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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. Okay, I'll give it to you that you might be right about the big one. The little one is just over powered, he doesn't have a chance, the poor guy.
  2. Taking behaviors that animals use to demonstrate both dominance & submission & turning that into homosexual animals is ridiculous. I've got two male dogs that routinely try to hump anything that'll sit still, that doesn't make them gay. It makes them dogs establishing a pecking order. And if you read that article, you'll notice that the only "sources" quoted were people direclty associated with the exhibit. This is another example of a couple of people that are either a.) gay or b.) sympathetic to gays and grasping for anything that looks viable to support their cause. As I said, there is only one species of mamal that exhibits true homosexual lifestyle, and that's people. Matt S.
  3. mattys281

    Bass Pro Shop

    It costs me a bunch of extra time in the car, but if I need something I can't find at SW then I usually drive right past that place on my way to Cabelas.
  4. At the end of the day, I really don't care what people do in their bedrooms, as long as they don't break any laws. heck, if I could swing it, I'd be crawling between the sheets with 2 or 3 asian gals varying in age from 18-23, but that's just me. Possibly a brazilian thrown in once or twice a month. What bothers me is that these people choose to live an unnatural lifestyle & not only boisterously proclaim it, thus forcing the rest of us to deal with it, but expect the entire population to look the other way & say, "It's what they like so that makes it okay." To qualify my point of view, when I say unnatural, that is based on science, not religion or morality. I'm not a religious person, so I won't even broach the morality issue, but based soley on science I have to ask, show me one other mamilian species that also uses this practice? There isn't one. Period. As stated earlier, if there was, natural selection would have longs since eliminated those few from the population.
  5. Because the majority of the population is sexually, racially, religiously, commonsenseuously biased, therefore throwing it into litigation with the court system thanks to groups like the ACLU, Sierra Club.....and the likes........for those of us to stand up and say any different would get us thrown in jail for expressing out opinion on the matter. I caught a program on tv a couple weeks ago on one of the Christian channels where they were doing a documentary on religous small business owners who'd been screwed by these people in court, both civil & criminal. One guy owned a small printing shop & had a gay feller pop in there wanting him to print a couple thousand flyers for an upcoming rally. After reviewing the original, the print shop owner said sorry, but he can't take the job. The gay guy asked why & he explained that he believed in Jesus Christ & that as a follower of his, he believed that homosexuality was a sinful lifestyle and he could not contribute to promoting it. 2 days later he was served with papers and sued for discrimination. A jury of his peers ordered him to pay the gay man over $50,000, which, if my memory serves me, put the guy out of business. In addition to that, after winning a civil suit, the gay organization that this person was affiliated with then pressed criminal charges under the hate crime laws up there (this was in Canada, don't remember which province). At the airing of the show, his criminal case was still pending. So much for the right to refuse service to any one for any reason. I don't know Canada's constitution very well, but I don't think a case like that would fly in the U.S. On the other hand, though, his "peers" down here probably would have awarded the gay guy a million bucks instead of $50k. Matt S.
  6. What I find interesting is that I've read that anonymous polls show that the majority of people don't believe that homosexuality is a natural lifestyle or should be socially acceptable, yet some how or another as a group the gay community still keeps managing to get whatever the heck they want?! How can the majority of the population feel a certain way, yet keep getting out-voted by the minority?
  7. mattys281

    My girls filled their bull tags

    Congrats to you & your youngin's. Those are some great bulls. When's the BBQ? Matt S.
  8. mattys281

    Is every one ready

    About 17 hours left in this work week & man is that clock starting to drag it's feet. GET MOVIN STUPID CLOCK!!!!
  9. mattys281

    whats a karp?

    For big, dumb deer, they've been dang good at alluding my arrows. Of course, that's fixin to change here in about 3 days.
  10. mattys281

    How are the crowds?

    I'll be humping in about 5 miles to my first campsite Thursday afternoon & don't expect to see another person for the next five days. It all depends on where you go & how you get there. Matt S.
  11. mattys281

    How many days in the field?

    I checked the 51-60, but think I'm probably higher than that. Haven't kept track that closely, but I logged 10 days on my Aug deer hunt by itself & due to where I live, I'm usually hiking & checking cameras a couple times a week (or at least I was before the days got so dang short). I've spent more time in the field in the last two years than I did in the ten years before that. I'm a much happier person for it & the GF has learned to accept that it is what it is. Matt S.
  12. mattys281

    Best Companion Pics

    I've got a small zoo at my house, but here's a couple that were conveniently located on my pc at work. This is Floppy, my TV companion, although neither of us can make it through a whole movie. We also both drool & snore, a perfect match. This is Pedro, my mexican king snake (yes, he was named after Napolean's friend). He was twenty inches when we got him about 3 years ago, but is now around 4 ft. He's a much better hunter than I am, no mouse is safe in his presence. I've seen him take out three simultaneously. Had one in the mouth & coiled with his front end, while there was another being squeezed by his midsection & a third that had already been squeezed was pinned down with his tail.
  13. mattys281

    black coues deer

    Saw a white muley doe once, but never heard of a black one. Good mission for you Casey: track down that mount, take pic, then post.
  14. mattys281

    Baby on the way....

