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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    First Javelina

    Congrats on your javi.
  2. mattys281

    Threaded barrel/ suppressor question.

    I'm quite a ways away from you, but if you're on the west side of town for any reason you can bring it to my place and I can gage it and tell you exactly what the thread is.
  3. mattys281

    Ram oil change

    I don't work on other people's vehicles, but you're more than welcome to drive your truck and your 30 pack over here and talk about 6a for a while. I'm a great listener....
  4. mattys281

    Ram oil change

    If you pay peanuts, you have to work with monkeys. You guys are braver than me, I wouldnt trust walmart to rotate the wheels on a skateboard much less something I'll be driving 80mph in.
  5. mattys281

    Revolver Javelina- tribute to Mom

    Those first day kills are always bittersweet. Congrats on your pig with mama's gun. Im sure shes smiling down on you.
  6. mattys281

    wolves in town

    Ive only seen them once but the size was right in line with what you're saying. I was surprised that they were so small, not at all like the big ones you see pictures of from up north. Kinda long legged and a bit gangly looking. I can see how people could mistake them for coyotes from a distance, but theyre pretty easily distinguishable up close.
  7. mattys281

    Our best deadhead yet

    Wow, that boy's wide! Rack looks like an old one on the down hill slide.
  8. mattys281

    wolves in town

    Its only illegal if you get caught right? Haha but in all seriousness yes the penalties are severe so make sure you cover up all the evidence Thers not much that a nice size stack of pine logs, a couple gallons of diesel fuel and a 99 cent bic lighter wont cover up.
  9. mattys281

    Son's first coues.

    Congrats on his first deer! Outstanding coues buck!
  10. mattys281

    Men who stare at sheep

    Always room for a couple more hunting-nuts. Welcome to both you gents. I've found that hunting people are often the most generous and caring souls you could find.
  11. mattys281

    Snow in the Ditch

    Doug, you sure get some good ones. Thanks for always sharing with us, it is appreciated.
  12. mattys281

    PSE Carbon Air Bow

    Lightest bow, and also the best looking carbon bow on the market in my opinion. I know if it shoots good, looks shouldnt matter, but without mentioning any names, some of those other carbon bows hoyt my eyes just looking at 'em. I was eye raping one of these at ross a couple months ago and the guy asked me if I would like to shoot it? I replied "NO!" And ran out of the store like a scared little girl before my debit card had a chance to jump out of my wallet. That thing is so light and has such a nice grip and feels so good in the hand, I knew if it shot just as good id risk the divorce for buying 'another new bow?!' Good luck on your sale.
  13. mattys281

    Hunting the Old Way

    Wow! Just awesome. You are an animal!
  14. mattys281

    Some pics from my hunt

    Awesome buck and that looks like some real pretty country you're in. Congrats!
  15. mattys281


    Dang, thats a big ole tom! I think you can forget the rug, that guys big enough to make a blanket out of. Congrats!
  16. Good luck buddy. Hope its a biggin that shows himself first.
  17. mattys281

    An Awful Anniversary

    Wow! Cant believe its been that long. My 3rd grade class was watching it when it happened. Awful.
  18. mattys281

    Ammo Ban on Federal Lands

    Not surprising. What a douche.
  19. mattys281

    Backup Bow Saves January

    Awesome buck. Congrats!
  20. mattys281

    Wage Increase Trickle Down

    100% agree. Its a bad deal and real groin punch for everyone that either has or aspires to 'climb the ladder'. If I live to be 100, I'll still never understand how people feel entitled to demand things from someone that gives them a voluntarily held position.
  21. Was talkin to a buddy on the phone a couple years ago and asked him what he had going on for the weekend? He says, "Not much. I'll probably head up to Scottsdale and do a little hoggin Saturday night." I say, "ohh, you like a little meat with your potatoes, ehh?" He says,"well, you know, I like to have a nice breakfast on Sunday morning, and I figure those hefty gals must know how to cook...." We men are incredibly simple creatures. For the life of me, I'll never understand how women cant figure us out.
  22. mattys281

    The new boarder wall

    Watch reruns of the 3 stooges? Pretty much the same thing anyway, isn't it?
  23. Dont know, but it definitely qualifies for 'awesome'. Killing a deer on my own land would be a dream come true.
  24. mattys281

    The new boarder wall

    Then trumpster can throw them on the list of people that cant visit american, right there with iraq, syria, and all those 'stans'. They pose an immediate threat to america.... by spreading stupid. That crap is contagious.
  25. mattys281

    This is merica!

    No pictures?! Thats just mean, man!