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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    So I know some ladies

    Well I believe since we have the rights of assembly and free speech a group of friends ought to be able to gather and discuss pretty much whatever they want. Just make sure you’re not putting one of your guns in the hands of a felon and you’re probably alright. I wouldn’t be worried.
  2. mattys281

    My Boys First Coues Bucks 2 for 2...

    +1 that's awesome! Congrats to them, that is very cool to double.
  3. That's one impressive haul Yotebuster. Nice work!
  4. mattys281

    Sonora Fishing 12-10

    Nice! Looks like fun. You fishin all day and hoggin all night? We need some more pictures
  5. mattys281

    WTF is up with some hunters

    Just leave it unplugged this thread is all about dribbling
  6. mattys281

    Daughters First Bull

    Sounds like an incredible young lady. Congrats to her and good job parents!
  7. mattys281

    Up and coming taxidermist

    Wow they look great! Good for him.
  8. mattys281

    A season for the books

    An adventure in the wild with Dad, that's the best stuff there is.
  9. mattys281

    Wont anybody do anything about the lack of rain?

    No worries, I'm on it.
  10. mattys281

    2 for 2 in 6a and a last day surprise bull

    Congrats to you guys! Nice work.
  11. mattys281

    7E - Tag Soup

    ^^^^ This is it. If you did all you could do, then you go home with some good memories and be thankful for the time in the woods, which is it's own reward.
  12. mattys281

    Not what I wanted to see

    Exactly my thought too. I've gotten dozens of cats on cam and never seen an area shut down because of it. I've had lions on cam over night, then had deer on the same cam a few hours later, but every spot I have is variable based on the time of year. My summer spots aren't worth poop during the rut & some of my rut spots seem pretty desolate during the august hunt.
  13. mattys281

    ISO bow for teenager

    i bought a stinger for my 16 y.o. daughter this year as she had out grown her old Parker youth bow. Very nice shooting little bow for the price. She shoot's out to 40 yards with it pretty well. Plenty of steam, even at 33# draw weight.
  14. mattys281

    WTF is up with some hunters

    Sounds like they were polite and on their way in before you ever showed up. Can’t see how they did anything wrong. I wouldn’t change my plans for the morning just because somebody blew by me on a dirt road
  15. Good stuff. Thank you for sharing with us!
  16. mattys281

    2017 113” Youth Coues

    Awesome buck and last years was nice too! Good for you, congrats!
  17. mattys281

    Jojo's last day buck

    Very cool! Congrats and way to stick with it!
  18. Congrats to you guys! Sure looks like a great season
  19. mattys281

    Wheelchair Van

    Looks pretty clean. Interested in any trades?
  20. So sorry to hear what your little girl is going through. Best wishes for her, you and your family.
  21. mattys281

    Filled a couple tags

    Nothing wrong with a freebie now and then. Congrats to both of you!
  22. mattys281

    My 44BN ram

    That’s one awesome ram! Congrats to you.
  23. mattys281

    3 generations hunt

    Good luck mulepacker. Hope you and the family have a safe and memorable hunt. Can't wait for the picks, you guys always do it up right!
  24. mattys281

    No tag soup for me!

    Congrats to you! Nice coues buck.
  25. mattys281

    Which trophy is a greater accomplishment?

    IMO trophy hunting has some very big pluses for hunting overall. People voluntarily going home empty handed while waiting for a biggin keeps success rates lower which in turn allows for greater tag allotment and for an otc archery hunt. I think it’s pretty admirable that some people are disciplined enough to let deer after deer walk by in the pursuit of something special. Good for them. However, they should not take their personal standards and use them as a soap box from which they can look down on the rest of us. We each get to set our own standard and it doesn’t make anybody a lesser hunter or person for shooting a smaller deer. Some people are new to the sport and just excited to be successful, some people have disabilities that physically limit them, some have lack of time, and some just enjoy the meat and don’t really give a crap about the antlers. All are entitled to harvest whatever fate allows and their own personal standards accept. I love seeing the pics of people with their first kills sitting there grinning ear to ear while holding a spike or little forky in their hands. That enjoyment and excitement is the best part of the sport.