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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    Another backpack hunt

    Congrats on a couple of awesome bucks. Head tap at 820, thats some pretty awesome shooting.
  2. mattys281

    Spandex Mafia

    I can honestly say I've never done it and think its a real dik move. Anybody that checks me out with their scope needs to have their butt checked out with my boot.
  3. no doubt. Have to do something special with a deer that unique. Congrats to the hunter.
  4. mattys281

    Stalked up on him snoozing..

    Wow! Sneaky, sneaky! Nice work.
  5. mattys281

    Spandex Mafia

    You might be right, but you also might be dead right! I have a 15 y.o. with a learners permit. I would give bicyclists the same advice I give her about semis: the laws of physics always trump the laws of traffic. It doesnt matter who has the right of way, give them some extra room.
  6. That's a tough spot to be in, I can understand the frustration. Without knowing either of you two, from what I've read from you it seems like he must enjoy the experience even with his current success rate, or else he probably wouldn't keep going with you. Probably he cares a lot more about the time he gets to spend with his son than he does about killing a deer, although a lot of guys have trouble putting that stuff into words. Maybe rather than try to change him, just plan that there's two types of hunting. 'Dad hunting' with 'our spots' then keep a handful of 'my spots' in your back pocket for when you have the opportunity to hunt alone.
  7. Sounds like one thats really set in his ways. Good luck. Probably the best way to crack that nut is too just sit your but down and start glassing, then when you spot something set up the 'extra pair' of binos you always bring and let him have a look. I took a buddy of mine bowhunting for the first time several years ago down in 33. Hed rifle hunted elk with his old man before, but had never been exposed to the glassing game. Within about 15 minutes I had glassed up a herd of over 20 deer including 3 or 4 bucks chasing each other and does around, so I left the binos set on them and had him sit down behind the tripod. Hed glassed right over them to quickly and hadnt seen a thing. He was pretty blown away that there was that many deer less than 400 yards away and he couldn't see them. Seeing is believing, youll probably have to prove the worth of the system beyond any argument he can form.
  8. mattys281

    Spandex Mafia

    When I first moved down to the valley of the scumNot sure how I feel about this comment.Anybody that hunts and prefers to work for their bread is obviously excluded from it. Anybody that lives with a sense of entitlement, thinks successful people owe their lazy butts something and/or says 'undocumented' where the word 'illegal' should be used is most certainly included in that statement. Which type do you suppose theres more of down here? This place is a prison. Ive got 2.5 years left on my sentence before you see a flatbed full of machine tools heading north. Im counting down the days (still to long to count down minutes ) Dang you must be in the wrong part of the city. All my friends are hunters, co workers are hunters, kids friends love hunting camping, etc. On the other hand i have known plenty of lazy welfare recepients who live in the rural parts of the state Payson Prescott etc and claim they are somehow better than the people in the city who prefer to work for a living. Yeah, I can't disagree with a word of that. I've been very fortunate and have met a lot of great people since I've been down here, more than a couple off this site. I'm having a negative moment I guess. I'm gonna go get a fresh cup of black coffee, change my wet panties, man up and quit crying. There's no time to whine when there's work to be done.
  9. mattys281

    Spandex Mafia

    When I first moved down to the valley of the scum Not sure how I feel about this comment.Anybody that hunts and prefers to work for their bread is obviously excluded from it. Anybody that lives with a sense of entitlement, thinks successful people owe their lazy butts something and/or says 'undocumented' where the word 'illegal' should be used is most certainly included in that statement. Which type do you suppose theres more of down here? This place is a prison. Ive got 2.5 years left on my sentence before you see a flatbed full of machine tools heading north. Im counting down the days (still to long to count down minutes )
  10. mattys281

    Spandex Mafia

    When I first moved down to the valley of the scum I lived only a little more than a half mile from work, so I'd ride my mountain bike a lot. I learned real quick that bike lanes are for idealistic aholes with a death wish. I'll ride a little slower on the sidewalks with the pedestrians.
  11. mattys281

    Balls anyone? Rocky Mountain Oysters!!!

    You're going to eat what now???
  12. Ive not read one specific to desert mule deer, but id check out dwight schuh's 'hunting open country deer'. It has a lot of technique and tactics that are applicable to all open terrain environments. He's written a couple of books and about a million magazine articles. Any thing written by either dwight schuh or larry d jones can be counted as gospel. These guys are a couple of the original hardcore backcountry diy bowhunters/writers from way back when. Cameron hanes and the eastmans also put out some great books, but I've never read anything from them about desert deer. Not saying they havent touched the topic, but their stuff that I've read has all been specifically high country. There was a great book put out buy the north american hunt club about 20 years ago titled 'mastering mule deer' by wayne van zwoll that is very detailed on diet and other info, and also covers all terrain types from desert to above treeline. Not the most interesting to read, but loaded with great information.
  13. mattys281

    You guys are awsome

    Ive hunted cali a couple times, both tries unsuccessful. Got to see some amazing country and spent a few nights backpacking in the ventana wilderness right off the coast. Absolutely awesome country. It is a travesty that a state with so much to offer is so effed up by liberalism. California badly needs a right wing uprising.
  14. mattys281

    You guys are awsome

    Nice buck and bull. Welcome to the site. A lot of good guys in cali that are tired of getting screwed by libtards over and over again. If that is where you're coming from, I cant blame you for wanting to get the heck out. Whether you're from there or not, you picked a great state to retire in.
  15. mattys281

    My Apologizes

    Terrible news about your dad. Work can wait, you take the time you need to heal.
  16. mattys281

    The best part of waking up...

    Nice. My breakfast consisted of coffe and homemade pumpkin rolls. Nectar of the gods!
  17. mattys281

    former member has success

    Congrats to him. Whats he doing these days, still in the bp?
  18. mattys281


    Happy turkey day tony. Hope you have a great holiday with your family and friends.
  19. mattys281

    Unit 27 Rocky Mountain Bighorn

    Amazing ram. Congrats!
  20. mattys281

    Daughter got it done

    Awesome! Congrats to her.
  21. So do you know the sex yet hoghunter? Curious if you're having a mini-mike or a daddy's girl???
  22. Awesome buck! Congrats to them.
  23. mattys281

    My son's second bull (and a dead head)

    Congrats to your son on a fine bull. Congrats to you on raising a good boy that knows how to work. We need a lot more of that.
  24. It seems like every time I log onto this site, I'm continually amazed by the good character of so many of you guys. Congrats to you Hoghunter, there is no greater blessing that you could receive. Your pictures and funny descriptions just made my day.
  25. mattys281

    DOJ suing Denver Sheriff Hiring

    True statement. Heard on the radio yesterday that obama is trying to jam through a bunch of 'national monuments' right before he leaves office, just like clinton did. One of which is the Grand Canyon watershed. One final middle finger and a fond eff-you! to rural america before the divider in chief skulks off back to Chicago.