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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    A 6 year drought is over!

    Congrats on your buck!
  2. mattys281

    Patagonia Flathead

    Looks like a good Christmas meal. Merry Christmas!
  3. mattys281

    "Infidel" with an Edge...

    Nice use of an old file. I toss out a few of those every year when they're dulled up too much to use on metal work. If he want's them, let me know and I'll send them down. Rather see them in knives than a landfill.
  4. mattys281

    Hiking with a gun report

    There is undoubtedly skill and knowledge that leads to tagging an animal, but more than that it's a game of time and persistence. Keep after it, don't get discouraged and it will come together for you.
  5. mattys281

    James Hetfield - Metalica

    They were the top of the "suggested" list when I opened up youtube, so that's what I'm listening to while working now.
  6. mattys281

    Success for a Rookie Coues Hunter

    Awesome buck, congrats to you!
  7. mattys281

    James Hetfield - Metalica

    Theres a growing movement in this country (and other places, Brexit for example) of conservative leaning working class people getting fed up and telling the left to piss-off. The famous people already on this side get very little press coverage, so the more that come out and make a statement the better. I wish he wouldve moved to Arizona instead, but I'll take colorada it gets a big middle finger to san francisco into the news.
  8. mattys281

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to you as well Tony. Hope you and your family are doing good. Take care.
  9. mattys281

    Costly mistake, hunter shoots "-" sheep

    im glad its not that way, $300 isnt enough to detour a lot of people sadly. Im not saying it should be $300 at all. Im saying $32k is waaaaaay out of line to hit an honest guy who owned up to it. If it was a serial poacher, then clean out his bank account and stump-hang the sob if thats what you want to do. I think this kind of b.s. over-adjudication will make a lot of honest guys take the sss road because that kind of 'justice' could spell financial ruin. But at least they let him make payments.....
  10. mattys281

    Out of State Buck

    Congrats on a nice buck! Personal best or not, its the experience and the memories that count the most.
  11. mattys281

    Costly mistake, hunter shoots "-" sheep

    Where does this $32k valuation come from? In az its $300ish for residents and less than $2k for a non res to get a tag. How can you charge somebody that much money for accidentally killing an animal he could legally kill for a fraction of the cost? It did not cost the state an extra $30k to have a game warden drive out there and investigate and to file a couple court docs and give this guy 15 minutes in front of the judge. This is way excessive and this guy got railroaded bad. That'll teach him to be honest with the government. I had a lawyer tell me once, if you shoot an armed man in your home in the middle of the night, you call me first and the police second.
  12. mattys281

    how bout scrapes??

    Last mule deer I shot was sniffing my pee from the day before. I always wiz over the side and have never seen anything spook from it. Apparently they like Blue Moon flavored pee.
  13. mattys281

    Merry Christmas

    Merry christmas everyone. Be safe and make it home to your loved ones.
  14. mattys281

    how bout scrapes??

    There is a whole bunch of synthetic scents available now. I asked some of the whitetail gurus on missouriwhitetails.com about them a while back and got mixed reviews. I don't know if they help, but I don't think they will hurt, so I'm trying it this year. I usually find scrapes in saddles and flatter areas where deer tend to bunch up and spend some time. I've tried hanging cameras on them before and even putting one of those drippers on one a few years ago, but haven't found them to be a real hot spot for buck pictures through late December or January, but that's only based on a couple tries. Bottom line is I usually find them in spots where deer tend to spend time anyway, so if you find one or more in a 'deery' kinda spot, it's probably worth hanging out there for a while.
  15. mattys281

    Decoys for Coues?

    I tried the blow up model 'ms november' a couple years ago and it cost me 3 suot opportunities in 2 days. Every deer that sa it ran away. I had mine set up in the standing position. I think it was just too unnatural for them to see a deer standing there perfectly still. I've been meaning to try it again but in a bedded down position. I think that may turn on the curiosity and be less unnatural looking.
  16. mattys281

    One day to hunt, one bull and one arrow

    Awesome bull! Congrats.
  17. mattys281

    Sundowner Guide Service

    He does look muleyish, but either way its an outstanding deer. Id love that opportunity!
  18. mattys281

    Mountain Lion Kills Deer on Porch Video

    That's what the rocket scientist voters of cali get for banning the management of an apex predator in a state where the urban sprawl is constantly expanding into said predators range. Brilliant! There should be an IQ test required to get a voter registration card.
  19. mattys281

    South Texas Whitetail

    Awesome Texas whitey! Congrats!
  20. mattys281

    Asking a Christmas Favor ...

    +1 I've hired 3 or 4 different guys off this site for various jobs and bought & sold with probably a dozen or so. Never met one that wasn't as good as their word. Pretty rare group of people congregated around this site.
  21. mattys281

    Got it done Monday...all day!

    Awesome buck, congrats!
  22. mattys281

    Nebraska Whitetail

    It is hard to beat. That little 6 pt nebraska buck I shot last year wasn't just the best tasting deer I ever had, it was some of the best tasting meat period! Can't wait to go back. Congrats on your buck rem300.
  23. mattys281

    thanksgiving buck

    Awesome buck! One like that HAS to hang on the wall. Congrats Elkhunter.
  24. mattys281

    Walking the Streets of buckeye!

    I drove through it the last couple times I went to Yuma. It gives off a little bit of a 'methy' vibe, but not nearly as bad as some of the other small towns in our deserts.
  25. mattys281

    Poaching person of interest photos

    You're right of course, back on point everybody.