    What a pretty boy. Congrats on the new addition to the family. Matt S.
  15. I have the one by Ockenfels (the annotated bibliography, is that the one you mean?) & have been meaning to pick up the other. One of the best hunting vids I've seen was Rocky Mountain Mule Deer. The first half had nothing to do with hunting, but was a great documentary on muleys & then in the second half they showed three hunts, one of which was a bowhunt by my hero, Dwight Schuh. Great video, but I've yet to find some where that I can buy it. Seems that it's no longer in circulation. I wish they'd make a coues video like that. Matt S.
  16. I've only seen the Extreme Coues one & frankly didn't care for it. If you're into big horns, they shoot some monsters, but it didn't have much educational value. Just a collection of a bunch of kill shots.
  17. They do lotsa turtle hunting over on MonsterMuleys. Some even have 15" bases Wouldn't being challenging for me. Have a pretty big one floating around in my laundry room, right across from the snakes & bearded dragon. He does like to bite, though, so maybe it woudn't be so simple...
  18. mattys281

    Is every one ready

    I'm ready. Been chomping at the bit since Sept, thank God it's finally here!!! What wilerness are you packing into? I'm hitting the Pinalenos in Dec. & then either the Mazatzal or Galiuro in Jan, depending on what happens in Dec. Good luck all you stick flingers & late season rifle guys! Matt S.
  19. I will try to work in a "whoop'in stick" a couple times next season, to keep you from feelin silly.
  20. mattys281

    Million dollar whitetail

    It's too hard to determine what is "free range". Such a term is subject to evey different persons interpretation. Some people think a thousand acres w/ no wire is enough to be free range & others think that 10,000 wouldn't be enough. I think the record keepers should make it simpler; a class for public land animals & a different class for private land animals. There's much less room to argue over ownership. Matt S.
  21. Don't know if you require anyone with machining, or manufacturing engineering experience over there, but my resume is available upon request! Great pics, thanks for sharing. Matt S.
  22. "Carp" is the one I don't get. A nice tall racked 4x4 muley is one of the most attractive trophies a guy can get, in my opinion. Don't get comaring them to a trash fish. I've never hunted deer with a rifle, but I can say that I haven't exactly found muleys to be a push-over with a bow.
  23. I'd avoid the .019 fibers, due to them being much more fragile than the .029. If you shoot 3" groups at 100 yards (like someone on here we all know, ) then you need the small pins, but if you shoot a more modest group like the rest of us mere mortals, I don't think the benefits of the small diameter wire offset the lack of ruggedness, especially given the crap terrain that I usually end up in. I use the Cobra Sidewinder 5 pin (.029 of course) & think it's a great sight. It's also much lighter than the Spot Hog & others mentioned. Spot Hog's can drive nails alright, because they're as heavy as a hammer and may be an good substitute for a ball-peen. Why buy a Black Ice which is a super light bow (3.8 lbs!) & then load it down with heavy accesories? As for the rest, I use a NAP Quiktune 2000 drop away. Again, the deciding factor here is ruggedness. It uses a steel cable instead of a braided cord to raise the launcher, so it is virtually indestructible, no matter what kind of crap you hunt in. & if you're truck gets stuck, you can use that steel line to tow it out. Ok, it's not the tough, but almost. Matt S.
  24. mattys281

    Did anyone notice?

    Just another example of the majority getting hosed by a vocal few who can't shut the heck up & look the other way when they see something they don't like. Welcome to the United States of Liberalism. Holiday Tree.... don't suppose he (our Governor) specified which holiday it was for?
  25. mattys281

    Rain Gear

    Well the advertisement for that Sitka Gear said that they "walk dry" quickly, even in cold temps. Don't know what difference walking makes vs. hanging, but they sure didn't hang dry quickly. I doused my pants & 90% jacket w/ the hose & hung 'em out on the from porch. Checked every 15 minutes for an hour & a half & they were still wet, so I let them hang overnight. Inside of the jacket was still a little damp this morning. Of course it was 72% humidity & down into the 50's in Superior last night too, according to the Wheather Channel website. I'll wait to see how the perform this Dec. before announcing myself the victim of another marketing ploy. Matt S.