sad part is there's a lot of rural ranching & farming counties in Cali full of good hard working folks, but just not enough to override the liberal sewers they call big cities.
  8. mattys281

    2016 Muley

    Awesome buck! Congrats.
  9. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    A liberal with a cause is about the most angry violent person you could ever come across. It's actually kinda fun to point it out to them too...
  10. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    Sorry BG, but we are all now engaged in the business of making America great again, we can't be having this kinda trash on a hunting site. That's 5 points off you man card. You just picked up 5 points.
  11. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    I cant wait until all these hollywood douches start leaving. I wonder if canadians will be willing to pay them $20-30m to put on costumes and make up and then play make believe that they're somebody else..... and then listen to them piss and moan about how stupid and backwards everyone who doesnt share their liberal views are. I read that theres already protest going on in a bunch of cities. They better get it out of their systems before january, because I have a sneaking suspicion that our brand new potus wont tolerate that crap the way barry does....
  12. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    the epic butthurt was one of the most satisfying things ive seen on tv. Nobody can figure out why blue collar people turned out in force to vote against the socialists??? I guess maybe some of the poll takers should have knocked on a few farmhiuse doors in the fly over states or the houses around mining towns instead of focusing on the blm neighborhoods.
  13. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    Prime example of what's wrong with a popular vote. People should have to go through some kind of qualification process to get a voter registration card. You can't get a drivers license or concealed carry permit without doing a little studying and taking a test, so why is it that every dipshit 18-22 y.o. that's never had a full time job in their life, never paid taxes, and just finished years of indoctrination by a bunch of liberal ahole teachers get to cast a vote on my taxes/economic issues??? And don't get me started on the welfare people. If you're not responsible enough to work, budget, and handle your own finances and pay your own bills, then you dang sure aren't responsible enough to vote. When I'm king of the world, there will be a credit check and iq test required to get that little card.
  14. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    This has to be the shot heard round the world for the political establishment. Working class people sent a very strong message last night: we're tired of your b.s. Washington. I dont think they'll learn, but at least the donald has a few years to stir the pot.
  15. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    Nbc is giving trump utah. Not sure how many that gets him. Im on beer #5, so too busy too look it up.
  16. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    Trump got georgia, 244 electoral votes.
  17. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    We got ya brother. Too important to be out of the loop.
  18. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    Nbc says 228:209, Trump leads.
  19. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    American job searches in Canada have risen significantly. Number of expats turning in their passports has risen during every year of Obama's second term. obama care and capital gains taxes have me real worried. A continuation of obamas b.s. could be catastrophic for my business plans, Its something we're seriously losing sleep over. Im not sure what duties cost to ship goods back i to the u.s., but it may be more than offset with socialized healthcare and an overall lower cost of living. News is reporting a 116% increase in premiums for 2017. Ouch!
  20. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    He'd better. I really dont want to become a canadian.
  21. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    Nbc just gave clinton the entire left coast, shoving her ahead by about 30 electoral votes. Well chit...
  22. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    I wonder where the first riot will be???
  23. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    Itll be interesting. Throughout the midwest its been a strong than expectdd turnout of blue collar whites in the smaller rural counties that keep l ushing him over the top. I know hillary will get cali, but oregon rural counties have a chance of beating portland and I think washington has an even better chance of beating seattle. I dont know the middle of the state, but the eastern side is pretty rednecky. Just what we need.
  24. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    Uhhhmmmmmm..... because they're smart?! They saying on nbc that dow futures are down 600 points. God, I hope it drops some more, I cashed out most of my equities two months ago waiting for this. If it drops to 17500, I'm going in big. Hope you make a pile of cash. They said Mexican pesos have dropped 10%? At 17.5 its still over priced, but there will be a post election rebound. Get in, get your 10% and get out. Then wait for the big drop. Weare long over due for a large ccorrection, but this wont be it.
  25. mattys281

    Election time is upon us

    But he still has not won FL or flipped any blue states. And just lost CO He never had a chance at co or nm. He spent alot of time and money in CO and polls were tight. It seems to me like, politically speaking, colorado is california light, except with bigger mountains. Way to many dirty hippies and libtards in denver for the smaller hunting/ranching towns to overcome. Theres a very valid reason why northern and eastern co. Wanted to split off from denver a couple years ago.