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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. That buck has 4 points more than he would need to wear my tag in december. Hes a fine deer, you should be proud of him. Congrats!
  2. mattys281

    Anybody want to hunt 23 HAM on Thurs. the 16th?

    Ive called them back with a jackrabbit predator call too.
  3. Keep em comin. Great memories!
  4. mattys281

    Cousin's December tag

    Too cool! Congrats to him.
  5. mattys281

    Locked up mule deer?

    No doubt. Probably die from exhaustion/stress stuck to someone you hate. Like being chained to your exwife....
  6. mattys281

    Personal preference?

    THAT is exactly the kind of buck I've been dreaming of since I started bowhunting. Perfect specimen of a mature typical mule deer.
  7. Maybe you could contact them directly through their website? If the data was used for promotional purposes, I would think theyd be happy to distribute it.
  8. mattys281

    Personal preference?

    Id go wider. But heres another question, lots of junk or nice clean typical frame? Some of the gnarly ones can be impressive, but I dont think theres a more beautiful mount than a nice clean 4x4 with deep forks, good eye guards and a 25-30" spread.
  9. mattys281

    Feral Pig Eradication

    Deficit? What defict?! Just another brilliant move by the government. Man, I cant wait to write that check in april and see my tax dollars go right to work on chit thats really important.
  10. mattys281

    Steve Shooks - dedicated hunter passed away

    Always sad to lose a good one. RIP Mr. Shooks.
  11. mattys281

    Spring Rains - Great Yr. for our Wildlife

    Great year for antlers and going to be an outstanding year for small game and birds I think. Quail dove rabbits and squirrel populations dont need much encouragement to explode, I think the snow up high and the rain down here ought to do it.
  12. mattys281

    Great grandfather's hunting rifle

    Awesome... Please please please post pics These are his war trophies that I have. My aunt has a nice double edged knife with the eagle grasping a swastika emblem on it that was carried by the SS. and, as stated, his long guns were sold off per the boss's order decades ago. Granny didn't like guns in the house.
  13. mattys281

    Great grandfather's hunting rifle

    Nice bits of family history. Very cool. I have a box in my closet with a couple pistols grandpa brought home from germany in wwII. No long guns though, grandma made him get rid of those so he hid the pistols.
  14. mattys281

    Feds going hog wild stupid in Havasu

    At least they shoot them here in az. In ny theyd be giving vasectomies to the boy piggies and oral contraceptives to the girl piggies, and teaching all the little piggies that even though they look like a boy piggie if they feel like a girl piggie than they can be one if they want to be, and other little piggies still have to like them, and if theyre unhappy at all about anything its all trumps fault.
  15. mattys281

    YOU - Huntress Success

    That's just too cool! Congrats to both young ladies. Love seeing those kids get out & get it done!
  16. mattys281

    Coues euro mount is back

    sweet looking mount.
  17. mattys281

    Hunting with Glocks and non hunting pistols(pics page 2)

    Only magazine requirements in the state are for migratory game birds. I mistakenly thought that the 5-round mag limit they used to have for semiautomatic rifles was for all semi-auto weapons. I went back through the regs as far as 2010 and can't find it anywhere though. Guess it's not a change, I was just ill informed.
  18. mattys281

    Hunting with Glocks and non hunting pistols(pics page 2)

    What are the rules pertaining to autoloading pistols? Is there a magazine capacity rule or something? There's been a couple times the last few years that I carried my 9mm due to concerns over bear (or other large critters that aren't really supposed to be here) and had an opportunity at a real close range coyote shot (about 10 ft.) and some small game, but I thought it would be illegal to shoot them with my pistol. Guess I need to keep abreast of rule changes a little better.
  19. mattys281


    My lab is the best dog I've ever had in the family. Only negative is she incredibly shy around strangers. We tried socializing her and taking her out when she was a pup, but just never warmed up to people she doesn't know. That having been said, she's an incredible family dog and great with our little kids. Shes turning 7 this year so we'll be shopping for another pup in the next few months so she can start training her successor. Dang good breed.
  20. mattys281

    delete please

    No problem at all. Share some pics when you're done though.
  21. mattys281

    delete please

    Made contact - delete please.
  22. mattys281

    What Not to Do on a Javelina Hunt

    We've all done stupid stuff, the real idiots are the ones that have to make the same mistake more than once before they finally get it. Glad you guys are alright.
  23. mattys281


    Mine ate the control wiring on my ac units, but never really much other than that. She's retarded in other ways...
  24. mattys281

    Any motorcycle guys want to help me win a contest???

    Thank you sir, appreciate the help. I had an old shaft drive Yamaha years ago. It was nice, but not near as fun as twisting the grip on a sport bike and feeling the front wheel come up. Boys and their toys...
  25. This is a contest to be a 'test rider' for a day for this start up motorcycle company. My company did some of the prototype work on the drive train for this thing, and as much as I'm not a big fan of v-twins, I'd love to throw the thing around for a while since we worked on it. this link is personalized for me, so it automatically reenters me 3x for every person that signs up through my link. The answer to the question on the entry is: New York City http://www.vanguard.nyc/giveaways/testrider/?lucky=295