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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    Tucson, gotta keep a Camera ready...

    I had hoped to meet you again someday and maybe have a beer... now I owe you a punch instead. I don't think 'wtf' is strong enough for that.
  2. mattys281

    Hunting has Changed for the Worst...

    Well I have been hunting in AZ since 77 and have never come across that. I have seen it once, bull elk in 27. It was decomposed to the point I could in know way be certain it was poached for its antlers and left, could've been some one found the carcass and cut them, but since it was only about 150 yards from the road my guess would be that it was poached for antlers. That's the only one I've found though in almost 25 years and having hiked what must be a few thousand miles by now and glassed god knows how many hours and drove what seems like about a million miles on forest roads. It seems like there's a common consensus here against social media and there's a real easy solution for that: turn it off. I can't imagine a less productive use of time than facebooking anyway. It's kind of sickening how many 'adults' spend their precious free time on that thing, although I have to say I'm actually glad that they do. The last thing in the world that I want is for 50 million people to suddenly turn into motivated workaholics and start to compete against me for success. Better for them to stay lazy, unmotivated and easily distracted. That makes for a much easier race to win.
  3. mattys281

    Show low fishing

    We were up in Greer from last Friday til this Tuesday. Rain, thunder & lightning every afternoon. Good times!
  4. mattys281

    Coues population in 37B?

    I lived in superior for 4 years. Viper nailed it. They're there in some pockets, but it's not a primo coues unit.
  5. mattys281

    August Plan A - Pic Heavy

    That's the kinda spot you want to make sure you bring a video camera to. If nothing else, you should have a good time filming critters
  6. mattys281

    Mule deer growth

    I haven't got any good trail cam pics yet this year, but we laid eyes on a couple dandies last weekend up in the high country. Bucks are looking good and bulls are looking phenomenal. With a couple months left to grow (for deer at least) it's looking like a good year to me.
  7. mattys281

    Happy BirthDay FirstCouesWas80

    Happy birthday. Hope it was spent with family and good friends.... or cold beer and naughty girls.... Or... better yet... all of the above
  8. mattys281

    Dead head found this weekend scouting for Elk hunt

    Man, he looks maaaaaaaaaaaaaad! Nice pics.
  9. mattys281

    Hunting has Changed for the Worst...

    What hasn't changed for the worse in this country? I don't know if things are really that much different from when I was a kid or if I'm just getting more aware of it as I get older, but I can't read a single 'news' article or go to the grocery story or even drive to work without bumping into enough rude, obnoxious freak show people to make me think the whole dang world has gone insane
  10. mattys281

    Giant coues/confused muley

    Looks all muley to me too. Nice find!
  11. mattys281

    Lets see your best

    I remember the story. That little deer is a big trophy.
  12. mattys281

    Thanks Axisworks

    Expensive rifles and peckers.... always the same stuff around here!
  13. mattys281

    Memorable Shots

    My most memorable shot is my worst one. A 32 yard chip shot at a little spike buck that was staring right at me. That deer did a complete 180 turn in the time it took my 280 fps arrow to cover 32 yards and turned an otherwise well executed shot into the crappiest day I ever had hunting. Only deer I ever lost. To top it off I'd completely missed a nice 6 point two hours earlier that was also alert and also had jumped the string. A hard lesson on shot selection but it's one I remember every time there's a deer in front of me.
  14. mattys281

    Thanks Axisworks

    So for $200 does he get two regular sized ones or one double sized?
  15. mattys281

    Most Memorable Coues

    I think my first coues is still the most memorable. There was a few more days of season left, but I was leaving in a couple days to head over seas for a couple weeks, so it was my last day to hunt. I'd blown a couple opportunities already, so I was happy to have another crack at a deer. I had hiked about 1-1/2 hours in to one of my favorite spots and was setting up a decoy to give that a try when I looked up and saw this little buck watching me from up the hill. I was already kneeling, so I put an arrow on the string, ranged him, thought it over.... ranged him again and decided to take the shot. 78.5 yards from me knees. That's been my longest kill shot and longest pack-out both so far. I hope to never break either of those records. That 1.5 hour hike in took about 3.5 going out. Agonizing! Every step it felt like my leg muscles were about to jump right off the bone. I did it 20 steps at a time, then stop & rest. Pack weighed in at 80 lbs when I got home, but it was heavier than that at the beginning when I still had all my water. Small deer, but a big way to wrap up a tough season. I'll take it.
  16. mattys281

    Lets see your best

    Sure are a lot of awesome bucks on this thread, but if I had to pick my ideal dream buck it'd pretty much look just like yours. I can appreciate the deer with lots of junk and the freaky massive ones, but I think your buck is a perfect example of a beautiful tall tined nice symmetrical rack. That's just an awesome trophy to have on the wall.
  17. mattys281

    Lets see your best

    Best one so far
  18. mattys281

    Hot weather coues shed

    I'm the world's worst shed hunter, but have been running some trail cams in the same spots for years and see pictures of the same coues bucks over & over again, year after year, plus seeing them in the same saddles and bowls over & over again. If he was there to drop that shed, I'd bet every dime I have that he'll show up on that same hillside again unless he's gone for a ride in somebody's truck already. The only question is when......
  19. mattys281

    Playing the Slots

    Amazing work, as always. Thanks for sharing!
  20. Sorry, those are all still being used.
  21. This compressor is about 3 years old. Bought from Lowes in October of 2014 for around $900. Currently does not have power to it, but it was still running when I unplugged it about 6 months ago. I was keeping it for a back-up, but I'm getting ready to buy some more equipment so I need all the floor space I can get. Thanks. Matt Call 602-908-2931
  22. 220 1ph Motor sticker says 208-230v 1ph 22.0 amps
  23. mattys281

    Happy Birthday WHT_MTNMAN

    Happy birthday
  24. To early in the game for that kind of talk. Some guys only come on line periodically or when it's closer to hunting season. Just keep bumping this to the top for a couple months, your odds of success will get better as we approach hunting season. Good luck I hope you find it.